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Tommy Callahan

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Everything posted by Tommy Callahan

  1. All of it is based on us being in the 6th extinction event and the amount of flora/fauna loss and the speed of it. from that, they formulated the climate models of increased CO like the Biggest extinction in Earth’s history caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath | UW News (washington.edu)
  2. That story is nuts. RIP to her. but damn. Her family and Friends raised over 100K for her. but they do not want the criminal that killer her arrested or charged. Will they do another go fraud when said criminal kills the next nice person?
  3. from an evolutionary theory. if this world is really overpopulated and the people are what's killing the earth. They say this is the 6th mass extinction event. AOC says 6 years to live. . like in past mass extinction events that created caused the stresses that forced evolution. Is that what we might be seeing with gene mutations? Actual clinical Gender dysphoria was like 1 in 5 million rare just 10 years ago. Now according to UCLA, 1.6 M Americans.
  4. very interesting. its a very small sample size to make a lot of it. So, in the future babies could get a serum test at birth to identify if they are trans or sic? then a DNA test to verify sex vs DR assigned? is this caused by the stresses of the 6th extinction event. as those stresses are what leads to evolution. Do trans reproduce at the level of CIC?
  5. In every religion, even the small ones. Do we attack natives for their awesome beliefs in where they came from and where we go? Cause their are so many amazing stories in those creation stories. Even though it doesn't jive with CURRENT science. Every minute something that used to be a scientific fact, is disproven by another scientific fact. Science never stops evolving, or its not science. Ever head the story of Yakub? Muslims/Islam again state around 5-6K years ago. but that's fundamentalist. Doesn't mean the Muslim Scientist believes the earth is 500 years old. same with a Christian scientist, or Agnostic scientist. The current scientific agenda (debatable) is that we are in this 6th mass extinction event caused by us. one does not have to believe everything in a book wrote by men to have faith in a supreme being.
  6. I do think there is an issue with churches and politics. But its hard to just say, remove tax status if a political agenda. As those churches are often the first line helping the people most in need. And those inner-city churches that are usually the first to help at that level. and a braud approach could hurt them as well. when I think most peoples issues are with the mega churches. I don't think anyone should be mocked for their FAITH. I also feel that atheism/agnostic is a faith/belief system of what happens after death. But at the same time. if an individual insults or belittles someone, they as an Indvidual have every right to toss it right back. The person you are mentioning has tossed plenty of stones. I don't believe a thing GORE says because his record of being wrong, and his lack of integrity. But that has nothing to do with religion or faith.
  7. go take a peek at the video word coded shared about paul harvey being god. fundamentalist in every religion eff up the very basic function of faith and the golden rule.
  8. Yeah. Matt keeps telling me that, but I don't believe him/them lying ars
  9. Some parts of the country opted out of social security in the 80's . they created private accounts. and none of them have issues like SS and they pay out much better https://www.forbes.com/sites/merrillmatthews/2011/05/12/how-three-texas-counties-created-personal-social-security-accounts-and-prospered/?sh=4abe11933283
  10. That take just shows you have went to churches in white areas. just saying. if your say in Buffalo. you think the stain glass or paintings at Friendship, Macedonia Baptist? Miricle mission's full gospel? Bethesda? on a side note the Iroquois had the peacemaker or Deganawida. its amazing how close that story is to the story of Jesus If Jesus was born in Jerusalem (called David) and is The Davidic line or House of David. its the same Davidic line that every monarch claims to be from.
  11. I was always under the impression only narcissist and sports players reference themselves in the third person. Chris Farley learned something today.
  12. I think most paying attention knows that it needs to be fixed. something needs to be done. Those five fellas Ideas have some merit if the goal is to control cost to preserve it long term. I don't think ending it every five years does that. I do think they should be totally separate expenditure bills though. how, no effing clue. ****Also, I believe if you let people buy Medicare you actually fix two problems. you make that policy strong, and you help fix our problems with private insurance and medical cost by creating the low-cost government option.
  13. I still remember a middle school tour of the Douglas Zion church with a Douglas actor doing a remake of his speech. it stuck. Now of days that would probably not make it to any curriculum. We are doing this wrong.
  14. Aw looky. the "current thing" profiles all support the pro nouns and are calling anyone with a differing opinion insults. what's the definition of Bigotry again. "Being intolerant of others' OPINIONS" How generic and predictable. It is the monkey throwing the feces.
  15. The funny part about the people screaming diversity, is they only reference sex, race and what not. NEVER thought or experience diversity as they will yell you down for having a different opinion. every effing time. Say don't judge a book by its cover. while forcing people to conform and create this cover. Modern Diversity teaches we shouldn't be color blind, but respect individuals. Like making a salad. ITs boring if it's just greens. but a bright one full off all kinds of spices, vegies, lettuces create a much better salad. Don't claim to be about diversity as you rail against pineapples being allowed as a topping on a pizza. OK, I hurt myeslf falling off that high horse.
  16. Great points. but the thing that stuck out the most is those schools must have sucked if you never were taught that. Especially as this state was a hot spot for the suffrage and abolitionist movements. Kinda reenforces the fact NYS schools lead the nation in cost and dropouts. not much else.
  17. how does a law that requires books in schools to be free of pornography; instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through third grade; and discrimination “in such a way that an individual, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex or national origin, is inherently racist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously.”?? cover those books? its crazy. but then again maybe its some districts going overboard trying to interpret the new changes. The group they are sourcing for that reporting is the PEN America PAC.
  18. Any chance you can give a glimpse/articulate to the details. it's all behind a pay wall.
  19. According to all reporting it was due to him being mean or something. a hostile environment. I was just stating the timing aspect that is also noticed by many.
  20. More of a good example that the CEO just works for the Board of Directors. The timing is epic after his hit piece on Pfizer.. would hate to have any money invested in that company now? cause that's probably going to backfire.
  21. This Paul Harvey? Heah. His statements on "If I was the devil" is Epic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9NoQHgjM_0 If I were the Devil If I were the Devil If I were the Prince of Darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness And I'd have a third of its real estate And four-fifths of its population But I wouldn't be happy until I had seized The ripest apple on the tree – thee So I'd set about however necessary to take over the United States I'd subvert the churches first I'd begin with a campaign of whispers With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve "Do as you please" To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square And the old, I would teach to pray after me Our Father – which art in Washington And then I'd get organized I'd educate authors in How to make Lurid literature exciting So that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction I'd tranquilize the rest with pills If I were the Devil I'd soon have families at war with themselves Churches at war with themselves And nations at war with themselves Until each in it's turn, was consumed And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames If I were the Devil I would encourage schools To refine young intellects But neglect to discipline emotions, just let those run wild! Until before you knew it You'd have to have drug sniffing dogs And metal detectors at every schoolhouse door Within a decade I'd have prisons overflowing I'd have judges promoting pornography Soon I could evict God from the courthouse Then from the schoolhouse And then from the houses of congress And in His own churches I would substitute psychology For religion and deify science I would lure priests and pastors into Misusing boys and girls and church money If I were the Devil I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg And the symbol of Christmas a bottle If I were the Devil, I would take from those who have And give to those who wanted Until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious What will you bet I could get whole states to promote gambling, as the way to get rich I would caution against extremes In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct I would convince the young that marriage is old fashioned That swinging is more fun That what you see on TV Is the way to be And thus, I could undress you in public And I could lure you into bed With diseases for which there is no cure In other words, if I were the Devil I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing
  22. ITs funny when they parrot that. Its some shady theory about us being in the 6th Mass extinction event. that supposedly is human caused and started with us. IE, we are the problem and reason for this mass extinction event. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/brv.12816 And based off this Book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sixth_Extinction:_An_Unnatural_History that was wrote in 2014 By Elizabeth Kolbert. Who is not a scientist. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_Kolbert But has a history of writing for such nonbiased sites as NYT and Wa Po. So that makes her the expert in this theory.
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