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Everything posted by Wo-Bah

  1. Definitely not a hard hit, but it sure as hell was deliberate (sp?). Lead with the crown of the helmet.
  2. Can we please not get over confident after beating the Jets? Keep the bone-headed plays to a minimum, and the turnovers down, then they have a good chance to win.
  3. A division and conference win to start the season!
  4. Those are always more fun to watch following a Bills win!
  5. The Jets OL has been holding all game. Good no call on the third down throw.
  6. He’s finding a nice little groove after a slow start.
  7. At least we wouldn’t have to look at Tom F’n Brady.
  8. First half goes out the window. This game is right there for us. Pull your heads out of your a$$es.
  9. Let’s get some points right before the half. Any points will help.
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