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Everything posted by ngbills

  1. Agree to disagree. There is the what happened and there is a how it happened. Watch the Bills/KC ending side by side with KC/NE side by side. KC gets credit for making plays vs NE. The Bills was an epic failure, essentially without an effort to stop it.
  2. Completely different. Starting from the fact it took 16 seconds. First play took 9 so I doubt KC is thinking field goal with only 4 seconds left. The plays were completely different. Not here throw and run really quick with no one around you. Here do the same thing again. Once incompletion and its basically game no FG territory but Bills didnt even get close to the KC players. It is completely and utterly inexcusable, insane, atrocious and any other word to say how terrible a decision it was.
  3. But would need to be adjusted for not caring at all about giving up 10 yards or having any pass rush or a running play.
  4. No way you can say a team will tie the game one in ten times when down 3 with 13 seconds left. Try more like 1 in 50 or even 1 in 100.
  5. Disagree. They still take up space. They immediately drop 5 yards and that takes away the quick pass. Dont think anyone is saying have them cover a guy man on man. Just take up a space. Rushing served no purpose.
  6. Whats worse is we called a TO right before this to have extra time to think about it. And this is what they did.
  7. Agreed. Do that and you could even get creative and send a CB blitz because you still have numbers without 4 DL. Instead we did this? Line up deep - rush the front 4 and drop everyone leaving the middle wide open for 25 easy yards.
  8. What is Hill like some 8 foot tall guy that runs a 1.4 40? He could whizz past everyone jump 15 feet in the air catch the ball and only 2 seconds come off the clock? Not likely. You have 11 defenders back I just dont see how he makes a play other than a hail mary type play which is not the strong point for the chiefs short wr's.
  9. I think go 2-9 just to at least have some rush. Or you fake they are rushing and have them drop back in coverage that strategy could have potentially knocked down the quick Mahomes pass on 1st. The other 9 guys cover the field in thirds. You give up anything less than 10 yds but should at least tackle them quickly.
  10. Good as gone: Beas $6M, Klein $5.2M, Feliciano $3.5M That gets us to $25M in space. Ford and Matakevich could get another $4M; D Williams would get another $5.5M. Restrux ? Diggs, White, Dawkins can each get $5M plus in cap dollars with restrux. So without doing a ton we could be sitting at anywhere from $25M to $50M in cap space. That should be enough to bring in a few good players.
  11. What sucks about losing a game like that? It means nothing. I dont buy it is a learning experience, etc. These guys have been there before and it may provide some motivation but its more of a let down at this point than a learning experience. Think about anything you are really good at - when something blows it up and you have to start over pisses you off more than I learned so much. I have no positives to take from this game. I knew Allen was this good, I knew they could play with the Chiefs. It sucks the D could not hold its end of the bargain. So my only positive is that once the pain wears off there is the hope for next year, which can be a better feeling and more enjoyable than a season following a super bowl win. So we got that going for us...
  12. Pointless, so many could have should haves. But I have not seen much on the Hill TD that took the lead. That should have been called back for taunting. Dont have a frickin rule if your not going to enforce it. https://twitter.com/TrainIsland/status/1485440491697147912/photo/1 https://ftw.usatoday.com/lists/chiefs-bills-tyreek-hill-peace-sign-taunting-refs
  13. Seemed like he was the one taking the initiative. Seeking guys out etc. Could be just being a class act or could be something.
  14. Watching him after the game I had the thought he is retiring. He went around the field having long conversations and hugs, especially with KC players/coaches. Could be nothing, but watching my mind went to he is retiring. Dont remind us. Deebo on this team would be ridiculous.
  15. They will change the rule next year and we will score a td in OT then lose when KC scores a TD and 2pt conversion...sarcasm.
  16. We can only hope this is our Ronnie Harmon on the way to multiple Super Bowls. It is really bad though. How does that happen I still can’t wrap my head around it. Give up 10 yards not 30.
  17. The tough answers are things like - is McD a good coach or do we just have Allen and other good players?
  18. We should have rushed two and dropped nine. 3 deep 3 mud and 3 shallow.
  19. Squib would have been kc ball at maybe 30 but with under 10 seconds. No way they can run two plays. But some they run two in like 7 seconds which still seems weird.
  20. Coaching let them down a few times tonight.
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