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Posts posted by JetsFan20

  1. 9 minutes ago, shoshin said:

    Your first stat is wrong and your second sentence is one of the reasons why. 

    And if you are not in an at risk group (obese, respiratory issues, diabetic, asthma, older, being the big ones) or care for someone in that group, your risk is minimal.


    BUT you should follow the guidelines and wash like a nut, wear a mask, avoid unnecessary crowds,  etc just as a matter of good practice for the foreseeable future. There will be a new normal. 

    There have been plenty of reported instances of young healthy people getting seriously ill. 

    I think it’s best to avoid blanket statements about this virus. I don’t think doctors and scientist fully understand it yet. 

  2. They can re-open the economy, but I personally won’t be going to bars, restaurants (outside of takeout every now and then), airports, gyms, or large gatherings for a while. You realize 20 percent of people under 45 are hospitalized from this thing?


    F That. People can talk tough all they want until they are a family member ends up in the hospital. 

    I don’t think the government have any idea the scope of this thing either as nobody has any answers for the lack of testing. 

  3. 2 hours ago, LSHMEAB said:

    As a side not which is completely (or should be) apolitical; I think it is time to re-open the economy, especially if we're talking about March 1st. People are so conditioned to practice social distancing and wash their hands (which they should have already been doing I THINK) that the risk is inherently mitigated. 


    We can't sustain this much longer, especially when we're seeing the numbers we're seeing. I want my mom, who's 65 with COPD, to stay at home and continue to do what she's been doing. Other than that, life is full of risk and these numbers don't justify a PROLONGED shutdown. May 1st or maybe even earlier seems perfectly reasonable. 

    It’s easy to sit here and say “life is full of risk” until you find yourself laying in a hospital bed. The reason why this is dangerous is that a lot folks have that “it can’t happen to me” attitude. 


    I think you are going to get your wish, but let’s be real about it. The government likely knows that lifting restrictions is going to kill people. How many? Who knows, but those people will be sacrificed for economic reasons.

    What is the moral thing to do here? At the very least you have to inform people of the risks and best prevention measures. Should our federal and local government also continue to enforce measures to protect people from risk? That’s the debate that is going to go on the next few weeks. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Chef Jim said:

    How would you “put out the fire”?

    I’d let the medical professionals do their jobs and communicate a clear and concise plan to the American people. How do we know we are safe going back to work or sending kids back to school? Am I risking my life by going out to dinner? It’s not just the elderly and unhealthy that are at risk as first reported. 


    Right now all we are hearing is that social distancing is flattening the curve, but we have no idea if cases will surge once again if restrictions are loosened. There is no concrete plan coming out of Washington! 

    Trump from day 1 seemed more worried about the economy (Which was going to be his major re-election platform) than the safety of American lives. All I ask is for my government to not be evasive with me. 

    If Trump came out tomorrow and said


    “look our country cannot sustain social distancing for however long it’s going to take to come up with a vaccine so we are going to co-sign re-opening businesses at local governments discretion” I would be fine with that. So long as he also informed me of the risk level. 

    Right now he comes across like the mayor in jaws.

  5. 5 hours ago, Billl said:

    Dak has given them 4 years of top 10 QB play while getting paid a mid round draft pick rookie contract.  He has given them EVERY chance to build a great team around him, and they haven’t.  This isn’t a Dak problem.  You put Dak on the Bills tomorrow, and Buffalo is a runaway favorite in the AFCE.

    Im not sure how much more support Dak could have in Dallas:


    Hes played with four all pro Olineman (Smith, Frederick, Martin, and Collins)

    Wide Receivers (Dez Bryant, Amari Cooper, Terrance Williams, Michael Gallup, Cole Beasley, Randall Cobb)


    Hall of Fame Tight End (Witten)


    All Pro HB (Elliott) 




    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 minute ago, GunnerBill said:


    Dak HAS won though. His win-loss record is excellent and in 4 years in the league as a 4th round pick he has won two division titles and has a playoff win. And if you think he was the reason Dallas didn't make the playoffs last year I advise you to go back and watch more Dallas games. 


    If Josh did this year what Dak did last year people would be clamouring to pay him. And rightly so. 

    That’s precisely my point. You can’t tell me that Dak Prescott has more talent than Josh Allen. If Dak can put up those numbers why can’t Josh?


    Is it coaching? Supporting cast?


    Tannehill according to PFF and QBR was among the three worst QBs in the league under Gase with the Dolphins. He goes to Tennessee and all of a sudden he looks like Aaron Rodgers. 

    Perhaps the answer is to build an offense around a running game since defenses are mostly built to stop the pass. 

  7. 1 hour ago, BuffaloBills1998 said:

    Well if I’m Dallas I’m gonna do my due diligence to try to trade up in the draft for a QB since they are rumored to anyways. And next year you have an even better QB class in next years draft. I’d say keep Prescott for the year on the tag, see how it plays out if once again he misses the playoffs then you have your answer on whether to pay him 45 mill year or not and if Prescott doesn’t let up and still thinks he’s worth 45 to 50 mill year and if you’re a position to draft high for a quarterback then you go get that quarterback in the draft presumably Lawrence tag Prescott and look for a trade partner for Dak which I’m sure you can find one and let someone else overpay for Dak while you can get your QB of the future in either this years or next years draft. Also you have Winston who also threw for 5,000 yards and could be just as effective in that offense as Dak is

    It’s crazy to me that guys like Dak Prescott and Kirk Cousins put up these hall of fame type numbers year in and year out. Are they actually good and I’m just not watching the right games?

  8. I’m not a Trump fan at all, but the situation has gotten completely out of control. It’s a no win situation for any leader right now especially one in the United States. 


    This is not Italy or Singapore. Shutting down our country for an extended period of time is going to have dire consequence on the US and global economy for years to come. Is social distancing really possible when you still have tons of American workers deemed essential?

     To me the only way to really get this thing under control is to:


    1) Do not allow any person to work until they have been tested. 

    2) If that can’t be done than we have to look into a 2 week national lockdown. Nobody leaves the house other than health care workers and the national guard brings people boxes of food and supplies. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  9. Young QBs are always incredibly polarizing and cause a lot of friction within fanbases. 


    I lump Josh Allen in with a lot of the other young QBs isn’t he game (Darnold, Mayfield, Murray, Jones, Haskins). He’s got a chance to be the long term answer, but you don’t know definitively if he will or if he won’t be. Winston and Mariota looked pretty promising after 1-2 years and it didn’t work out well for them. On the other end of the spectrum you’ve got guys like Drew Brees and Eli Manning whom looked like busts after 1-2 years and  became hall of famers. 


    All these guys are starting next year and will have the opportunity to write their own narratives.

    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 1 hour ago, jrober38 said:


    It's going to be a major problem everywhere. 


    Anytime it infects a vulnerable population like that it will be bad.


    I'm extremely worried about Florida and their older population. I can't believe they waited as long as they did to take decisive action. 


    The whole country needs to be shut down for 30 days and Trump needs to deliver an emergency address to the nation as though the country was just attacked by another country/terrorists/whatever. 


    Shut it down for 30 days, quarantine the sick, and give the healthcare system a fighting chance if it's not already too late. 

    What does that mean exactly? I’d say 70 percent of the workforce is still going in everyday. Pretty much every blue collar job outside of restaurant worker is deemed essential. 


  11. That was a terrific read that could have been mistaken for pro. Great Job!


    I think you are right that the winner of the division is going to be in that 9-11 win range. The schedule is absolutely brutal next year for this division.


    The Pats to me are still a threat. Their defense is still very good despite losing a few players and I don’t think it’s going to be as difficult to replace Brady’s production last year as some think.


    Im not sold on Miami as a 7-9 team. They were a 2 win type of team last year that won a few games because Fitzpatrick got hot. They reminded me a lot of the 2017 Jets with McCown in that regard. The next season against a tougher schedule with a rookie QB the Jets regressed from 5-11 to 4-12.


    The Jets are another team that I expect some regression. They won 7 games on the backs of a weak schedule, but probably were more of a 4/5 win team from a talent standpoint. I agree with you on Douglas. He’s got a six year contract and is slow playing it to build things the right way. His strategy is sound, but in order for it to work he needs to be able to find players in the draft. The concern amongst Jets fans is that he’s not doing enough to help Darnold in a critical third year. The interesting fact here is that Douglas did not draft Darnold so I’m wondering if that factors into some of his decisions. He could easily scape goat Darnold and Gase and continue with his strategy next offseason around his hand picked coach and QB. 

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  12. 15 hours ago, JESSEFEFFER said:

    He must be blaming the Cowboy"s coaches and Steelers QB situations for their underwhelming 2019 performances.  It's like he's saying their players had nothing to do with it.

    The Steelers are going to be a trendy pick to be good next year. Their defense is pretty stacked on all three levels and Big Ben should be able to get the offense back on track. Their division is pretty tough though with the Ravens, talented Browns, and improved Bengals team. 

    Cowboys to me are overrated. Their defense was trash last year.

  13. 9 hours ago, thenorthremembers said:

    I agree.  To make any moves they need to move Thuney for draft picks prior to the draft.


    I think a lot of people are going to see the .460 win percentage before Brady genius come to light soon.

    The Thuney move was an odd play by BB. I think he franchised him for the the sole purpose of keeping him away from the Jets and Dolphins. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Estro said:

    I dont love Clowney, but at this point it's almost worth giving him a yr $16M deal just for the 3rd round compensatory pick wed get if he signed elsewhere the following offseason.


    $16M for 1 year of Clowney is so so


    $16M for 1 year of Clowney plus a future 3rd round comp pick seems like a smart deal

    The comp pick would be for 2022 and that assumes you don’t sign any major free agents in 2021.


    The issue that Clowney has is that cap space rolls over into the next offseason. Do you want 1 year of Clowney or would you rather have that 16MM available next year where you can sign a bunch of good players.

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