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The Red King

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Everything posted by The Red King

  1. I assume nothing and wrote my initial post carefully. It's got to be one game at a time. That being said, it doesn't hurt to think about what lays beyond should the Bills win. Things look a little more viable now. NE didn't get a chance to rest this week and lost their bye week. They're going to be worn, something they're not used to in the playoffs.
  2. KC jumping NE might have opened a slightly easier playoff road for us. We start at Houston and cannot meet NE until the Championship game. The Titans, should they make it, match well with NE. Should they topple NE a Bills win then sends them to KC instead of Baltimore, an (imho) far more winable game. Hell, a Bills win and a Titans upset over Baltimore and the Bills could even host the Championship game. Unlikely, of course, but any way you slice it I think our path to the Super Bowl looks a lot nicer then it did before KC leapfrogged NE.
  3. How are you guessing home for Pitt and away for Colts/Titans? The other fourteen games are locked in, I know. But those two, drawn from the second place teams of the AFC divisions we're not playing don't follow the same pattern of alternating home/away.
  4. Power rankings are designed to stir the pot, whip people up. Topics like this prove it works, week after week.
  5. You know, it is possible to say the refs were quite biased *and* say the Bills could have done more to win. They're not mutually exclusive. ?
  6. We have Beane, the McGuyver of GMs. He'll find a way to package that pick with a third rounder, a cheeto and a q-tip to move into the top 15. ?
  7. Who else should have gone? I love the Bills, but they are a collection of very good players with very little star power. What other Bills player earned a spot that wasn't outplayed by 2-3 other AFC guys at their position?
  8. While unlikely, the AFCE is still in play, so yes they have something to play for. As for this, the goal is *this* Super Bowl. NE doesn't care what the punishment is, so long as it's next season.
  9. Not true. If both wild cards win twice, the Bills would host the other wild card in the AFC Championship game.
  10. This post is not about the x and os. It's not about the draft. It's about culture, attitude, perception, and a team winning in situations they used to find ways to lose. Say what you will about how they are executing, and opinions vary, but you cannot deny a drastic improvement in culture.
  11. Would Indy somehow squeek in if they got into a three way tie, perhaps? ?
  12. Has to feel so strange to NE...going into week 16, and they still haven't won the division.
  13. We can complain, and we can critisize...but at the start, if you were told the Bills would be 10-4, a game behind the Pats, and already clinched a wild card, we'd not just be happy. We'd be thrilled! Congrats, boys. Now go make a statement in NE.
  14. No, it comes down to division record. The week 17 games would give the Bills the tiebreaker. Bills would be 5-1, Pats 4-2.
  15. Strangely, tonight's game is meaningless in regards to the AFCE title. Win or lose tonight, BUF has to win their next two, and NE has to lose to MIA. Even if we lose tonight, the Pats don't lock up the east.
  16. If we win tonght, we clinch a wild card. With the Titans' loss, would a win tonight clinch the #5 seed (barring winning the AFCE, of course)?
  17. Disturbing trend with AB. Players trying to dictate where they go, looking to sidestep the system.
  18. Miami has split with NE each of the last two years. A Dolphins win is unlikely, but not impossible. Dalton and the Bengals did us a solid two years ago, no reason to think they couldn't again. Not holding my breath, but not ready to completely write it off.
  19. NE doesn't care. They want one last ring so everyone can ride off into the sunset happy. Any penalties given for this will take effect next season, after mission accomplished.
  20. It's not just Josh, though. The offensive line was a sieve early on. All-around the offense looks out of sync until later in the game.
  21. A lot of games this season it seems like the offense starts slow, then gets better until they click. Yesterday reminded me a lot of the New England game. I felt like if we had one more quarter, we could have won, given how they were playing at the end. Sadly, we did not have another quarter. We hit the field in shambles, and by the time we hit stride it was too late. And it's killing us. It's keeping us from rolling low-quality opponents early, and it's costing us dearly against the heavyweights. So, my question is, why do you think that is? Why is the Bills' offense stale at the start, and why does it take as long as it does each game for them to hit stride? Right now they're like a flourescent bulb, flickering intermittently until they finally hum to life some time later. Is it coaching? Weekly game plans? Personnel?
  22. Nobody is assuming anything. We're discussing scenarios to win the division, that's all.
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