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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. And what a miserable bills fan existence they must have. To be so anchored to their opinions and past takes on Allen that they cant enjoy a Bills win and to have no hope for the Bills future or the potential JA shows. its must be depressing. I myself am very excited to see how this team progresses. go bills!!!
  2. I give up Allen sucks Bills gonna suck the next 2 years because of this fact there is no hope im gonna go becomne a pats fan we are DOOMED.
  3. news flash good QBs sometimes commit turnovers and all of them have INTs or near INTs every game its how react to them. I remember games where Kelly throws multiple picks in first half but then comes out and wins the game in the 2nd. Allen is young there will be mistakes but he WON the game and made plays when it counted but that must have just been lucky huh
  4. what game were you watching? Peterman level bad? cmon man u must be on record as not liking Allen also
  5. man that was a bad take im guessing he is on record as not liking Allen as a prospect
  6. yeah he is awful if he does any more Bills games i will do what YOLO did and mute the TV
  7. josh allen showed a ton of poise in the 2nd half!!!!
  8. cmon Allen this is where good QBs make their career
  9. we weathered the storm opening day on the road Bills can win this just settle Allen down and take care of ball better. get the running game going a bit and exploit the jets weak dbs
  10. be patient folks defense keeping us in it and the emotions of opening day are settling down and it only 6 - 0
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