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Everything posted by JDHillFan

  1. You are quite a tough guy! Seems at odds with your fear of unvaccinated people. Go get ‘em tiger!
  2. I suspect you don’t speak of Uncle Tom’s at the art museum cafe’s. Ah, the duality of man!
  3. For those that are feeling a Christmas-like anticipation today, please remember to call your doctor if it lasts more than four hours. Enjoy!
  4. You should get a new mirror. In its reflection you can revel in the glory of an upper middle-aged white man who has accomplished so much in life that he is comfortable labeling people of color as Uncle Tom’s. Keep in mind that beauty is only skin deep however. Racist ugliness goes clear to the bone.
  5. This is the white supremacy thread. Can we please go back to redhawk calling accomplished African American gentlemen Uncle Tom?
  6. https://notthebee.com/article/56-of-liberal-white-women-age-18-29-have-been-diagnosed-with-a-mental-health-condition- Thread title checks out.
  7. One prolific poster here would slough this off as BUYERS REMORSE.
  8. Did you even watch? This good American president and decent man said it’s not true. Move on already!!
  9. No. This gentleman let the Russians know of their unacceptable behavior in no uncertain terms.
  10. The civil war you are concerning yourself with will look very much like the recent NAZI DAY OF HATE and the republican push to ban contraceptives (please don’t suggest that abortifacients are contraceptives again). I’m not suggesting you not stay concerned about it. The opposite. Be VERY concerned. Even though it will seem like another complete non-story, don’t be fooled.
  11. Qualifies as a superspreader event unless you confirmed everyone was vaccinated. If you took that common sense precaution, you can be certain nobody could catch nor transmit deadly coronavirus. At a minimum I hope everyone did their part and stayed six feet apart. I will continue waiting patiently for the evidence of Taibbi reporting false information. No rush.
  12. Read it and weep? That article is your “evidence” that Taibbi’s reporting is false? Good god man. That article is nothing but a transcript of the hearing where bloviating politicians cut off “the witness” every time he speaks. Your blinders probably prevent you from noticing that every politician does the same regardless of party, and it’s pathetic. You have been told that Taibbi is bad and you are running with it. All despite not being able to highlight a single falsehood in his reporting. Someone your age should make more effort to think for themselves.
  13. What evidence did you provide? Why be so secretive. All I’ve seen from you is declaring the guy to be Kari Lake/maga. You would be better off just saying you don’t know the first thing about his reporting. Let’s discuss where his reporting has been false. Educate me.
  14. Reminiscent of you whining about Taibbi without being able to point to a single piece of his reporting that was false. That’s different though. Right?
  15. This is going to knock the “republicans are banning contraceptives” story off the front page for sure.
  16. The left only embraces these things out of goodness.
  17. It’s Tiberius level dimwittedness to believe justice, in the American legal system, is blind. You can chase your Trump demons all day long. I actually recommend it. I’m just commenting on the naivety of your comment.
  18. Not at all. It’s just hard to believe someone of your age would type something so foolish and naive. Should be blind. Isn’t remotely the case.
  19. Get back to us if you uncover “misinformation” that he has foisted on the public. I’m prepared to wait a while.
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