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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. Were they certain that they got all of them? When looking at the documents provided, did they find evidence of crimes? The person who could give us more info on this is Trump, since he has a copy of the search warrant and could make it public if he wanted to.
  2. But I was told that the FBI was part of the DemonRat Deep State Conspiracy to preserve the rule of the uniparty (((globalist))) lizard people and their cannibal pedophile reverse vampire illuminati cabal...
  3. The FBI is not going to make anything public at this stage, but Trump should have a copy of the search warrant, which the FBI leaves when it executes a search. Would be nice for him to make it public so we have a better idea of what the FBI was looking for.
  4. That's likely because they are being told false information and conspiracies about what's going on. If they were truly upset at Hillary having classified info on her home server, they should be livid that Trump took 15 boxes of physical documents, including classified documents, to his private residence. At some point, we can't just cater to the looniest Americans. Ensuring that there are no more classified documents at Mar A Lago is worth upsetting people who would be upset at literally anything that dared challenge their God King.
  5. This was well outside of the range of HIMARS. How did the Ukrainians pull off these strikes?
  6. Someone took 15 boxes of classified material from the government and stowed it in a private residence. When requested to return it, they refused for months, only relenting when facing legal consequences. As part of the investigation into the mishandling of classified materials, the FBI then executed a search warrant against the private residence where the materials had been kept. And this is a bad thing? I assume then, that you were totally cool with Clinton keeping classified materials on her home server. Because that's honestly much less of a problem than stacks and stacks of classified paper documents.
  7. Generally, the FBI doesn’t make many public statements about raids, but I believe they leave a copy of the warrant with the person whose place they raided. If so, Trump himself can make it public. Frankly, it’s a bit surprising how surprising this was. No leaks, nothing. Given that, I suspect the FBI will remain quiet on this until it takes further action.
  8. From what we can tell, Biden wasn’t made aware of the raid before it happened. Which is how it should be. Also, everyone seems to be forgetting that the head of the FBI, who almost certainly had to sign off on this, was handpicked by Trump himself.
  9. If only the FBI was led by someone appointed by Trump instead of a deep state liberal. Then we would see real Justice!
  10. McCarthy has no spine. He just goes with how the wind blows. He’s the congressional equivalent of the wacky arm waving inflatable tube man.
  11. Honestly surprised it took this long for him to fundraise off of this: Remember that he raised $200 million after the election for a fund that didn’t exist.
  12. This is correct. The warrant applications are submitted under oath by law enforcement to a judge who must approve them.
  13. They didn’t need to since the controversy was over emails which can be obtained without physically entering the home. Additionally, instead of stonewalling for months, she provided the requested documents when subpoenaed. So, on the one hand, you have digital evidence and a person of interest who is responsive to subpoenas and on the other, it’s physical papers and a client who fights the subpoenas. It’s not surprising at all that a search warrant would be authorized.
  14. He’s apparently using Bannon and Navarro’s lawyers. I guess no good lawyers would take his call…
  15. This is completely unhinged and divorced from reality. Hillary was investigated by the FBI and it severely damaged her campaign. Then, after the case had been closed, it was publicly re-opened just before the election. And you are claiming both that this never happened and that it had no impact on the election? Log off and go touch some grass. That’s completely unbelievable.
  16. Are you forgetting when the head of the FBI publicly announced just before the 2016 election that they were re-opening an investigation into Hillary’s emails? A statement that both broke FBI protocol and may have thrown the election to Trump?
  17. From what we know, this search warrant was in relation to the classified documents Trump illegally had at Mar A Lago. If going after that is upsetting to someone, then I can only assume that they had no problem with Hillary’s emails.
  18. Didn’t realize Bingobongo was a big fan of Hillary having classified emails on her personal server. Huh. That’s weird.
  19. Shh… you can’t be bringing facts into this conversation! Besides, even if it is a Trump appointee, or Trump employee, or someone who relies on Trump for their livelihood, the second they remove their tongue from his ass, they are re-classified as a deep state RINO liberal.
  20. The only people talking civil war are on the right. Nobody wants a civil war but some people just can’t stop talking about it for some reason.
  21. No. It has nothing to do with that. This is obvious to anybody with a brain.
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