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Patrick Duffy

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Everything posted by Patrick Duffy

  1. And sometimes if you notice they will start will those bogus calls when the Bills (or any team for that matter) start to get too far ahead. That way they can try to keep it within the spread. Lol, I know (tin foil hat). It does seem to happen though when a team is pulling away and up by 17-20 plus points. The b.s starts to happen. Not saying that some teams don't ever rally back because they do. However I have been paying a little more attention to it than usual and it just seems a little fishy to me. I knoiw, I agree. Maybe Vegas is trying to see how many ppl will take the bait. It definitely doesn't make sense to me. I would think the Bills be favored by 3 or at least by 1.
  2. I'm not sure how one would determine the "violence" level of a defense. In any event the Steelers have always took pride in their Defense for as long as I can remember. They always seem to be one of the top Defense year in and year out. I would think that it comes from good coaching for one thing, and they have had consistency on Defense (for the most part anyways) and again that franchise prides themselves on defense. I mean I don't know about you but for me when someone mentions the Steelers, I immediately think Defense ( and Big Ben of course). But their D has been good for years if not great at times.
  3. Agree, I have stated in some posts before that hopefully a TE will pick up the slack. If the TE's could be even a little more productive/consistent I think it would make a big difference.
  4. I didn't watch Lions game nor do I know any stats from it, however I would guess that it's possible a number of WR's could rack up 100 yds since they are most of the time playing from behind and have to pass a lot more. The 4.29 number is nice though but I think the Bills are going to see what they have with Jake K. and Hodgins while John Brown is down before they sign anyone else. Jmo.
  5. Then I'd prefer Friday and Monday. That's just me.
  6. Yup, the 2 days seem to go by too fast. Need Saturday to recover, Sunday you want to get stuff done but don't want to wear yourself out b/c you have to work the next day, so you try to chill a little on Sunday (especially during football season). Friday off was great. However if one happens to be unemployed then the weekends and days off are meaningless.
  7. With Brown out it makes it that way sometimes. Also it appears they are trying to get the running game going. I'm not worried about the passing game at all really. I think they will be ok, with Brown out teams are going to focus on Diggs a lot more, but Beasley will still light it up.
  8. Friday. I used to work a 4 day work week and had off every Friday. It was great. Actually had time to get ***** done.
  9. Really? Interesting, I didn't know that. Maybe he will carry that "Bosa" gene with him on offense and ST
  10. I didn't care too much for the TO's that happened in I think a 3 minute span, but I'm sure that will get worked out. Other than that and a couple missed tackles (which happen sometimes), I thought the Bills had control of the game for a large majority of the time.
  11. Meh, that young buck is just fine. Nothing to worry about. He came back in and still ran a lot and ran well. He'll be fine for next week.
  12. I really hope we don't see this same officiating crew again this season. My lord. I think this was one of the worse I've seen so far this season.
  13. Oh I agree, but help likely will still be needed with Bosa at times.
  14. Smoke screen and Lee Smith with have 2 or 3 TD receptions lol
  15. lol maybe, they are going to need someone to help with him. If not he will likely have a good day.
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