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Bobby Hooks

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Everything posted by Bobby Hooks

  1. This is the third or fourth time you’ve said this exact thing in this thread. And you’re calling others repetitive. Yup, brutal.
  2. So just completely unable to have reasonable conversation? Gotcha. I gave up trying to explain logic to the illogical. Have fun with your dumb thread.
  3. You could start a thread about other prospects if you’d like. Instead you started a bait thread calling people “inbreds.” Sounds to me like this thread was an intentional fight. You’ll probably get it but it’s really not worth it. What I really mean is you’re not worth it. Realist does not = pessimistic control hungry douchebag
  4. Which could literally be said about any action anyone has or will ever take. Who’s the authority on that? You? Op felt like making an April fools joke. Deal with it crybaby.
  5. Manning’s eyes are probably at the same level as Mayfield. His height is half forehead. Well, I guess the giraffe neck helps too.
  6. No. We’re trading up for a real qb, that’s all there is to it. Mayfield or Rosen please and thank you.
  7. Even if you were kidding some people were legitimately butt hurt. One only has to see the thumbs up given for the mod adding misleading title post. Oh, it’s kdiggz, the one that begged people not to start April’s fools threads. Yeah, he doesn’t take this stuff too seriously at all.
  8. If there was ever a team that deserved to drop like flies...
  9. Bunch of babies around here. Of course the thread was going to happen, it’s call April fools for a reason. Maybe the whiners are just bummed they were proven to be fools?
  10. So because someone asks to please not do something that’s become a time honored tradition we all have to follow it no questions asked? Nah... this is America, not North Korea!
  11. I disagree with you wholeheartedly. Guess there’s only one way to find out. And outside of some fluke where we end up with Rosen I hope we find out with him in a Bills jersey.
  12. Hey, you’re entitled to your opinion I just disagree. I personally don’t want him to change a bit. I think in sports, especially aggressive sports it’s perfectly acceptable to get added motivation in this way.
  13. OR... he’s extremely confident in his abilities and has an overwhelming sense of disproving people when their opinions are false. Especially guys that have never played the game before and just shoot out generic “he’s too small” responses every time his name comes up.
  14. Thank you for the honesty. When I wasn’t picked early for football/basketball I was pissed and I made damn sure they wouldn’t make that mistake again. In Baker’s opinion he’s the best qb in the draft. He wants to make damn sure the people that pick qbs before him and the media that bashed him remember what they said when he’s flicking tds left and right. If that’s not healthy in super competitive sports where players reputations and livelihoods are on the line I don’t know what is.
  15. Says no competitive person ever. You were the guy/girl in gym class that agreed with the captains for picking you last, yeah?
  16. Not that we know of. If the chatter on the boards are to be believed the cops would have needed a microscope to see him.
  17. Rex also suggested we’d be the bullies of the NFL and make it to the playoffs.
  18. So now if you disagree with someone you can just compare them to an all time bust and case closed? Alright well you’re basically the Jamarcus Russell of the boards. Checkmate.
  19. Yeah, no. One is assault, the other is drunken tomfoolery. A table doesn’t have a career and livelihood that can be destroyed by having its neck broken.
  20. I love this. He obviously has a lot of confidence that he’s going to be good and be able to throw it in their faces. Who cares what drives him to be great. As long as he’s driven to be great. Man I hope we get this kid.
  21. Hey, let the world get caught up on a few inches. It only helps us in being able to get him. The difference between 6’1 and 6’3 looks big on paper. The view from their eyes isn’t nearly as daunting. Its silly, imo. If you can play, you can play. Measurables only matter to kids that can’t. When you were picking teams in the field behind your house did you take Dave because he was the tallest? No, you took Skidz Kramoore because the kid could flat out ball. Dont overthink it Bills. Take Skidz.
  22. Dang, every time I start feeling good about myself I see something like this. Im nearly six foot, I step on an elevator and almost EVERY time I’m the tallest cat in there. Rarely do I step inside to find I can’t see the top of some random normal’s dome. Me, just living in a dream world of my own design. I pop on the boards for an instant after a day of walking around thinking I’m some sort of tall-ish demigod and I see something like this. If Baker’s small I must be tiny, and that sucks. Doesn’t make me happy at all. Just a tiny little minuscule creepster scraping and crawling around this globe.
  23. Browns trading out doesn’t make much sense to me. They’ve already done some serious damage in free agency. They’re going to land their qb (on a rookie deal) and then have a plethora of picks to still work with. Imo, it would make more sense for them to nab another cheap blue chip.
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