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Everything posted by wnyguy

  1. Bears spend too much time reading their press clippings Bills 17 Bears 10
  2. I always wondered what the H stood for, thanks.
  3. Okay, I was going by what Mark Kelso said after the play on the radio broadcast. That as long as the pass was behind the line of scrimmage there could be no pass interference. I figured he knew what he was talking about. I did notice that they called that same play a little later in the game to Peerless,I believe, and they did get some positive yardage and no flag.
  4. I beg to differ. Since the pass was behind the line of scrimmage you can engage a defender inside the 5 yards allowed even while the ball is in the air. That play worked to perfection and the ref blew the call.
  5. What? We're gonna kill those bums. Kill.
  6. The play calling was a masterpiece. I especially liked the WR screen that went for a TD but was called back on a horribly bad call for pass interference. You'd thing that an official in the NFL would at least know the rules.
  7. If we can put pressure on Pennington with our front four like we did in Miami, I gotta say I like our chances.
  8. He wasn't even close to stepping out of bounds. As far as the penalty, I aint saying it didn't happen, just that I didn't see it.
  9. Remember this was the opening drive of the second half. We moved the ball well all through the first half and drove right down the field on this drive. You take the points there and NE has got to start thinking that they can't slow our offense down. I say take the points in that situation every time.
  10. Why the refs blew the whistle on that int is a question that i'd want answered as well. As far as the penalty? I never saw it on any replay.
  11. I've read where the play of the game was the Safety and I've read where the play of the game was our being stopped on 4th and one but to me the play of the game was failing to stop NE on the fourth and two. The fate of this game was decided by our inabilities on defense to stop the run. Had we stopped NE right there we would have pulled this one out. IMO
  12. I'm hoping that some seats open up after the preseason. I'd like to get a package that would include bus transportation from Buffalo to Detroit.
  13. Man that sucks, but I appreciate the response.
  14. A group of us would like to attend the game in Detroit on Oct. 15th. Does anyone know where I can get some info on any excursions to that game?
  15. Live action football is just a blip between commercials now. I can't imagine it getting worse and still being able to sit through a game on TV.
  16. Here's a link to the story that Shopp was talking about http://www.denverpost.com/ci_4154268?source=rss
  17. Did anyone catch Schopps stupid remarks during the stupid 10 opinions in a row concerning some guy getting picked up at a train station by police because he made plans to have sex with a 13 year old via the internet? Shopp was saying what an awful feeling it must be to think you're going somewhere to get some action and having the police meet you when you arrived there. Did anyone else hear this lunacy?
  18. Glad to hear that all is well and that mom and daughter are healthy. Congrats to you.
  19. My average is a 189 High game is 300- I bowled my first 300 this January 24th and then my second one Feb. 27th High series is 696.
  20. What you seem to be forgetting is that Losman has gotten a haircut.
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