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Everything posted by CaptnCoke11

  1. That’s a rarity so it’s really hard to put any blame on him
  2. Josh Allen running was a huge part of when this offense dominated. He demoralized teams. Now there’s no threat of that.
  3. I think this game was an outlier for that. He’s been solid holding on to the ball since week 1 last year
  4. I don’t see him dogging it at all. He’s a limit route runner. He’s good on routes down the field. He’s a good run blocker but he’s not a #2. Certainly not dogging it Yes the OL was fantastic tonight. Albeit against a bad bad passing team and run defense
  5. I wholeheartedly disagree. I think it’s the soiled expectations of this team why you’re mad. This is definitely better than the drought years 4 turnovers, three huge drops and this is what happens in the NFL
  6. And hire who? I agree i think changes should be made but there’s still a glimmer of a playoff chance baring a minor miracle (i believe no chance). After the season of they continue to lose then it’s very possible he’s gone
  7. Threw zero excuse for that. There was plenty of time left they should of been ready for that scenario
  8. Today has been an anomaly for him since week 1 last year. It’s definitely not the norm
  9. Really makes you wonder. All the off-season talk from the media(which I hate) about this team expected take a step back has come to fruition. We’ve become spoiled the last few years but a team with Josh Allen at QB shouldn’t miss the playoffs. There’s definitely a fundamental problem with the offense mainly Allen and Dorsey.
  10. Scumbag? He’s frustrating but to call someone a scumbag over a football game is a little immature and harsh
  11. Right now it looks like they could be a 7/8 win team. That will get them a decent pick maybe top 15.
  12. Tired of the same old rhetoric from McDermott and Allen. I’m going to bust out one of the best quotes of all time. “Don’t tell me about the labor pains just show me the baby.”
  13. They deserved to lose so this ending was fitting
  14. lol this isn’t on Dorsey at all. Allen missing open guys and three huge drops.
  15. Josh Allen is a major issue with this offense. People wanna scapegoat Dorsey but Allen is more of the issue
  16. It’s sad to watch how bad this team has regressed in a short period of time.
  17. Like the OC on the sidelines. I don’t GM have a good reason but it just makes more sense to me. Seems like a more efficient way to do it
  18. Yeah i agree. Watch some highlights from 2020,2021 and early 2022 and they had a swagger about them. Allen especially with his running for this offense humming. Now that he’s being neutered they look like they are just going through the motions
  19. They books is out on Gabe Davis. He’s not a 2. His best role is a 4 running deeper routes. I think his market will be less than what alot of people think in the off-season. We need to move on and draft/FA a more dynamic option opposite Diggs
  20. If my work was going to give me a nice sum of money for achieving a goal I’d be doing my damndest to reach it. People are funny
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