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Everything posted by CircleTheWagons99

  1. I would LOVE for Peter-Man to walk on to the field and play like a HOF.....Here is to HOPING!
  2. yeah, they watched that video 5 times and in they were done in 15 minutes, so they moved on to TT.
  3. Which there is no tape on the Bills doing that in this offense...
  4. Because they cant prepare basically for the Rookie, no NFL tape on him. So they have to prepare for something....
  5. They ran the ball last year. Alot. Not much in the air. Which is what this post is about.
  6. Win, loss or tie I’m here, not posting but I don’t run my mouth on things i know nothing about to get called out. I just state my opinion.
  7. Just another person that read on NFL.com that the Bills released Tyrod and looked up his stats or is only thinking about the last 2 games, basically knows nothing of the Bills.
  8. Seems like you missed the point, or you have a thing with shady I don’t know about. But I was only asking because he was so positive he knew what the coachs were going to do to the point he was almost mocking people that stated the switch needed to be made. You cannot just blindly follow someone just because of the jersey he wears. I wanted Taylor to improve and gave him credit for the good things he did this year but he is reverting back to not throwing the ball unless the WR is WIDE open. I want the BIlls to succeed not just one guy.
  9. if he does not put up 350+ yards and 10 TDs then it ends next week........
  10. I am one of the start peterman guys, not because he will fix everything but just because im tired of watching TT. Lets get some real answers in terms of our offense.
  11. Why is Vlad and Mills starting? because Coaches make mistakes, the problem with coaches is they are too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
  12. The only thing i can think of is that we, The Fans, have seen TT for 3 years and the coaches only 9 games?
  13. Overreaction is pulling a guy 4 games into a season, its been 3 years, get a clue buddy. The way decisions are being made right now is not the way to do things......Tolbert, Vald, Mills. TT, Trading MD because you think he didnt help the run D......
  14. Better they sticking with what is not working.....but i guess banging your head against the wall is the way you like getting things done.
  15. your opinion is based on nothing....the point im trying to prove. No one has seen what he can do.
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