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Posts posted by JetsFan20

  1. There is just something about her that really rubs me the wrong way. I’m not someone who is ardent Democrat or Republican and I have nothing against women in leadership positions (I actually voted Hillary). 

    I just can’t pinpoint it with her, but every time I hear her talk I get annoyed. Obviously I don’t condone violence, but I can see why she in particular is riling folks up out there. It just seems like more so than other democratic governors she is really using this horrible situation to build up her brand. 

    Am I wrong for thinking this? To be clear I don’t live in Michigan and don’t really have an opinion on what the right course of action is for her particular state. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Einstein's Dog said:

    I hope this year the Bills can get credit for winning the games we should win, because we have 11 of them on the schedule (according to Vegas).


    As for QBs, you will be able to make a list next year (and every year):

      R Fitz x2 (or Tua)

      Stidham x2

      S Darnold (insert excuse here, but he is just mediocre at best) x2

     The corpse of  P Rivers

     The corpse of B Roth

    D Lock

    D Carr (similar to A Dalton)


    As for the AFC East comment w the Bills having a better team but a worse record, please remember the Bills only went 3-3 in the division last year.  And while you claim the other teams have gotten better, what you really mean is the Jets and Miami have added new players.  It looks like the Jets have just recycled mediocre parts - Perriman and the like while Miami has added a ton of what could be better pieces.  But Miami has a long way to go and has too many new pieces.  And you certainly can't be including New England who no one thinks is better this year. 


    The Bills have made incremental concrete improvements on offense- Diggs as WR1 and Moss>Gore.  Plus a year for the majority of the group to grow and gell - in particular J Allen, the O Cordinator, the Oline, and Knox.  The Bills will be better.


    So yes, the Bills will have a better roster, but finish with a worse AFC East record?  Worse than 3-3, so 2-4?  Come on now, no way.


    I’m not going to get into the semantics. It’s one thing to play losing teams 10/16 times, but I don’t see the Giants, Redskins, 2019 Dolphins, and Bengals on the schedule this year. You have to admit the 2019 Bills also caught some teams at the right time (Brandon Allen and Duck Hodges are not even backup worthy). 


    I could be wrong as some teams could be worse than I expect, but on paper it’s a really tough schedule. 

  3. 23 minutes ago, eball said:

    @JetsFan20 crazy things happen but you're forgetting the Bills are no longer a "question mark" -- they are in their 4th year under McD and Beane.  They're probably in the top 5-6 teams league-wide in terms of stability.  Barring major injuries no reason to believe they won't start at least 3-1 with that schedule.  I see 3-3 as the "worst case scenario" through 6 but more likely we're talking 4-2 or perhaps 5-1.  Not being overzealous here...just looking at what the predictions will be and knowing the teams' rosters.

    The Bills have been a losing team for a long time. It takes more than clinching 2 wild card spots and subsequently a couple of first round exits before they gain the benefit of the doubt. I understand the optimism, but I’m not sold that the Bills are good enough to just roll through those first four games.

  4. 3 hours ago, TwistofFate said:

    Who cares?   That's last year.  We were growing as a team as well, with a ton of new pieces. 


    And what's with the Darnold, "with mono?"  Like that means anything.  The guy played and didn't even know he had mono, and it wouldn't have mattered if he didn't.   Playing against Darnold without mono doesn't elevate his status whatsoever. 


    Beating upper echelon teams requires quality Qb play, which clearly didn't exist here last year.  If, IF, Allen steps up his game, there will be no problem beating top tier opponents this year. 


    This team is literally a QB away from curb stomping 3/4 of the league. 

    Darnold was literally playing with Mono. I don’t care if it is Aaron Rodgers-if he’s playing with Mono it’s noteworthy. This is the NFL for god sakes! Read the symptoms of Mono and imagine To decipher Sean McDemotts pass rush. 


    • Like (+1) 2
  5. On 5/11/2020 at 1:52 PM, eball said:


    The Bills will be rightfully favored in at least 5 of the 6 games...and perhaps all 6 by the time the late MNF game at the Pats*** rolls around.  Nothing is "easy" but even for someone who likes to play the role of pessimist do you really disagree with that?

    Right now the Bills +5.5/+6 week 1 


    You start off with (2) division games-never easy 


    You play a very talented Rams team that is one year removed from the super bowl 


    You play the Raiders in their first Sunday home game in Vegas 


    You go on the road to play the Titans who were in AFC Champ Game last year 


    You play the world champs at home on Thursday night 


    You see how it can get fishy?


    If the Bill start 2-2 (split division games and Rams Raiders) it can very easily turn into 2-4. 

    Then you are pretty much playing for your season the next two weeks @ Jets and vs Pats.


    The key for all the AFC East teams is to win your division games. I think it’s going to be tough to go over .500 against AFC W and NFC W. The AFC South and AFC North games are going to be no cake walk either. 





  6. 49 minutes ago, Nihilarian said:

    I have learned over time that teams rebuild season by season to find holes, flaws in their roster. Right now the Bills still have a few, pass rush and O line.


    The O line, while good, was ranked 20th or so in 2019 and they were stopped in the red zone running and the Ravens blitz tore them a new one. Not to mention how the Eagles D line pushed them around. With no major upgrades this season and a much tougher schedule my take is the Bills will make the playoffs and perhaps win one playoff game...maybe. 

    The Bills certainly are a candidate for regression, but it’s hard not to like the program your GM is building. 

    From an outsiders perspective I think fans on this board are significantly underestimating the AFC East schedule this year. The Bills can easily have a better roster, but finish with a worst record.

    Breakdown the Bills last year (not including Week 17 vs Jets)


    Vs Teams 5 wins or under: 



    Vs Teams 8 wins and under 



    Vs Teams 9 wins and over (including playoffs)



    The only team the Bills beat that finished the year over .500 was the Titans before Tannehill was inserted in the lineup.

    They also won games vs teams QBd by:


    Sam Darnold playing with Mono

    Brandon Allen

    Duck Hodges 

    Dwayne Haskins

    The corpse of Eli Manning

    Marcus Mariota 

    Andy Dalton

    Ryan Fitzpatrick x2 

    Credit for winning the games you should win (Jets lost to Jacksonville, Miami, and Cincy), but next year is a different animal. 


    • Like (+1) 3
    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, YoloinOhio said:

    UCLA and Cal are not in the Cal State system, they are in the UC system. The Cal State system is the mountain west conference, not the PAC 12. It’s like Fresno state, SDSU etc. 


    the MWC isn’t power 5 and relies much less on out of state tuition and have different economics than the bigger players in California, two of which are private schools (USC and Stanford). The MWC does rely on playing power 5 schools to stay alive financially though 

    Thanks for the add-I had no idea. Mods-I apologize. 

  8. 1 hour ago, machine gun kelly said:

    The Chiefs are very balanced so I wouldn’t say we have the most balanced team, but we can match up of Allen has a solid third year in the same system.  That would really help.  As far as the Ravens, they have a sound defense, and their 13 personnel (three TE’s who don’t know) is solid and hard to defend given their athleticism, and size.


    I still think we can, not will beat both or either of them, but have a good chance.  We can do it.  These are toss off games to say the least.  Then again, SF, and Seattle are no joke either.  

    I think the Bills matchup really well with Baltimore. The adjustment I think teams make against them is playing more of a bend but don’t break. 

    Look at what the Titans did to them. They allowed the Ravens a ton of yardage, but without the quick strike they couldn’t score many points. That’s because their style of play chews up a ton of clock. If you can let them chew up 5-6 minutes a drive and force a FG attempts instead of TDs that’s how you can hang with them. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, atlbillsfan1975 said:

    Jackson is a  safe bet to not repeat his performance from last year. Teams can scheme him into being a passer. Jackson has to show he can do that, he couldn’t do it in the playoffs. 
    Mahomes is going to be good for a long long time.


    Bills can play with and beat anyone. Bills have probably the most balanced depth chart in the league.

    I agree on Jackson. He’s still going to be very good, but the Ravens completely caught the league off guard with their offense. I’ve never guys fly wide open like that on a consistent basis before. 

    The titans did a great job not allowing the big play. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  10. PFF used to be a great site/resource, but they have really gotten off brand over the years. Its now about hot takes and clickbait to get fan reaction for them.


    Their rankings are also completely arbitrary in that nobody can actually understand them or how/why they received that grade. 

    Ive said it before and I’ll say it again. Analytics doesn’t work in football. There are way too many variables and a small sample size. It works in a game like baseball which is not as team reliant and has a much larger sample size. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 8 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    I honestly don't know. Bills fans are not used to being good yet. When you are good you don't care what the fans of bad teams say about you. When you are good it has total irrelevance. The Bills are good. I couldn't less what Jets fans think about us or any others fans for that matter. Fans have to learn to win just as much as players do.


    Agree completely. Douglas and Darnold are good but they are going nowhere with Gase and there remains work to be done to that team.

    I don’t think most Jets fans are homers. Have you read our beat writers or listened to local media coverage?


    To be honest small town media (Buffalo, Jacksonville, Oakland) are glorified cheerleaders.



  12. 2 hours ago, GoBills808 said:

    How is it that 'Darnold had mono' can be used to explain his performance but Allen's receivers dropping his passes somehow can't? 

    There aren’t many instances (if any) of QBs getting Mono and returning in season. 

    If Darnold twisted his ankle he’d still be working out and with the team. Instead he got Mono and was literally shutdown for 4 weeks. It’s also a tricky illness in the sense that it effects everyone differently as far as return to normal/energy levels. Add that to the fact that he’s a 21 year old 2nd year player learning a new offensive system and its certainly less than ideal. 

    We know he played week 1 with Mono and its reasonable to assume that impacted his play to some degree. 

  13. 4 hours ago, papazoid said:

    Buffalo Bills in NFL Hall of Fame


    going to need a bigger mount


    Andre Reed (1985-1999)
    Bill Polian (1984-1992)
    Billy Shaw (1961-1969)
    Bruce Smith (1985-1999)
    James Lofton (1989-1992)
    Jim Kelly (1986-1996)
    Joe DeLamielleure (1973-1979, 1985)
    Marv Levy (1986-1997)
    O.J. Simpson (1969-1977)
    Ralph Wilson, Jr. (1960-2014)
    Terrell Owens (2009)
    Thurman Thomas (1988-1999)

    James Lofton and TO?


    By that logic the Jets could claim Art Monk, Brett Favre, Landanian Tomlinson, Jason Taylor, Ty Law, and Ed Reed. 

  14. 12 minutes ago, RobbRiddick said:


    This would be a good time to become a Bills fan.

    The Jets from 1997 (year they hired Parcells) to 2012 made the playoffs 8/15 years won two divisions and appeared in 3 conf championship games. Like most franchises they sent through a couple of really bad seasons (2005 and 2007), but were mostly competitive. 

    It all changed when ownership fired Tannenbaum-who was the last Parcells connection in the building. Ownership compounded the problem by keeping Rex which limited the pool of qualified GM candidates willing to take the job. As a result John Idzik was hired and within two years completely destroyed the roster. After Idzik was let go the Jets were once again searching for a GM and because the roster was in such bad shape they again had to settle for an unqualified candidate in Mike McCagnan who poured gasoline on Idziks fire. 

    My point is that the Jets can absolutely get back to competence if not relevance. Joe Douglas is unproven, but by all accounts he is a qualified GM whom ownership had to write a blank check to in order to get him to take the job. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  15. 46 minutes ago, TwistofFate said:

    I see them not picking up his fifth year option and bringing in someone to compete for a starting job in year 4.


    The Bills really like Allen too, but i don't see them picking up his 5th year if he doesn't take big strides this year either. 


    Its the same story forever in this division.   For whatever reason they all suck at finding franchise guys. Its been the Achilles Heel for 20+ years and allowed the Pats to run roughshod over the entire division.

    I think it’s 80-90 percent the 5th year option is picked up on Darnold/Allen. 

    1) The 5th year option only guarantees $ for injury

    2) Its still good value for a starting QB

    It’s likely they are going to give these guys the full 5 years to show something like Winston and Mariota before pulling the plug. 

    This isn’t a Trubisky situation where they are complete busts holding back a ready-made team. Did you watch the Bears last year? Trubisky was a special kind of terrible. 

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