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Everything posted by MiltonWaddams

  1. I love flying the old 747's in business on the top floor. The ceiling height is lower, but it's much quieter. A more intimate feel. The A380 is nice, but I'll miss the 747.
  2. Fuel-based, yes. Perhaps the lease is low as they have taken the planes out of the rotation on non-charter flights? Just spitballing here.
  3. I'm with you except for Tolbert. He is not a part of the future. Johnson has been pretty decent at nickel for the most part, so he fits and knows the system. Brown, from my viewpoint, has been more of the problem than the solution on the defence. He can go to Philly, or wherever Schwartz ends up, and join the other guys that played far better in Jim's system.
  4. 172 pages dedicated to delusion. This is incredible!!!!
  5. You have been civil despite constant attacks. Very impressive
  6. When you say "Stanford" are you referring to Luck or the Lions QB. I would say both are elite. Staffords 2016 season was phenomenal. He's taken a small step back this year, but he's easily a top 10 QB.
  7. He was probably shovelling at the time....but it wasn't snow...
  8. Based on this info....maybe you shouldn't... A virtual, yet land-based, mall! This is something I need to get in on!!
  9. Nope...that was an unnamed coach saying "I'll be here next year".
  10. Now we are questioning everything DD posts...including if he's even from Dunkirk? The fake news alert may have extended too far
  11. The drama, the intrigue....these are the days of our lives...
  12. No matter what news is passed on to you, the real response is "go away small market owner, and quit disrupting the system ".
  13. Deonte has been vital to the minimal success we have seen in the passing game. Let's hope that shoulder feels great Sunday.
  14. That is the biggest consideration when selecting Allen. LAC would be a great fit for him. Sit behind Rivers for a couple of seasons and learn the NFL game. Peterman and Tyrod don't inspire confidence in that regard. now, if Alex Smith were to be brought on board....
  15. Bad numbers, sorry. Sitting at work and got caught up in the lingo. He should show as higher than that, but you watch him and you know why he's got the amount of buzz about him that he does. To me he is much more Goff than Hackenberg and that was the comparison that my original post referenced.
  16. Those are bad metrics. Watch the player, not those numbers.
  17. Let's all hope Marcus Murphy was a secret weapon being held back to surprise the Fins in the playoff-clinching win, because if let Tolbert run again or, God forbid,throw another slant (?!!!) to him I am going to go to OBD and choke out Rico. Love his story, but he cannot be relied upon in anything but the blocking game and we have had 16 weeks to see that. Another thing we can hope for. Having 4 WR's last week was dumb as hell.
  18. While I'm in the Mayfield camp on this one (His attitude brings to mind a certain great Bills QB who really didn't want to initially be in Buffalo), I really don't think Hackenberg and Allen are in the same category. Allen really knows how to play football, has a massive arm, great mobility and a great desire to improve and win. If he ends up as the Bills pick, no one should be surprised. He has to cut down a bit on his risky throws to succeed in the NFL, as playing vs sub par competition had him getting away with throws he never would in the NFL, but he's got the look and body of an NFL QB.
  19. CB? Definitely correctly placed at the bottom of this list. Is that under the assumption that Gaines walks or based on his injuries?
  20. I'm going to investigate that Minny game. That stadium is worth the trip methinks.
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