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Everything posted by Pokebball

  1. In this instance, pretty partisan So partisan swing every couple of years, right? Just like we're seeing.
  2. simple point being that it didn't just recently start
  3. Jan 6 has become so political by both sides finding the truth is hard for guys like you and I. Trump was not a leader for the country that day. Very poor character, like I've stated. All regular folk like you and I do anymore is to point out the other side. But here we are today, with some really bad precedent set going forward. I don't think we'll ever be the same. Spiked up (I'm not going to say trumped up) impeachment charges over russia shyt that it certainly looks like the Dems were more guilty of than the any repubs were. Neither side was innocent, and of course russia was intent on screwing everyone up as much as they could. Russia couldn't be more happy that both sides here are pointing fingers. They couldn't have wished for anything better. A year or two before Jan 6 we were burning all kinds of shyt down, both sides blaming the other. It's been a really horrible 7 yrs for our country. Nobody's happy. And I certainly won't defend anyone that had anything to do with it, on either side of the aisle. We've got a ton of housecleaning to do.
  4. I honestly didn't vote for him in either 2016 or 2020. I won't be voting for him in 2024 either. His character doesn't deserve my vote, whether he's guilty of a crime or not. I made that decision 8yrs ago.
  5. You're wrong. I will accept a guilty verdict. I honestly hope the prosecution has enough to do this. But dang man, it's been 7yrs of this and it's growing old on everyone, including many independents. You either have the goods on him or you don't. Get'r done You're claiming he's already guilty and should be strung up before due process runs it course. Isn't that what you've posted? This is so very true and has hurt the nation for decades, if not centuries, to come
  6. Activist white guys and gals doing their thing. That's how it was a few years ago and it's remained that way through today. Why do white dems not want the country to come together? I think more and more minorities are tired of the white activist dem's game.
  7. I think you've misquoted him here. Of course the actual lyrics don't fit with the racist hate agenda you have. The actual lyrics, in context, are "Got a gun that my granddad gave me, They say one day they're gonna round up, Well, that ***** might fly in the city, good luck". It's certainly a pro 2A stanza that's in the song. But in context, it's a stanza about the federal govts efforts of confiscating guns. There isn't a line "best not come around here" in the stanza or anywhere in the song that I can find. You made it up. Why the quotes and lie? Oh well, racist hate to your hearts content. Absolute truth and something I can't deny.
  8. Some of everything you described is here. This isn't about one or the other extreme, all or nothing. It's about being LESS tolerant of bad shyt. Do you have a thought regarding why there are clearly white folk doing bad shyt in the video? How do you reconcile that with your tinfoil, conspiracy theory?
  9. You're conspiracy theory is your reality, obviously. I can clearly make out a lot of white folks in the video, if your theory is accurate, why would there be white folk in the video? This fact on it's own proves your conpiracy theory wrong. I'm interested in your take here. My reality is this - I live in a small country town and while we see little violence and hatred, what we see is mostly from white folk, and trust me, we don't tolerate it. And whatever the size of that demographic might be in my community, they understand that we don't tolerate it. They clearly understand we don't tolerate it. Because of this culture, my small country town is quite peaceful.
  10. Sounds to me like it was random and not selected by him. You can't be this stupid. That hat you're wearing takes more than one roll of Reynolds.
  11. A community gets what they tolerate. Leadership in communities across the country have adopted liberal tolerance on crime. No secret code about either.
  12. You're telling me to defend another's stance? I'm happy to defend my stance. You said to string him up. Defend your stance.
  13. Due process my friend. I pretty damn important tenant of being a US citizen. Be bigger than the Flintstone clan at the capitol on Jan 6
  14. Why the struggle with due process? Why are lefties wanting to "string him up" before?
  15. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
  16. Somebody forgot to tell Mike Pence. Otherwise the country would have been screwed. It would have been one of the worst things to ever happen to America!!!
  17. Probably need to first change the venue...to Salem Did you skip the 6th and 7th amendments in JHS? Is that too much to ask?
  18. TDS existed yesterday, exists today and I'm certain will exist tomorrow. In all dimensions, including the 4th dimension!
  19. Not even close. I suspect you have a pretty weak knowledge of our history. Or perhaps you give much greater weight to recent events. But my gosh, there were hundreds of historical events in US history worse than Jan 6, if not thousands.
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