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Everything posted by billybob71

  1. yes ^^^ we've seen JA "worst" (which is still better than alot of QB's in this league) and on them "worst" days we still usually have a chance in the end, and we've seen his best, which is next level elite. I take this all day and twice on Sundays!!!
  2. Yeah you right but i think they will try to be more balanced between run and pass. (stick with the run more than they have) and use more play action, at least that would be my game plan against the Bills D. And it could be snow maybe wind and they gonna wanna start to make an effort to be more balanced in reaction to Washington loss and with play offs looming.
  3. With that said, I think the Steelers will come out with the mind set to be more physical and try to run the ball (which has been their weakness) we will see how she goes.
  4. Actually i think the opposite, so far the Steelers haven't shown much of a run game or their usual physicality up front.
  5. ive been trying to figure out why im so nervous watching Bills games lately. I have been a Bills fan all my life (turning 50 this summer) and i have great memories of my dad taking me to many classic games in the late 80s and 90s. I have rarely missed going too or watching a game in all those years, so i ask myself why am i even more invested than normal? Its because of the QB we have. Watching Josh is like watching my own kid out there. Yeah yeah i know he is a pro athlete that i dont know personally, but thats the thing. i do feel like i know this kid. Watching him get drafted and learning his back story. listening to all the doubters and so called experts saying he is not gonna be any good, watching him continue to get better and work hard and embrace his team and community i'm all in as a fan, hanging on every play in every game. What a great ride to be on, (tho it has become way more intense as a fan) gone are the days when i watch Bills games with kind of a crass or here we go again attitude. And yes i know all this hinges on Josh having continued success, but i feel like he certainly is going to. I know there is going to be losses. bad games and set backs but i feel like he is always gonna bounce back and have way more success than failure, and that my friends is the true definition of a franchise QB.
  6. I hope so, they have been expelling alot of old ghosts this would be another
  7. Im gonna start in with white russians while watching steelers i will feel confident by kickoff
  8. AFC East tightening up, I don't like the match up with the 9ers. Here's to hoping Bills come out strong tomorrow, maybe i'm just snake bitten because its a prime time game but i'm not feeling to confident. Let's go Buffalo
  9. yeah that play was going nowhere would like to have seen him just get down and protect himself there. was really surprised he came right back in, he is one tough kid. i hope is ankle is ok, anxiously awaiting tomorrows injury report.
  10. this game got sloppy and painful to watch and bad officiating once again
  11. This^^ it seems every time i turn it on, its a show with two or three guys arguing over some sports topic. Who wants to watch that
  12. donation sent, Josh Allen is my all time favorite sports figure to watch and he is a great kid!!! Lets go Buffalo!!
  13. I would say sure get Bell if its cheap and the Jets pay most of his salary but a bidding war for this guy? No thanks
  14. That fumble a blessing the way this night is going, Josh doesn't need to go back out there and get hurt in garbage time.
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