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Beck Water

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Everything posted by Beck Water

  1. I did, but I didn't start off "Not to do this then (proceed to do this)" It's a nit of mine. If you want to do it, Do it; don't say you won't, then do it anyway.
  2. Seems like a good place to link this in Good watch for the bye week My summary: Dorsey is using Diggs on short "gift" routes or on the option routes Beasley used to run, putting him in the slot about 1/3 of the time. Diggs deep targets are down, but his YAC are way up.
  3. "Not to rehash the McKenzie drop but (proceeds to rehash the McKenzie drop)"
  4. I don't think that's true. I've seen the crap posted here when various "humble guys whose demeanor and play looked focused" make gaffes, or just don't play well enough
  5. Crowder is on IR with a broken ankle They haven't said it's season ending, but it's not too likely he's back in 4 weeks
  6. Don't get sucked in 1) look up when all these occurred 2) were they punt returns or kickoffs, answer mostly punt returns (so observe, fumbles on punt returns count when it's bad) 3) has TD on punt return, 84 yds (so TDs on punt returns don't count when it's good) (there were a couple others called back by penalty) Not arguing for or against McDermott's roster decisions, but can detect the scent of agenda in the air Difference between guys who share a locker room/team ragging on each other and giving each other crap (and yeah, Hyde dished it right back with McKenzie's concussion), and fans who claim to be here for amusement crapping on a player and omitting any + contributions, because it makes them feel big or important or whatever it is it does for them. FTR, I haven't complained or whatever, people choose how they present themselves, that's on them. I've tried to put some content in here, but at this point it's likely foolish. Peace out.
  7. Brady seems to be several feet ahead of the other guys. He's positioned so he looks taller than all the others. In reality he's slightly taller than Mahomes and Rodgers, and shorter than Josh. Make no mistake, though, Rodgers pulled it out at the end of the Match to win, and he'd like nothing better than to whip Josh's ass on the football field Sunday week.
  8. https://www.latimes.com/sports/story/2022-10-21/nfl-week-7-sam-farmer-josh-allen-buffalo-bills LA Times interviews a bunch of people
  9. Here's a story: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/bills-mafia-rallies-around-bills-fan-following-a-family-tragedy The family is from Sherman, NY which is near Chautauqua. Girl spent 100 days in hospital in Pittsburgh, her brother 155. And she likely has a long road ahead of her as does he. I had the chance to attend a talk by a gentleman named John O'Leary, who was severely burned in an accident involving a gasoline can. He managed to survive being burnt on almost 100% of his body and then thrive - graduate from a good university, marry, raise kids, earn a living, and now follow his dream as an author and motivational speaker https://www.amazon.com/Fire-Choices-Ignite-Radically-Inspired/dp/1501117726 Obviously a person with guts and persistence, but one of the take-homes I got from his talk, was how much it had truly meant to him when he was in hospital recovering, to have various sports personalities from his area visit him and talk to him and give him mementos and tell him stuff like "you're going to be my guest at the stadium and we'll do this that and the other".
  10. Yeah, I'm thinking about the day we beat the Vikings in Josh's first year. Any given Sunday.... But frankly, I'm at "the Bills can stop the Bills". If the Bills do their jobs and don't ***** up, I don't think Aaron Rodgers and the Packers have it in them. Gonna be interested to see the Packers game this week, with Wentz going on IR and so forth.
  11. IK, R? That is just one MASSIVE human being.
  12. Seriously? When he tweeted about being an incredibly powerful Solar Lizard Being I thought that was some kind of joke reference to a Sci Fi series or something
  13. I guess the devil is in the details of what's meant by "They basically took the same starting personnel in the run game from 2016, a team that lead the NFL in rushing and big plays............into 2017" Not to debate any impact of a change in run blocking/OC/OL coach For most of 2016, the OL was Glenn, Incognito, Wood, Miller, and Mills. For most of 2017, the OL was Dawkins (as a rookie), Incognito, Wood, Ducasse, and Mills. I think that's a talent downgrade at 2/5 positions In 2016, the WR corps featured Robert Woods, Marquise Goodwin, Sammy Watkins and Charles Clay at TE In 2017, the WR corps featured Deonte Thompson, Kelvin Benjamin, Zay Jones, Jordan Matthews, and Andre Holmes (all in and out with injuries) and Clay at TE I think that's a significant talent downgrade, especially for getting open deep. So while I'm no fan of Rico Dennison or Juan Castillo and believe the scheme change played a role....I don't think it's true at all that they took the same starting personnel that had a top run and deep pass game into 2017. YMMV
  14. Yeah, you can tell by the photos that she paid the price. I hope she can get the best medical care and therapy available, and her brother as well. He goes that extra mile for the fans.
  15. Thanks for sharing During the Kelly/Reed/Thomas years culminating in the Superbowls and then afterwards, my family in WNY used to videotape the games and send VHS tapes priority mail. Because most of the games were sold out I would get home and away games. So I'd try to stay away from the scores (easier then than now) and watch on Weds. evening after work. Since it's warmer here, I would often have the windows open thru Oct/Nov and my family was worried the neighbors would think some kind of abuse was going on since I would be screaming at the TV "Hit him! HIT HIM!" "Knock it out! Punch it!" while watching for 3 hrs, but unlike when our neighbors are screaming and we just think "Oh, there's a Hockey game" "Oh, Football is on" my screaming wasn't timed with any sporting event. Having so many games on video and the ability to stop and look at the formation then rewind a couple times and slo-mo to see what happened is how I built my interest in the X's and O's of the game and the chess-match aspect of adjustments.
  16. Packers Watch Watkins active. Cobb on IR, so he'll miss our game as well then a minimum of 2 more Cobb is 4th on the Packers for targets and receptions, but 2nd for yards and tied at 14.3 for Y/R so he may be the closest thing the Packers have had to a deep(ish) threat. I'm sure Watkins would love to get in "Game Shape" and work the Bills next week but time will tell.
  17. I think the last couple years we've been kind of screwed with the bye. Last year we had Monday Night Football as an "away" game before our bye week, so Tues would have been training room/meetings and Weds probably more treatment before the team got to go out of town. I guess 2020 was relatively "normal" in that we just had a Sun afternoon game out in AZ, but of course it wasn't "normal" in terms of travel. Josh was enthusing on KB's basement about all the restaurants he planned to visit and all the family meals he had queued up, so I hope he doesn't waddle into the building.
  18. The bye week is normally Mon afternoon - Sunday I think? Teams get together Monday for treatment/light workout, team meetings; Tues treatment/light workout but otherwise off, then practice Weds. I don't think it's unusual for teams to want players to come close to the normal weekly schedule after the bye and not be flying in on Monday or Tuesday before Weds practice and needing to get their act together on the home front. And of course the trainers want to assess the healing progress of injuries over the bye and inform the coaches who will be up for practice on Weds and who will need to be held out.
  19. It could be a processing or field vision thing, then? Motor certainly took the wrong hole on that Josh run from the EZ, where if he took the same gap as Josh it could have been a big play. If there's no choice to be made on gap runs and no decision or vision needed then maybe that works better for him.
  20. Vic Carruci of WGRZ (formerly of TBN) weighs in on the Shakir/McKenzie question in a "Mailbag" feature (He also says the Bills have no pressing needs including RB or OL and that OBJ doesn't make sense, so y'all might want to take those viewpoints into account when endorsing him)
  21. Songs seem to be popular choice. Mine is from an obscure (non) folk song
  22. Oh so it's your fault. Fine. You admit it!
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