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Everything posted by ChiGoose

  1. From reports, they showed up in plain clothes and the secret service brought them where they needed to go. Many people in the building didn't realize what was happening until after. Which seems very discrete.
  2. so the FBI search of Mar a Lago is a deep state democratic plot to elect a republican president in 2024?
  3. There's a real chance that what happened here is: In the chaos of closing up the Trump White House, they just grabbed everything, not realizing they took classified materials. When asked to return it, Trump refused for whatever reason (could be as innocuous as he thought the stuff was his), but then ultimately returned it when he realized he could get in trouble. The GSA then looked at the documents and felt that they were missing some and referred it to the FBI who obtained and then executed a search warrant. Maybe they find nothing. Maybe they find some things and take them, but ultimately decide this wasn't malicious and do not file charges. Maybe there is something deeper going on here (like selling access / information) that they will charge. We don't know right now. But it would be nice if Trump would make the search warrant public.
  4. This is insane. Just so you know. This is the rantings of someone who has completely lost touch with reality. Log off. Go touch some grass. The internet is rotting your brain.
  5. Ok, let me ask you something. Should the IRS spend more time and resources enforcing tax laws against the elite? If so, would you support them getting additional resources to do so? If not, why?
  6. Nah, I'm sure the guy who rips up documents and throws them in the toilet handled all of those documents properly and provided the GSA with everything they asked for...
  7. So let me get this straight: The FBI trying to obtain evidence when classified material was improperly handled is a political stunt? Interesting...
  8. And this is why you're opposed to the IRS getting resources specifically to target the elites?
  9. They are bringing in auditors because without more resources, all they can do is audit wage earners on W-2's. High wealth individuals have incredibly complicated tax returns that make it difficult to audit. If you want the IRS to be able to audit them as well, you should want it to have more resources. However, if you would like to starve the IRS of resources, then all they will do is audit middle class Americans because it's easier. Also, big government is a bipartisan thing, buddy. Administrations of both parties have increased government spending, but at least the Dems don't run up the massive deficits that the GOP does.
  10. Well this will almost certainly prove to be false. But I'm sure by then we'll be on to the next big conspiracy.
  11. Some more context on the impact of the IRS funding: Reconciliation bill includes nearly $80 billion for IRS including enforcement, audits: What that means for taxpayers Part of President Joe Biden’s agenda, the Inflation Reduction Act allocates $79.6 billion to the agency over the next 10 years. More than half of the money is meant for enforcement, with the IRS aiming to collect more from corporate and high-net-worth tax dodgers. The remainder of the funding is earmarked for operations, taxpayer services, technology, development of a direct free e-file system and more. Collectively, those improvements are projected to bring in $203.7 billion in revenue from 2022 to 2031, according to recent estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. IRS audits have plunged over the past decade, with the biggest declines among the wealthy, according to a May 2022 report from the Government Accountability Office. The audit rate for Americans making $5 million or more dropped to about 2% in 2019, compared to 16% in 2010, the report found. The agency said it is working to improve these numbers. ... IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig said the $80 billion in funding would not increase audits of households making less than $400,000 per year. “The resources in the reconciliation package will get us back to historical norms in areas of challenge for the agency — large corporate and global high-net-worth taxpayers,” he wrote in a letter to the Senate. “These resources are absolutely not about increasing audit scrutiny on small businesses or middle-income Americans,” he added.
  12. Weird that someone connected to Epstein would sign a search warrant against someone connected with Epstein...
  13. It was an execution of a search warrant if you're looking for the proper terminology.
  14. First the FBI basically handed Trump the election by violating their own protocols Then they found dozens of contacts between his campaign and Russian operatives and decided to just write a report about it. Then they found multiple instances of Trump himself obstructing justice but let the statute of limitations run for no reason Then they tanked the background investigation into one of Trump's Supreme Court nominations despite more than 4,000 tips Yup. The FBI definitely has it out for Trump. That can be the only explanation...
  15. The FBI basically handed the 2016 election to Trump.... Also, the Mueller investigation happened because the Trump campaign was absolutely crawling with Russians. It would have been insane not to investigate it. Obviously the Democrats would oppose Trump. Just like the GOP opposes Biden and opposed Obama. Trump loved the swamp. He mastered it and made it his own.
  16. For an actual recap based on facts and reality: Clinton: Clinton was told to hand over emails and documents and she provided them to the State Department's Inspector General The IG released a report criticizing Clinton (as well as other State department officials such as Colin Powell) for use of a private email server An FBI investigation into her emails found emails that contained classified information Clinton turned over her server and a thumb drive of her emails to the FBI The FBI completed it's investigation and did not recommend charges as they did not believe a prosecutor could win a case based on the facts and evidence Just before the 2016 election, the head of the FBI announced they had re-opened the investigation, breaking long-standing FBI policy Two days before the 2016 election, the head of the FBI announced that they were not changing their original recommendation of no charge Trump: The National Archives and Records Administration discovered that, after his presidency, Trump took 15 boxes of documents to Mar A Lago. This included classified documents NARA requested that Trump hand over the boxes but he refused for months Trump only handed over the boxes in January, 2022. After the documents were handed over, NARA stated that Trump reps were continuing to search for additional records This week, the FBI executed a search warrant, likely to search for additional documents. This warrant was likely signed off by Trump's FBI head and Trump would have been provided a copy of the warrant during the search At this point, we're at the equivalent of like bullet #4 from the Clinton timeline. Trump hasn't been charged with anything, and until he makes the search warrant public, we won't know exactly what they were looking to find for some time (if we ever learn). Clinton ultimately was not charged with a crime because the investigation found that she was careless but did not act with malicious intent. It could go the same way with Trump. We don't know at this point.
  17. Who is "they" and what have they been doing "to Trump?" Just want to point out that the FBI is lead by Trump's handpicked guy...
  18. Were they certain that they got all of them? When looking at the documents provided, did they find evidence of crimes? The person who could give us more info on this is Trump, since he has a copy of the search warrant and could make it public if he wanted to.
  19. But I was told that the FBI was part of the DemonRat Deep State Conspiracy to preserve the rule of the uniparty (((globalist))) lizard people and their cannibal pedophile reverse vampire illuminati cabal...
  20. The FBI is not going to make anything public at this stage, but Trump should have a copy of the search warrant, which the FBI leaves when it executes a search. Would be nice for him to make it public so we have a better idea of what the FBI was looking for.
  21. That's likely because they are being told false information and conspiracies about what's going on. If they were truly upset at Hillary having classified info on her home server, they should be livid that Trump took 15 boxes of physical documents, including classified documents, to his private residence. At some point, we can't just cater to the looniest Americans. Ensuring that there are no more classified documents at Mar A Lago is worth upsetting people who would be upset at literally anything that dared challenge their God King.
  22. This was well outside of the range of HIMARS. How did the Ukrainians pull off these strikes?
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