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Everything posted by BillStime

  1. Integrity means absolutely nothing to the cult.
  2. Why do the gays love the dems so much ? Because they are not out to erase them…
  3. lmao - lied? How so? I provided the verbiage right from the fkn bill, Ditz. KEN24230 (senate.gov) 8 ‘‘(4) A mechanism for users to take an assess9 ment through the website and provide consent to use the user’s contact information, which the Secretary 11 may use to conduct outreach via phone or email to 12 follow up with users on additional resources that 13 would be helpful for the users to review. WHERE IS THE INFO GOING, DITZ?
  4. Ditz - no one is deleting anything. Keep spinning.
  5. You’re welcome, Ditz. Glad I could provide the detail you said doesn’t exist.
  6. You really think Gilead is creating a glorified fking Google? Are you that pathetic?
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