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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Is the goal here to ensure a Dem trifecta in 2024? Do you all actually believe the average voter is going to side with the GOP on this? When was the last time you touched grass? This is just pure brain worms from the Very Online crowd and would be a huge win for the Dems. So go on ahead with this nonsense, we applaud you!
  2. In terms of the walls closing in, it’s not just the prosecutors who are after Trump, there’s a good chance that Ronald McDonald ends up being the one who does him in.
  3. That you think any of this is legit. It’s all brain worms from being Very Online. Do they have any hard evidence of a payment to Joe Biden himself? Or still just random people talking with no consequences for lying? Did they subpoena his bank records? Or is old dementia dead Joe so dastardly wily and smart that he made it impossible to trace any payment? We’re just dealing with straight unadulterated copium here. I would absolutely love it if the GOP impeached Biden for this nonsense. It’d be the easiest way to ensure Speaker Jeffries is gaveling in the next House.
  4. Man, I gotta try whatever it is that you’re smoking.
  5. Poor guy. You went almost an entire day without thinking about me. But I suppose that in those quiet moments when nobody in your family would talk to you because they all find you insufferable, you thought of me and, while reaching down your pants with one hand, you typed out whatever this nonsense this is with the other. Happy belated pride to my biggest fan!!!!🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🥰🥰🥰🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
  6. Little early in the day to be so high, isn’t it? Or are just truly this stupid and pathetic? Go touch some grass, moron.
  7. There’s certainly an argument for incitement. And if it wasn’t the President of the United States, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was charged. So while I remain skeptical that Trump will actually be charged with incitement, here is what the argument would look like: 1. Trump’s team claimed that they won the election despite reality. 2. Trump’s team hired consultants to find election fraud but they could not find evidence that he had won 3. Trump was told that he lost by his advisors 4. Trump pushed the idiotic theory that the VP can decide an election 5. Pence proved that he has like two brain cells to rub together and the idea that the VP decides elections is stupid as hell. 6. Upon learning this, Trump tells his followers to come out because it “will be wild” 7. When Pence does his actual job, Trump tweets that he failed and the terrorists decide that they want to hang Pence and sack the Capitol. 8. During the terrorist attack on the Capitol, the only person who potentially has the power to stop it is Trump and he refuses to do so for hours. So the proposed case is that Trump fomented a situation to create violence in the hopes that the violence would end to his benefit. It’s probably factually true but fairly difficult to prove in a court of law. It is definitely not a slam dunk. The documents case is the definition of a slam dunk. Incitement is a very different story.
  8. My god man, do you have a life? I know it’s a rhetorical question at this point, but why are you spending so much time bragging about how much of a loser you are?
  9. Right, when the Steele Dossier came out, it was a collection of accusations that needed to be investigated before taken as true. But it was juicy and anti-Trump so a lot of people believed it anyway. We’re at that stage now with these Biden claims. People inclined to dislike Biden are taking the claims as true. The Steele Dossier fell apart when it was investigated. Will the Biden bribery claims? I don’t know. It certainly seems like something worth investigating but I feel like the congressional investigation is going to be more about hurting Biden than actually finding the truth. Politicians do shady stuff all the time to enrich themselves so it’s not out of the realm of possibility here. I’m just not going to trust the word of a single guy who’s being promoted by people with a history of lying and misinformation. I’d prefer actual hard evidence before believing Joe Biden was personally involved.
  10. Yes, it has been. But when it was made public, a lot of people believed it was true because they didn’t understand it was raw intelligence and not vetted for truth.
  11. Me: both the Steele Dossier and the Biden claims are unproven claims that shouldn’t be taken as fact until they are properly investigated. The literal dumbest person on the internet: you believed the pee tape Honest to god, I’d be embarrassed if this moron was on my side. Like, just an absolutely illiterate mouth breather.
  12. I’m looking at the evidence we know and drawing the simplest conclusion: Hunter Biden was trading on his name and some people wanted to use him to influence his dad. Was his dad involved? So far, the people pushing that narrative only have that one guy said he bribed two Biden’s. Hardly convincing. They also grossly misunderstand the Shokin situation or are lying about it. So yeah, I’m not likely to jump to a conclusion based purely on conjecture from people who are untrustworthy.
  13. I’m just looking at the evidence, buddy. Do you think $17 million is a lot of money to people who want influence in the US? It’s nothing. It’s absolutely worth it to throw at somebody in the hopes that it pans out. Hunter is a crappy guy drug addict who was trading on his last name. But if Joe himself was involved, you need to prove it.
  14. I am going with: the crackhead son of the VP is an easy target for foreign actors but I’m not going to assume that Joe was personally involved until I’m shown that Joe was personally involved. You’re giving too much credit to Hunter and not enough to the people with the real money. It would be bad! And he should face consequences if he was!
  15. Absolutely. But I’m not going to believe that on the testimony of one guy saying he bribed two Biden’s. Show me where Joe himself was actually involved. Hard evidence.
  16. I’m sure people thought he had influence over his dad. If you’re sitting on a giant pile of money and have the opportunity to pull the son of the VP into your fold, it makes a lot of sense to throw some money at him to see what you could get. I love this argument so much. It’s just so dumb. It requires you to believe that people can see into the future. This is like sitting there in 2016 and saying “are we sure we fired Doug Marrone because he sucked? We fired him and we still suck. Maybe there’s another reason…” The entire Western world wanted Shokin fired because he was corrupt. Firing him, however, doesn’t immediately end corruption. While Ukraine has made progress on combating corruption, it’s long history of corruption is one of its biggest impediments to fully joining the west. And for some reason, this is incredibly difficult for some people to grasp.
  17. My position is that I need more than a statement from one random guy saying he bribed “two Biden’s” to believe that Joe Biden took a bribe. You know, something actually showing that Joe Biden actually took a bribe. That whole thing called “evidence”. Maybe subpoena his financial records and see if there’s something there. Until then, this is a random person saying something with no evidence to back it. Just like the Steele Dossier you all rightfully called out.
  18. Wrong, as usual. Obviously Hunter was trading on his dad’s name. There’s no reason he would get such a cushy job on his own merit. He’s a classic failson. But there’s a difference between being perceived as wielding your dad’s influence and actually doing it. I have no doubt that Hunter talked up his dad and what he could get his dad to do. But what we haven’t seen is actual hard evidence that Joe Biden actually did anything. We have the testimony of one guy saying he bribed two Biden’s. Is he telling the truth? Is Joe one of the Biden’s or is it Hunter and his uncle? Do you have any independently verified evidence that payment was made specifically to Joe Biden?
  19. I’m willing to believe it but I need more evidence than one guy saying something. Do they have bank records of the money transfers? Any kind of independently verifiable records of the bribes? Or just some guy talking?
  20. I think “desperate” gives them too much credit. They would have to have even the slightest grasp on reality to be desperate. It’s just so, so, so much more likely that they are either ignorant or just stupid.
  21. GTFO with that logic and facts. We all know that Joe Biden was taking bribes because one person who nobody had ever heard of says so and we definitely don’t need to go further than that or get any other actual evidence. Also we need to do absolutely nothing and say absolutely nothing about Jared Kushner’s financial deals…
  22. The thing that is so incredibly hard for the clickservative crowd to understand is that Biden pressured Ukraine to fire the top prosecutor specifically because the prosecutor wasn’t prosecuting corruption. Ironically, Joe Biden pressuring for the firing of Shokin made it *more likely* that Burisma would be investigated but that doesn’t fit the narrative so they just make up BS instead. They will swallow any lie so long as it supports their worldview
  23. Because it’s generally ill-advised to release unproven claims. Why are you spending your Friday night thinking about me? 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
  24. We'll see when the target letter is made public or Trump is actually indicted, but I remain skeptical that he'll be charged for incitement of violence. Fake electors, wire fraud, defrauding the US, etc seem much more likely.
  25. Not necessarily. At its simplest, it's just documenting an unverified tip from someone. If you call the FBI today and tell them that you believe your mailman is the Zodiac Killer, they'll probably have to fill out the form for that, but might not necessarily end up investigating it. Without additional hard evidence or investigative report, this is no different in terms of truth at this stage as the unverified stories in the Steele Dossier. You can either believe both the Steele Dossier claims and this one, or neither. To believe one and not the other at this stage is just being partisan. That changes, of course, if they can actually *prove* some of the claims. Congress has the ability to subpoena financial records and other evidence that could be used to verify the claims. If they believe the claims are accurate, they should do that. Hunter Biden is clearly a scummy guy trading on his dad's name, but you need more than this to show that Joe Biden himself was involved.
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