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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I still love how some people are so quick to buy into a team going from 1-15 to 0-16 suddenly becoming playoff contenders after a few "sexy" off-season acquisitions while still under the same head coach. Isn't this the same thing I've heard about the Browns the last two years? And how did that work out for them? Do you really expect them to go "zero-to-hero"? Going from zero wins to 4-6 wins would be an accomplishment, a solid season. 7-8 wins would be a stunning turnaround. 9+ would be a miracle. I do see the Browns contending for a playoff spot...the season after this one.
  2. It's ego. The players know they have options. It's just the typical "What? You think I'm a f'ing lightweight? I can drive!" *crash* Hell with taxi cards, if I'm an owner I'd install breathalizers in the ignition of every players' car. >.<
  3. Never said I wanted him to lose his job. We're talking about people making a living here. However, I simply maintain that the man is extremely biased, and what he says has to be taken with a grain of salt, that's all. I don't just want good news, or people pandering to me. The truth though, is that in Rodak's articles on the Bills, there is always as much negative, if not more, then positive. It's more then a trend, it's a constant. I quickly learned to take absolutely nothing he says at face value as a result. Then when he stupidly went out and said the Bills' season was over before it started last year...not presented as an opinion, no "I think..." or "It looks like..." ...nope, the season was most definitely over, any respect I had for him or anything he wrote, went out the window. I remember telling myself, "Man, I really hope the Bills make the playoffs this season so I can use this to smack that smirk off your face!"...and lucky me, exactly that happened. The Bills made him eat his words and look like an absolute tool. I giggle more then I should every time I think about it. If the man wrote a few positive articles, I wouldn't mind the negatives. But let's be honest, at this point the Bills could go 19-0, win the Super Bowl 52-0, and Rodak would still criticize the Bills for something asinine like putting the second string in too early, or not early enough. It's just who he is...and my point remains, you need to keep that in mind when reading his articles. I said nothing about the man losing his job. Not sure where you got that from.
  4. If he quit because of Allen, he's an idiot. ...that being said, I don't believe for a moment this was because of Allen. The draft is simply an excuse. He had to have other reasons for wanting out.
  5. Bolded it for you. Basically, you will never find a Rodak article about the Bills where the positives outweigh the negatives. He's biased, moreso now after looking like a chump for his "over before it started" prophecy. In this case, I was shocked to see an equal mix of pro and con, rare for him.
  6. Not everyone is polorized. I'm quite the opposite. TT was the ultimate baseline. He never took a risk. Ever. Not taking risks kept him from losing game through mistakes, but kept him from winning games with big plays. He was able to do enough to get us to the playoffs, and not enough to win a playoff game where the opposing team scored just 10 points. TT elevates bad teams and drags good teams down. Last season the Bills finally outgrew him. However, the 1-31 Browns are the perfect team for him. He can elevate them to mediocrity, and by the time the Browns outgrow him, their rookie should be ready to go. That lack of risk-taking did catch up to him, though. When time is almost expired and you need a comeback, a winning drive, well...you have to bite the bullet and take chances. TT couldn't, or wouldn't, and that's why his 4th quarter comeback numbers are so terrible.
  7. *cough* ...just proves you didn't read my stuff and don't know what you're talking about.
  8. Crickets because Rodak doesn't write anything positive about the Bills. Anytime he writes something that even looks positive, there is always a backhanded negative in there. And we don't say he's a hack, we say he's extremely biased against the Bills. I still giggle a little when I think about how the Bills exposed him as a chump last season.
  9. The point I was trying to make is more a rebuttal of people that think the Bills' playoff birth was more of luck then skill, that Buffalo did not earn/deserve a playoff spot and only (key word) made it because they got lucky. There's always some luck involved, I just take offense at people who dismiss the Bills' efforts and instead claim it was all the work of the magical Dalton-fairy that somehow elevated a 4-12 team into the playoffs.
  10. TT was far, far from a nightmare on defensive coordinators. I can see the war room now. "How do we stop Tyrod?" "Stack the box, put eleven men, two cheerleaders and an assistant coach in there. Take away the run game and the short passing game." "But what if Tyrod takes advantage of that and burns us by throwing deep?" *room erupts in laughter* "Stack the box. Moving on..."
  11. It will be fun to revisit this thread at, say, the half-way point of the season. ?
  12. Let the kid play, and judge him based on his actual performance? What is this madness you're spouting?!? ?
  13. Rodak hates the Bills, even moreso now that they made him look like an absolute fool last season after a preseason article of his where after big trades he stated "The Bills season is over before it started." So, in cases like this, consider the source. In Rodak's case the source is a blathering idiot with a strong bias against the Bills and a new chip on his shoulders after the Bills exposed him as such last season by ending the drought. Over before it started indeed. Tool.
  14. Keep in mind it doesn't have to be one or the other. It's not a shell game where we know there is only one good QB in the draft. It's quite possible Rosen does wonderful in Arizona, and Allen does remarkable in Buffalo.
  15. Pfft, it wasn't politics. Everyone knows the reason Josh Rosen fell...
  16. Loved that game, but that was outside the stated year range. ^.^
  17. The AFC Championship game vs. the Chiefs. Was at that one, got to see Montana crushed live.
  18. Something I wonder...Josh Rosen is impressing, Josh Allen is impressing, TT is impressing...everyone is impressing. Keep in mind teams want to build up their players, so of course a lot of positive comments will come out. Would we really get any negatives? I mean if Rosen was struggling, would there really be public reports saying "Josh Rosen disappointing coaches. GM orders crate of Pepto and ponders his life choices."? Of course not! So be it Rosen, Allen or anyone else...take comments that prospects are impressing with a grain of salt.
  19. It's not all or nothing. Once in a great while there will certainly be a post that should be reported. Something legitimately offensive or such. The point of this post is some people are a little overeager. Just because a few people report far more then they should doesn't mean nothing should ever be reported.
  20. Well, if AI takes over, they may take over the NFL. Then we could get Cyberball!
  21. I still hold to another 9-7 year following the same template as last year, lean hard on an improved D, hope the O can scrape enough points up to win. I think the O will be on par with last season, growing pains offset by a QB that will throw breaking opposing Ds out of stacking the box. I see, overall, a slightly improved team, but hold to 9 wins because I think the schedule is rougher. Got a funny feeling we steal one from NE this year, though.
  22. I...oh wow. Missed that entirely. I might be better off going to sleep rather then internetting. XD I saw the URL started with "entertainment" and somehow made the logic jump to it being an Entertainment Tonight article. Whelp, I feel silly. ?
  23. Um...what? O.o ...if...I read this right...the whole point is...racists get away with being racists on ABC shows...so...Roseanne...should have been allowed to get away with racist tweets in real life? Please, please someone tell me I misinterpreted this. Please tell me they didn't actually try and make that argument. Please, for my own sanity.
  24. Not always. The Comeback was spearheaded by backups. ? When you're a bad team, you have a hard enough time filling the starting spot with quality players. Very rarely does a team fill in the backups until their starting 22 are solid. At the moment the Bills are...well...not solid. Too many holes still in offense starter spots to worry about backups. Now, if Buffalo can stabalize their starters in the next year or two, expect the staff to start padding the roster with quality backups. Until then, yeah, we're gonna have very shaky depth.
  25. So, basically this board just needs a bit more...
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