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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. "We must be prepared to do battle in every arena. In the media. In the courtroom. At the ballot box. And in the streets" OMG. what do they think they are, BLM PAC or something.
  2. Words like terrorist, fascist, nazi get uses so much, in the wrong context, that its lost meaning. Americans love some Western Backed Coups. Snap elections. unless they go against our interest. Interesting seeing the same Media and parrots desperate to make it about that orange dude.
  3. "Another “feel good” policy that fails basic root cause analysis and ignores negative externalities in favor of a simplistic and flawed narrative." LMAO. that covers every effing bill passed lately. or our false paradigm that is the two-party system.
  4. the face of modern politics. I got my 51%. eff the other 49%. Franklin's “a republic, if you can keep it” line sure is coming to fruition. “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. “Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
  5. Though the Lincoln Project has an unusually high rate of small donors, many of its large funders are wealthy donors to Democratic candidates and PACs, including billionaire hedge fund manager Stephen Mandel, Silicon Valley billionaire Ron Conway, and Walmart heir Christy Walton. https://www.influencewatch.org/political-party/lincoln-project/#:~:text=Though the Lincoln Project has an unusually high,billionaire Ron Conway%2C and Walmart heir Christy Walton. https://www.opensecrets.org/news/2020/10/lincoln-project-1020-funds https://www.opensecrets.org/political-action-committees-pacs/the-lincoln-project/C00725820/donors/2022 LMAO..
  6. LMAO. your in the minority on that. but probably have a lot of support in the groups that fund these people. https://www.termlimits.com/library/National_Poll_2021-OF.pdf https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/should-there-be-term-limits-in-congress/
  7. I thought the post was about Hockel. Not the trees and good folks of this state. The weather canned reply gets blown away by the fact Cali is second in net domestic migration losses.
  8. LMAO. Net domestic migration shows NY, Cali and Ill as leading the nation, in people fleeing from it. while that state you called out. is right near the bottom, cause people are not fleeing it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration#:~:text=U.S. states by net domestic migration (From June, 8.40 47 more rows https://www.census.gov/dataviz/visualizations/028/ And most of that is from pre 2020 data. https://www.northamerican.com/migration-map And explains the drive for federal power. the large blue states keep losing electoral to the growing red states every census. NY used to have like 45 electoral. https://www.northamerican.com/migration-map
  9. LOL. I did find it funny reading people asking how to recall her and brown after the blizzard debacle. She has proven to be nothing but a tool of special interest and her donors. she got that 51% and said eff the other 49%. while actually screwing much of her supporters with insane spending and incompetence.
  10. the fact this has the left, the established right both attacking it. is telling And still cannot fathom how term limits, actual appropriate bills vs omni bills, and a way to remove the speaker is being attacked. when its been openly popular on both sides of the isle for years now.
  11. The corporatist on both sides of the isle are outing themselves right now. Never want to hear another peep about recalling politicians, term limits or insane pork in omni bills killing the budget out of any of them. as right now they are choosing to support the status quo over progress on the very issues they claim to support
  12. Some people get so upset about strong women. ugh. Its telling that these two are in that little group of people fighting to make the house work as it should and create the term limits so many want. So the face of the GDP is about separate spending bills and term limits in the house? And thats an insult?
  13. Before the 116th Congress that began in 2019, any member could, in theory, bring forward the motion at any time and force a vote on it. This changed to requiring the approval of the majority of the party bringing forward the motion. Though the option was available, it was only used twice — once in 1910 against Speaker Joseph Cannon (R-IL) and in 2015 when then-Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) tried to use it against Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Neither of the previous motions was successful in ousting the speaker but did weaken their political power. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/what-is-motion-to-vacate-kevin-mccarthy And if the parts about wanting term limits and 12 separate appropriation bills is factual, that has a lot of support outside DC.
  14. Meh. Fox is on par with MSNBC or CNN anymore. just playing the contrarian role to hold the two-party facade.
  15. OMG these rebels want extreme concessions. Per Politico: *A one-member “motion to vacate”: The GOP leader appears to have finally acquiesced to a demand to lower the threshold needed to force a vote ousting a speaker to just one member. While McCarthy originally indicated that restoring the one-member “motion to vacate” was a red line, his allies now argue that there’s not a huge practical difference between this and his previous offer of requiring five members to trigger the vote. Rules Committee seats for the Freedom Caucus: McCarthy is prepared to give the House Freedom Caucus two seats on the powerful House Rules Committee, which oversees the amendment process for the floor. (Some conservatives are still holding out for four seats on the panel.) There are also talks about giving a third seat to a conservative close to the Freedom Caucus but not in it — someone like Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky. Who would pick those members is still under discussion. Typically, it’s the speaker’s prerogative, but conservatives want to choose their own members for these jobs. *A vote on term limits: This is a key demand of Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), who has proposed a constitutional amendment limiting lawmakers to three terms in the House. *Major changes to the appropriations process: Fears of another trillion-plus-dollar omnibus spending bill have been a major driver of the conservative backlash to McCarthy. The brewing deal includes a promise for standalone votes on each of the 12 annual appropriations bills, which would be considered under what is known as an “open rule,” allowing floor amendments to be offered by any lawmaker. All three are things I hear both righties and lefties demanding. term limits, actual appropriation bills vs omnibus. that has a lot of support outside that building. seems like needed reform.
  16. Amen. when the establishment in both parties are openly purchased and agenda hurts. the best thing for Americans is a deadlocked DC.
  17. they are such a thing of the past. like a Pataki R. Just like the blue dog or Mod DEM. when politicians represent areas so heavily Nonpolitically diverse, there is no need for compromise. its just getting 51% to agree with you and eff the 49%
  18. I just found out that FIFI at the end of thread is an insult. I dont have time to figure out what FIFM means https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/fifi/ https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-Fe-Fe-fi-fi-bag-in-Prison-Talk as pelosi showed. just worry about your drip, shade, and clap back and its all good.
  19. its like someone is bored so they dusted off all the old sock puppets and are trying to create a narrative.
  20. lol, someone thinks that people legally carrying are terrorist in the gun violence issue.
  21. Its interesting to see the countless tweets on Twitter thinking H Jefferies is going to be the majority speaker in the house cause of this vote. Do schools even teach basic civics anymore?
  22. Some are arguing the omnibill in lame duck session was the DEMS usurping the houses purse string authority for 2023.
  23. I think that old saying has do more with having wealth and assets at as one gets older. then they tend to worry about the economic side of the house. I see the same graphs showing millennials avoiding home ownership or saving like older gens have.
  24. I don't disagree. Just asking the self-described liberal to give me their opinion of what todays liberals are. I mean, if we are talking the squad? its socialistic. Im a registered DEM in NYS. somewhere in the last decade we went from holding them accountable to just blind support cause the other team sucks. (like sports fans) Is Hockel a modern Liberal? I thought for sure Mary Peltola would be that moderate she ran as. but then voted yes for every damn corporate welfare and fed consolidation bill the dems pushed.
  25. That person is all emotion and rage. remember back when testosterone shots were just called steroids? everyone knew what the side effects were. Same with estrogen while on hormone blockers.
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