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Everything posted by Q-baby!

  1. He was just happy to take a pic with his first orange man.
  2. ***** you are dumb. Bring more! (something I’m sure you’ve heard before)
  3. Trump, Trudeau and you are all douchebags! Better? You are the only on of the 3 who has no experience with beaver shots.....and it’s eyebrows loser!
  4. You are posting about someone who can’t stay off of social media? Holy ***** shitballs!!!!! Look in the mirror assclown!
  5. Obviously, his lips were moving! As well, those numbers are not even close to what he was spewing in his “I” speech.
  6. Oh look! Another pretentious dick. You forgot “in your own words.” And maybe even a word count? You clowns are ***** hilarious!
  7. Awe....look who’s head I’m living in rent free now! Can you turn down the heat please? Seems to be a lot of hot air in here!!!
  8. I remember when people looked down on sexual predators, no matter what they did for a living. i suspect if he was a school janitor, people would be saying, “cut his balls off” and comments like that. “He’s a fantastic janitor, it’s ok enjoy his janitoring and not like what he did. I can separate the two.”
  9. In the words of the WSJ: "[C]an anyone reading those opening two sentences wonder why millions of Americans believe Donald Trump when he tells them that he can’t get a fair shake from the press?" I'll just add that I can barely read the news these days (and I absolutely cannot watch it on TV). The negativity toward Trump is so relentless, cluttering up everything. It's crying wolf times a thousand. If anything is worth taking seriously, I'm afraid I won't be able to notice. . Self inflicted!
  10. Yep, just look at all the fat kids on sports teams these days. Sad. (Obviously kids and parents play a roll as well)
  11. Lol, and there’s the typical response. Your cult here really has it down pat!
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