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Johnny Coli

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Everything posted by Johnny Coli

  1. What's getting old is any valid criticism of the starting QB for the Bills since week 4 of '07 is immediately met with an asinine assumption that the person doing the criticizing is pining away for JP Losman. Edwards has been awful this year. He went 0-4 against the division, passed for 11 TDs in 14 starts, had a first quarter QB rating of 58.3, has shown no leadership, and was instrumental in a mid-season collapse that sunk this team. Yup, the coaching is terrible. But that does not absolve Edwards of failing on the field. Just to use some facts, Trent's record against the AFCE this season is 0-4. His QB rating against the AFCE this season is 67.9. That's not good. That's not average. That is really, really bad.
  2. If your running game gets 136 yards that means they did their part. If the other team only scores 13 points then your offense, at home, should be able to get more than zero points. Absolutely the coaches should be strung up. But Hey-Sus, man, the QB has to do his part as well. He didn't. In fact he was responsible for coughing up the ball at a crucial period of the game that led to seven points. How is that even in dispute?
  3. Fred Jackson had 136 yards rushing, the defense held the Pats to 13 points, and the offense scored zero points. Edwards did nothing to help the team and was responsible for a TO that led to the only TD of the game. That is unacceptable. Its laughable to me that you and others think this was a well-managed game by the QB. People point to other teams and say that the Bills don't need a gunslinger, etc. You say they just need a guy who keeps the offense on the field, manages a good game, puts his team in a position to win when it counts, doesn't turn over the ball. He did none of that, and has not been that type of a QB for a season and a half, now. The running game had 136 yards and the offense scored zero points. At home. That is astounding.
  4. Got two fabulous vinyl re-issues for the holiday and a live record I didn't know existed. The live LP (vinyl of course) was a Joy Division gig recorded at Preston, UK in 1980. Unreal recording. Also got two Mission of Burma re-issues. They each came with DVDs and links to downloads so I don't have to rip them myself to mp3s. The DVD that came with the signals, calls, and marches re-issue has shows from 1979 and 1980. The DVD that came with The Horrible Truth About Burma re-issue is from their final original lineup show in 1983. I'm pretty stoked.
  5. LOL I use that line all the time. The best lines are the one's that only a few will laugh at. Bravo, Mr. Ball.
  6. The weather. The concussion. The groin. Lynch being out. Jauron. Schonert. Losman.
  7. Still suffering from the lingering effects of a concussion.
  8. Belicheat doesn't want to show up Jauron and run up the score. He's doing everything in his power short of throwing the game to help Jauron stay in the AFCE.
  9. Thanks, JP. I agree with the sentiments of the OP, and a few people here. I wish nothing but the best for JP as he moves on, unless he's playing against the Bills. That said, some of you people really are a-holes. The kid didn't work out...partially because he just wasn't a good fit here, probably needed to go to a team who could afford to play him for a full three seasons, and mostly due to unfortunately being drafted by an incompetent organization top to bottom. But he came to Buffalo, gave 100%, embraced the city, and called himself out. I hope people don't forget that. He's the one that said the Jax game was it or bust for him. Frankly, I recall him being the only one that played with heart in that game. He didn't get it done, took his demotion with class, and now he's leaving with class. That can't be said for some of the "fans" here.
  10. Five more days to get your shots in and blame the season on a guy who played in just over 3 games.
  11. Agree with all posters. There are plenty of websites with the basic chords on them for beginners. As HopsGuy said, youtube is great for beginning guitar players, and there's a whole channel for it. The tabulature for most mainstream songs are on the 'net, so once a kid gets the feel for the chords (both open and barre..barre chords hugely important) have him try and play songs he actually likes. One cool thing, if your child has an iPhone, there are dozens of quality applications, many free or very cheap. Tuners, chord charts...I've even downloaded a pretty cool app that turns the iPhone into a guitar (Pocket Guitar...very, very cool). Great time to be a beginning guitar player. Lastly, the best way to learn is to play. Learn a couple chords, then start making up your own tunes. You'd be surprised how fast you pick it up if you start writing your own material. Sometimes its kind of discouraging for beginners to play a song and it sounds horrible. If you're writing your own songs, no one can tell the difference, and if it really sounds bad, tell people you're playing jazz.
  12. Hey, five more days left to blame Losman for every Buffalo Bills ill this season. I'm trying to think of the QB's name during that divisional three-game stretch at the end of October/beginning of November where the team went 0-3 (on to a 1-5 spiral from 1st to last) and pretty much costing them the division and ultimately the playoffs. What was his name? You'd think I'd be able to remember a guy who threw 5 INTs and fumbled the ball three times in that three-game stretch.
  13. There's nothing in that piece that suggests Jauron isn't coming back. Time to start hiding the sharp objects, people. You have been warned.
  14. No kidding. I see wins against Houston, Cinncy and KC, maybe. Brutal.
  15. They shouldn't even have one to begin with. Personally, I think all these All-star/Pro-Bowl "games" are stupid. Just give guys awards based on key stats specific to their positions, and name the award after someone considered the greatest of all time at that position.
  16. Played a terrible defense and watched Denver self-destruct of their own doing on three + drives. So Trent has come of age against SD, KC and sort of against Denver, yet suffered the long-term affects from a concussed groin in every other game. He should be thanking Fred Jackson, because Jauronimo got his 7th win and he's one of Trent's biggest cheerleaders. Three more years of Trent coming of age against terrible teams, getting knocked out of 25% of the other games, playing terrible in inclement weather and mediocrity, mediocrity, mediocrity.
  17. Maybe Captain Comeback can orchestrate that miraculous "come from behind to lose by a FG when the defense is playing prevent" effort that he's legendary for.
  18. Bills fans have eight more days to blame him for the team's ills.
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