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Everything posted by BuffaloRush

  1. Right...while I do agree that this is what Beane meant, “Steady Eddie” was the wrong term. He should have said “even-keeled”
  2. Ok finally the first explaination that actually makes sense. He doesn’t mean conservative just that his emotions are steady. I think Beane is using “Steady Eddie” incorrectly. He means to say “even keel.” Not the same meaning
  3. I guess I think Beane used the wrong phrase. He didn’t mean Steady Eddie. He meant more of a “grinder.”
  4. Right that’s why i was surprised to hear him called “Steady Eddie.” His throws in San Diego were anything but cautious. Didn’t he have the nickname Nathan Farve?
  5. Hell no. I Googled the term too. From what i was able to find being called a “Steady Eddie” is not exactly a compliment. It means you are overly careful or cautious. Not a good trait for your QB unless your name is Tyrod Taylor. https://forum.wordreference.com/threads/steady-eddy-eddie.2002822/ I’ve never heard someone call someone a “Steady Eddie.” WTF
  6. I’ve listened to Brandon Beane’s past media appearances. Whenever he talks up Nate Peterman, he always says “he’s Steady Eddie.” What the hell does “Steady Eddie” even mean? Is that like calling someone “Charlie Hustle?” I’ve never once hear anyone call someone a Steady Eddie, so I don’t know what that means.
  7. Think about it...5 INT’s in a half of football. That was just the perfect storm of inexperience and a terrible matchup
  8. Sorry about that. I wasn’t sure what the protocol was. I will run everything by you from now on.
  9. I’m a big fan of DunkirkDon. I loved that huge thread where he shared the insider info - like how the coaching staff loved Kirk Cousin and that the Bills were building a new stadium in Dunkirk!
  10. On the surface level there are similarities. The difference however is that Brees started for about 2 years prior. He didn’t turn into a good QB until the year Phillip Rivers was drafted. Peterman is fairly inexperienced as a starter. He has 2 starts under his under his belt and a much more limited body of work
  11. If you read the original post, I recently came across this. I never said it was late breaking news, hence the “in 2015” part
  12. I was thinking back to the time Rex hired him as a joke and wondered if he was still playing in the NFL. This catfish article was one of the first things that popped up. BTW IK did play on the Raiders practice squad briefly in 2017.
  13. While trying to research former Bills LB IK Enempali, I came across this wild article. For some reason I must have missed this back in 2015. Basically IK got catfished. He made an arrangement to get a hum-dinger from, Missy Lee, a new friend on Facebook who he thought was a woman. When he gets to the house, Missy is covered from head to toe with a blanket and won’t turn the lights on. But the lights from the cell-phone reveal that Missy is a dude with facial hair. IK freaks out and punches Missy in the mouth breaking a few teeth and injuring his hand in the process. IK jumped out the window and ran away. Later Missy and her “father” try to extort money from IK, but he goes to the police. Such a wild story. I always remember IK as the player Rex Ryan signed as a joke after he punched Gino Smith. Gino was the QB Rex Anvers wanted and his failure on the field was the final nail in Rex’s coffin. Too bad the real joke was on the Bills when IK attempted to play LB. Just terrible. http://es.pn/1LBINa5
  14. Let me check on it Yeah I can’t post the entire results without giving everyone access to all scores. That’s why I said I’d only post the top 20. I would be pumped if Dunkirk Don wins it all
  15. If you want to enter your W-L Predictions week by week click the thread below to join the “You Pick The Bills Contest”
  16. One of the most popular segments on WGR is "Howard Picks the Bills" where Howard Simon goes through the schedule and predicts the Bills win-loss record before the season. Now you can pick the Bills. Complete this form below by predicting how they'll fare each week and then guess the overall win-loss record. There's a high chance there will be multiple winners, so I added 2 tiebreakers as well. You will have right up until kickoff in Week 1 to make your selections. The top 20 entries will be published right after the season ends. Good Luck! CLICK HERE TO PICK THE BILLS: https://goo.gl/forms/KPT7F7FekslRM2Ra2 CLICK HERE TO SEE THE RESULTS: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf47YOYNFeSdRqU0CxY7Yg0ayhPiCW5GEq1tp8SpbVv98Jh0w/viewanalytics
  17. I’m not totally against those analytics guys, they are entitled to their opinions. But I don’t think people should use their opinion as though it’s gospel - especially when it comes to scouting players. People think that the Eric Galko’s of the world are the most knowledgeable, when in reality his scouting experience at the NFL level is limited to a 1 month internship with The Vikings. But it goes back to that philosophical argument of “can you be considered an expert in football, if you’ve never worked for a professional team?”
  18. Sorry but if you read the post it says SINCE Manning retired. Unless I’m mistaken Denver has not won a Super Bowl since the 2015 season, the numbers above are from 2016 and 2017
  19. LOL thanks for nitpicking. The point is still the same. Cardale flopped when given an opportunity to shine. I knew then that he was going to suck as an NFL QB
  20. Exactly....the D wasn’t good yet the talent is still there and the HC has a defensive background. It shows what a bad hire Joseph was - this is all on Elway
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