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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. I actually do read what right wingers say. I generally try to give people the benefit of the doubt instead of saying they believe what I expect them to believe based on how I’ve sorted them in my mind. The projection is actually coming from within your house, buddy.
  2. I do enjoy how the conservatives here constantly talk like they know what liberals think and feel only to reveal that they actually have no idea because they apparently only get information about liberals from right wing sources.
  3. Is being gullible as all hell a requirement to be a conservative these days or does it just make it easier?
  4. I guess you forgot that Russia actually invaded Ukraine. You know that big war thing that caused people to pay attention to Ukraine? Libs by and large don’t care about Hunter Biden.
  5. If your argument is that Trump is a whirling dervish of crime to the point that your can’t not charge the guy, totally agree. Also, thousands of BLM protestors were arrested and hundreds were charged. So maybe look into your “facts” here.
  6. At least a Pinto can go through a carwash without voiding the warranty
  7. Any time spent talking about Trump sleeping or farting during the trial is a distraction from the issues at trial itself. Take a second to “tee hee” if you want to, but you’re playing into Trump’s game if you following the salacious bits instead of the evidence itself.
  8. Must have been the DEI… Tesla recalls Cybertruck over 'trapped pedal' issue seen in owner's viral TikTok video “Tesla has issued a voluntary recall of 3,878 Cybertrucks to fix a "stuck pedal" issue that had been depicted in a viral TikTok video posted last week by owner Jose Martinez.“
  9. The dire situations of their homes are apparently not why they left. They were all studiously following the news about US presidential executive orders. The underfunding of immigration courts causing massive backlogs had no bearing on being unable to handle large influxes of people. It was simply that there wasn’t a 2,000 mile line wall, fortified with military garrisons that would… have had to let asylum seekers in anyway by law… Thanks for proving you’re just a simpleton hack incapable of any rational thought beyond “everything that makes me mad is always the fault of people I don’t like.”
  10. A whole lot of failed analysis anchored by the idea that illegal immigration is bad for the Dems and that’s why the Dems want illegal immigration. Do you guys actually think about what you say or just spurt out whatever nonsense first crosses your mind?
  11. It’s pretty telling that conservatives continually fail root cause analysis and simply just say “it’s the Dems fault when bad things happen” because it comfort them.
  12. Dems want actual solutions. That’s why the GOP opposes them. The GOP wants to point to chaos to scare old people into voting for them. If you truly believe that the Dems want more illegal immigrants, I suggest popping the bubble you are living in.
  13. The border crisis cannot be solved by executive action. It requires a Congressional solution. Even if Trump wins, he’d still need Congress to send him a bill to sign. Given how successful his administration was at their various attempts at infrastructure week and that his solution is a dumb wall that won’t fix the issue, there’s a zero percent chance this is solved on January 20th.
  14. Judge Merchant seems to think they’ll still be able to do opening statements first thing Monday. Depends on if they can seat the rest of the alternates tomorrow.
  15. Not even pretending they’re not the bad guys. Louisiana lawmakers vote to remove lunch breaks for child workers, cut unemployment benefits “Lawmakers on a Louisiana House committee voted Thursday to repeal a law requiring employers to give child workers lunch breaks and to slash unemployment benefits — part of a Republican-backed push to roll back regulations on companies and reduce aid for injured and unemployed workers.”
  16. Maybe. I just think he doesn’t care about facts and knows that his supporters will believe absolutely anything he says without question.
  17. Jury shrinks from 7 to 6. Enough information was made public about a juror that several people were able to identify her. She asked to be removed from the jury.
  18. For a good laugh, think about how the MAGA crowd would react if the Biden campaign did this and then compare it to how they bootlick this story once they get their marching orders.
  19. Bang up job, GOP. At what point can we just all admit that they actually want this.
  20. There’s a 0% chance he actually did this. He almost certainly posted this for engagement because he believes his audience will believe it.
  21. Some good coverage of the jury challenges this afternoon: Trump challenges jury candidates 1, 2, 3, 6 for cause. Challenges for 1 and 3 are denied. Challenges for 2 and 6 are granted. Trump then uses peremptory challenges to strike jury candidates 1, 3, 5, and 10. By the end, they have seated six members of the jury: candidates 4, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18. They are sworn in and told to be ready to come back on Monday.
  22. I had to report to jury duty once but just spent the whole day in a large room downtown, never getting called into a courtroom.
  23. NYS law tolls the statute of limitations when a defendant is out of state (CPL sec. 30.10 4(a)(i)) NY AG alleged that the falsifying of business documents was done as part of a scheme to violate election laws (Statement of Facts, paragraph 2) The payment would have been legal had it come from the Trump Campaign and properly disclosed (which would have ensured this case never happened) but the whole activity was done to prevent that from happening. Arguing that failure to properly disclose payments to the FEC isn't a crime because they never filed what they were supposed to with the FEC is quite the position.
  24. Looks like Trump was having trouble understanding the judge's actual instructions. But I suppose we cannot let the facts stand in the way of some good rage baiting. Trump is seething about missing Barron’s graduation. Here’s what the judge actually said "Before jury selection commenced, Mr Trump’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, asked Judge Juan Merchan if the court could adjourn on 17 May so Mr Trump could attend Barron’s graduation. In New York, criminal defendants must attend trial unless they apply for a waiver, which Mr Trump has not done. Judge Merchan said he could not rule “at this time” but noted that if the trial was “running behind schedule” they would not be able to accommodate. Despite no firm ruling on the matter, Mr Trump still purported that the judge made an unfair ruling preventing him from attending his son’s graduation."
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