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Posts posted by GregPersons

  1. 2 minutes ago, Reality Check said:

    I take it that you don't have any real ambitions in life, do you?


    Am I a "coastal elite" or a "bum"? Another identity insistence. 


    Also you've wasted more time on here than I have, so... 


    Just another example of your complete lack of self-awareness. Such an ironic screen name. I'm getting some laughs from you, for sure. You are funniest unintentionally.

  2. Just now, 123719bwiqrb said:

    Oh wise costal elite, please show us how to atone for our racist sins. Is there a 3 point plan, an infomercial, or something on pronhub that would guide us? All I see is name calling here.

    Without you in my life
    I’d slowly wilt and die

    But with you in my life

    You’re the reason I’m alive


    I'm a costal elite now? Another new identity given to me. Each and every poster has had a different one given to me, while they tell me they are not racist. "I'm going to insist on your identity, then tell you I would never insist on anyone's identity." 


    Step one is to stop denying it. Acknowledge that history is not "over." That there has been no point in history in which systemic racism and slavery have been "solved" or "fixed" or "repaired" or "ended".


    Step one, just like AA, is admitting there's a problem. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    You are being 'mean'  (by the way -- "We Hate You" is way  past mean)  to the posters on the board that you are assuming are racist, and who are white, even though you do not really know them at all.



    The very definition of racism...............which you keep claiming to know





    No disagreement I'm being mean!


    Where did I assume anybody is white? 


    Do you get why "being mean to white people" isn't racist? Can you use your reading abilities to see that isn't what I've been doing — even if everybody here is white, which I've never assumed, show me where if you think I did — but what I have instead been doing, stated repeatedly, is "being mean to racists."


    If you're not being racist, I'm not picking on you. It's that easy. I'm not assuming anyone here is White unless they offer that themselves. I stated in the Racism 101 thread that being racist is not exclusive to White people.


    Anybody can be racist. We all have been racist, unknowingly. Anything that upholds white supremacy is racist. It's that easy. The country is built on white supremacy. Literally, that is the history. Denying it = that is racist. Accepting it = the beginning of being anti-racist.


    The lifeblood of racism is ignorance.

    The lifeblood of anti-racism is acknowledgement, and confession. It's accepting reality and accepting our role in history, and then taking action to define future history.


    Try to process what I am saying.

  4. 1 minute ago, Cinga said:

    Let me point it out to you then this time.... SO now you can quit asking for a definition, because YOU ARE that very definition.


    How is being mean to racists an example of racism? 


    You could say I'm being mean, discriminatory, even prejudiced. Wouldn't disagree. How is my post an example of me being racist? 

  5. 2 minutes ago, B-Man said:

    This is false.


    It is just an assumption by you to facilitate your own biases.



    Just another in a long line of threads and projections by our favorite new Persons person.



    Oh.................................and THAT is the point.



    Is there a reason you format your posts to have larger font than the standard size?


    It seems like a message that you think your posts should receive priority status. Which is odd because you have never posted anything more substantial than the above. 4 sentences is pretty much your limit. Usually you have kind of racist meme too, thanks for sparing us so far on that, at least.

    7 minutes ago, BuffaloHokie13 said:

    So are Daniel Shaver's


    Good point. Police unaccountability is a problem that affects all Americans. 


    It affects Black Americans more, proportionally, but it is indeed all of our problem. 

  6. Just now, 3rdnlng said:

    I got to thinking here regarding racism. What would the OP do if he couldn't claim victim hood? He needs to find his own version of racism in order to perpetuate that victim hood. His outrageous claims are meant to bring out fighting words from other posters so that he can once again, claim victim hood. He's made these claims in any and every thread he could get his hands on. This seems like a classic case of CRUSADING.


    Do you know where the word "crusading" comes from? 




    Wanna do a little research and get back to me?




  7. Just now, Cinga said:

    This right here is about the most Racist RANT I have seen in years. You might be up for the Farrakhan award of the year...  


    How is it racist? Define racism and racist, because you appear to be using the word incorrectly.


    I'd be curious to know how speaking against racism counts as racist! Appreciate the nomination though.

  8. Do you even know the name "Breonna Taylor"? 


    If she were a White girl, you would. If she were a White girl killed by a Black man, there'd be dozens of threads. 


    Breonna Taylor was an EMT who was shot 8 times by police. She did nothing wrong. The report finally released is virtually blank. There have been no charges. No investigation. No official word on the matter.




    Asking in good faith to the police or ex-police of the board — @billsfan1959 and @Sig1Hunter — to share their views on how this could happen. This would hopefully be unacceptable in your workplace, I would like to believe? Have you seen comparable incidents in your careers? Are the police justified here, or no?



    To people who continue to obfuscate the point like @Chef Jim — this is the point, this is what the D-Day thread is about.This is an example of racism and oppression and fascism in America (I wonder if @TakeYouToTasker would disagree with any of those definitions)

    • Haha (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Ok we're racists, you hate us, you've made your point.  You can leave now.  Bye.  


    You didn't state your answer. You implied it, but didn't state it yourself. 


    Which one of these do you believe to be true, @Chef Jim?


    A) The country was built on a lie (including your definition as being it was built on ideals — freedom, equality, and liberty for all — or perhaps that this is a country of meritocracy or rugged individualism)

    B) Black people are inherently inferior (or, if you prefer, White people are inherently superior)


    It seems like your choice is B, but I don't want to make any assumptions. You tell me, please. Your honesty and clarity is all I am looking for here.

  10. 3 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Again ***** you for using D-Day to push your agenda.  


    What's my agenda, exactly?

    ***** you for not understanding it. ***** you for taking actions, still, to this day, that makes the sacrifices of our forefathers on D-Day increasingly meaningless. Because their descendants created people like yourself.... who argue in favor of Confederate flags instead of against racism and oppression.


    Did your grandfather/father/any relatives serve in WWII? Do you feel ashamed to not live up to the ideals of equality, freedom, and liberty for all? Or you are okay because you feel as though you, yourself, have "equality, freedom, and liberty" that the "for all" part is not your problem? 


    Just curious on the full damage to your brain, dickweed.

    Just now, Reality Check said:

    (White Chicks movie)

    I'm sorry, could you repeat that?


    Even better. Tell me how this is an example of racism. 


    You still don't even understand the ***** word. Tell me how the Wayans brothers in "white face" is as offensive as "black face." Tell me why they're equally bad in America. 


    A) White face and Black face are equally bad

    B) History is real, and life didn't begin with your birth


    Pick one, babe.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  11. Just now, Reality Check said:

    (Al Jolson clip)


    Yeah we definitely don't have any racists among us.


    Did you share this with your many Black acquaintances/employees? Post it in your work communications, or publicly on your social feeds perhaps? Does anyone in your Real life know your Real opinions you're sharing with us here? Or are you too private, too embarrassed and ashamed? "Politics" and "race" are impolite for public, right? 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  12. 2 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    You know they make medication for your ailments now, right? Get help bud. 


    I think you should make your thread! I'd say, why not just be honest with what you really mean though? Make a poll and ask about who wants to punch me in the face.


    Better yet — there's been a lot of different answers on this — make a poll where people decide what my identity is. I've been told I'm 4 or 5 different races or ethnicities, 4 or 5 different old posters, 4 or 5 different employers I must be serving. See if you can do something productive and move us toward consensus. Everybody is sure my identity will give them the answer of why I am being so aggressively anti-racist to such nice innocent people like yourself.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    Finally a rational response.  All it took was for someone to call you out for using one of the bloodiest days in history to make a point about your crusade which has NOTHING do do with D-Day.   


    Fascism isn't a problem in America or the world anymore? The systemic oppression of minorities by imprisonment and state-sanctioned murder is no longer a problem? 


    I thought you were a scholar. I'm just referring to the news events of the last few weeks that would indicate these are very much ongoing problems in America and elsewhere. You disagree?


    Did you think history was "over"? You seem to be operating under the impression that history is not, in fact, ongoing. You seem to not understand that you are, in fact, part of history. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, whatdrought said:

    Since OP cares so much about what PPP stands against, would he submit to a poll asking if PPP stands against him and then leave if the majority does? 


    I think @Koko78 already made that thread. I'm not here to be part of the PPP majority, dumbass — it's not hard to see the board for what it is. I'm here to make sure you know that a lot of people really hate you, and I suspect you are burrowed deep enough into your bubble that you don't hear it enough. Your post here and Koko's and others reveals your only real strength is your ability to actively ferociously deny reality.


    Hey racists — you're ***** pathetic, we see you, and we hate you. You're not wanted in our communities. This board sucks major ass because it's crawling with racists. It's embarrassing to know Bills fans like the PPP members are out there among us. Racists should know, you've all made yourself known, all of your plausible deniability is completely shot now. And just, you know. You suck, and there's a reason you're lonely. That's all.

  15. Just now, Chef Jim said:

    Was the country built on slavery and oppression?  NOPE.  It was built on ideas and ideals.  


    What was the purpose of slavery?  It was how cheap labor was done for hundreds and hundreds of years.  And the slave trade sill exists today.  I don't see you marching or speaking out against that here so you must be PRO-SLAVERY!!!  See how dumb your argument is? 


    Ignoring your ignorant and simplistic view of "built" — so, the country's ideas and ideals were truthful then, and Black people are inherently inferior? You're choosing "B" of the original question? Or those ideas/ideals it was built on were a lie? 

  16. 6 minutes ago, Chef Jim said:

    I will answer when you clarify your options.  What lie was the country BUILT on?  That all men are created equal?  


    That's just one of many lies, yeah. I'm specifically referring to — how was slavery & oppression justified? Was it truthful? Do you disagree the country was BUILT on slavery & oppression? What was the purpose of slavery, economically?


    PS — I like that the original question is so mind-boggling for you that you need clarification. Says a lot! 

  17. 1 hour ago, TakeYouToTasker said:

    So you’re looking for your personal biases to confirm... your personal biases?


    Seems circular and uninquisitive to me. 


    Hey it's the guy that insists his definitions are the "objective" truth. 


    Can you tell me objectively what a "White Person" is in America? Are Jewish people white, or Irish people? Who is White?


    Since you've told us that definitions of racial words don't change, this oughta be interesting.


  18. 4 hours ago, Chef Jim said:


    No here's the real scary thing.  Their biggest enemy is a rational conversation.  That's all he was looking to do.  Now maybe that wasn't the best time for it but their reactions to it was very telling. 


    Here is the perfect example of their inability to have a rational and sane conversation.  @GregPersons  Had he come here and started with this?:


    Hey guys I want to open a conversation that I think is very controversial but I believe in it strongly and I'd like to hear your opinion.  Blah blah blah...let's discuss.


    But no he came in like a drunk on a three day bender calling anyone and everyone here a racists.   Putting your adversaries on a major defensive is not the way to start a debate.  Yeah we all do that here to some extent but @GregPersons did it on steroids.  


    Is "Black Lives Matter" controversial? 


    One of these two is true


    A) The country was built on a lie and that affects you

    B) Black people are inherently inferior


    Pick one

    1 hour ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...lemme see if I have the proper take on racism according to some TBD "scholars".....



    You don't. Try again.

    1 hour ago, njbuff said:

    What if you are only half racist?


    How does that work? 

  19. 1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:


    I'd be in jail???  Bwahahahahhaha!!  


    Under what charges sir?  


    Come and get me copper. 


    Do you think Black people are arrested fairly? 


    Do you think Black men are allowed to behave angrily in public without some White person getting nervous and calling the cops?




    Are you an incel also

    1 minute ago, Chef Jim said:


    Jets?  Pats?  What do they have to do with this?


    And now you want to know about my love life?  Now you're getting creepy.  


    I just think you might behave a lot differently if you got laid or had some love in your life. You seem really really lonely and I wonder if you have any women in your life that aren't related to you? Are you on any apps? Got any leads?


    What is the longest relationship you've ever had (I assume with a woman)? How recently was it? Innocent question to figure out what's wrong with you exactly

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