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Blank Stare

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Everything posted by Blank Stare

  1. That move on that Pittsburgh run was incredible. The new cut on a dime.
  2. Is that considered a bro? Or is it a mansierre? ?
  3. Go back and re-read my post. Never once suggested that we be in on all those players. Nor did I say I wanted Williams. Mike’s post suggested some sort of character flaw/anti process. I disagree. On the flip side, too many people on this board are acting like we are only $10-20 million under the cap. It’s that Buffalo Bills fan fear bunkering. The Bills have players they need to extend. Core guys. We get it. But no matter what Beane and co tell you publicly, they know this is the year they’ve been planning for to make some noise. They have to make moves to improve this team while the cheap QB contract window is open. Will they be reckless and get every top guy? Absolutely not. But just extending current players we have won’t cut it. They know that.
  4. We could always just grab Daryl Williams to play RT and slide Ford over to guard. He was all the rage here last year if I recall correctly. He’s not the same talent as Trent Williams, but he’s a free agent (keep our draft picks), he’s only 27, may not cost as much $, already plays RT, and Beane and McD know what kind of person and player he is having been with him in Carolina.
  5. Agree 100%. Stay far far away from high priced RBs in free agency. Don’t care who it is. You can find serviceable value and production in the draft.
  6. I never said I wanted him. I just said I think he’d fit in fine here culturally. He’s an aging tackle who missed an entire year of football. He’s got a larger cap number, and I don’t think he’d want to play right tackle. Personally, second to edge rusher, I wouldn’t mind grabbing our right tackle in the draft at 22. Unless one of the top dogs fall, I think we can wait until round 2 for receiver.
  7. Maybe you can debate whether he handled the situation appropriately, but saying he wouldn’t fit in culturally here is a bit presumptive. The guy had a legitimate beef with how they handled his medical situation. Yeah, I’m sure he wants a re-worked contract too, but to say he’s not process enough for the Bills is a little unfair. The guy kept his mouth shut and played for a mediocre to awful team for most of his career. I think he’d fit in fine here. I’m just not sure he’d want to play right tackle.
  8. Ah. Ok. Makes sense. Thanks! I went to look too to see if I was imagining his injury history. I know this isn’t comprehensive, but here’s an article that explains his injuries in 2017 and 2018. Of course we already know some of his struggles this past season. Peters was a great player in his day, but at this point I think we can/should do better. https://insidetheiggles.com/2019/01/30/philadelphia-eagles-debate-table-jason-peters-retire-return-2019/amp/
  9. Maybe so, but what is this board without hyperbole? I feel like every time I’ve watched an eagles game the last few years they’ve talked about how Peters is hurt. You’ve provided how many times he’s started, but how many of those starts did he finish? Maybe that accounts for my perception.
  10. Peters can go fly a kite. Always injured, and I’m still salty about how his previous time here ended. That isn’t all on Peters, but I’d prefer not to think about how we developed an all pro and eventual hall of Fame tackle and let him out the door over a contract dispute. Thankfully we got some decent years out of Eric Wood in return, but he’s no Peters talent-wise.
  11. Good for coach. However, not the update I was expecting when I saw the alert. Was hoping for a shaq deal or something.
  12. For some reason, I could see the Cheats snagging this guy earlier than expected. Not first round or anything crazy, but maybe at the end of the third with a comp pick or something.
  13. Not just week. Didn’t it earn GMFB angry run of the year too?
  14. Meh. Too much with the pick and the $. I’d rather Re-sign Kevin Johnson to a modest extension and roll with him and Levi for another year. They’re likely to draft a guy at some point anyway. If you’re going to make a trade, do it at pass rusher or receiver.
  15. Would love to grab Harrison Bryant, but not sure it happens with Knox and Sweeney last year. Easily cut Lee Smith or Kroft for him though. Guy could be pretty special.
  16. That’s fair, and for many players I’m sure that’s correct. For me, money would only go so far. If the dollars are close like you’ve said, with what I have to put my body through to get ready to play and then actually play the games, I’d want to know I’ve got a decent shot to win something or at least get to the playoffs. It really was a genuine question. I’m not saying it in a snarky way like the Bills have historically been some model organization. For many years they’ve been right there in a similar boat as the Jets. I’m praying the Bills have finally turned a corner organizationally.
  17. Lol. I’m with you on the phony jersey teams. You’re correct and I wasn’t clear. Make no mistake, I understand the draw and allure of NYC. It’s a cool place to visit. Always something to do. Personally, I’d never want to live there (or anywhere near there), but I know that people do. My contention is that the Jets are a disaster and have been for some time now, so is the proximity to NYC enough to outweigh that? If I’m a ball player, I say no. With as much time as this sport requires, it’s a long miserable season if you aren’t winning. I want to go somewhere I have a chance to win. I don’t correlate winning with the jets (Bills are still fighting that stigma too). As a fan, I realize these players have outside interests, but selfishly I want my guys eating, drinking, sleeping ball all the time.
  18. Poor Ruggs. Everyone hyped his 40 so much for days now. So much so that people are disappointed with a 4.28 and a 4.31. ? I’ll take that on the Bills all day!
  19. Lol. I think he’ll be a pretty good receiver in the league. Jack of all trades, master of none. But...like others have said, is that worth a first rounder? I don’t know. If he’s Deebo part 2 I’d love that. Like Deebo, I’d feel more comfortable with him in the second. Glad they don’t pay me to screw this up. ?
  20. Yeah disappointed with his time. He’s put together though. Built up pretty good. Bigger upper body with room to grow.
  21. Previous regimes...yes. But I really trust Beane and his staff.
  22. Still don’t understand why anyone would want to play for Gase or the Jets dumpster fire of an organization. Is the NYC proximity really that big of a deal?
  23. He definitely is. Now go look at Tremaine’s combine measurements. Guess that would make him a super-freak (nod to you Rick James lovers out there).
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