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Everything posted by transplantbillsfan

  1. If that's generally true, then he'll end up being a long term backup / vet journeyman somewhere around the league. 2017 is going to be an interesting year.
  2. Get off your high horse Crusher, no one has demonstrated more excitement to absolutely thrash the opposing side of the Taylor argument than you. Sometimes it's downright scary. I'm all about civil and rational disagreement. Sometimes you're able to do that. But then Mr. Hyde comes out of you and you get all giddy at just the prospect of being able to bash other posters in the future. Stop pretending you're a martyr. You're not. You're part of the problem, not the solution. Good GAWD this is just ridiculous!!! People gotta hate... Here's an article on all of this. https://theringer.com/nfl-buffalo-bills-gm-doug-whaley-fired-sean-mcdermott-d87e027bae86-d87e027bae86 There's no absolute proof of anything, but it's a very flimsy argument based on everything that happened to assume that Whaley was running the show. It seems pretty clear this has been McDermott's show since he took over, even if there's no absolute proof.
  3. I remember hearing that even though we didn't exercise the 5th year option, even franchising him would only cost about $3 million more than exercising that option would have cost. If that's true, regardless of what Sammy does this year, I think it was smart to not exercise the option because injury and injury settlements are actually the only risks involved with exercising that option. If Sammy plays really well this year and stays healthy, I don't think he goes anywhere.
  4. Without even looking it up you're forgetting Steve Young. Typical...
  5. You can't count very high, can you? 2 threads on Taylor in over 2 months.
  6. You really didn't dismiss anything. You completely missed the points he made and tried to negate them with marginal tangents that barely touched the issue. You should do yourself a favor and stop posting for a day or two. Options were limited? You sure about that?
  7. You're letting an important fact just slip past you: McDermott (who it's now very clear has had GM like authority since he arrived) had 2 months once he arrived to evaluate Taylor and the QB position and chose to hire Taylor's former OC and keep him. Really only 2 conclusions based on what's transpired: 1) McDermott is planning on tanking after keeping a QB who was already on the team who he believed would help the Bills get a high draft pick in 2018. OR 2) McDermott believes this team can win NOW with Taylor and in the process will further evaluate his long term prospects, but doesn't have any intention of committing to him if we can't. I'm sorry, but option 1 seems far-fetched, especially with the Dennison hire.
  8. It's a subjective ranking by one guy. Is Taylor 13th or 11th? I used to have a subscription that expired a couple months ago. I thought he was 11th when I last checked. Mighta been 13th, though. Yeah... we all know where you rank Taylor... Isn't it funny the hypocrisy of it all? That's not PFF, that's one guy's subjective measure who works for PFF. Oh, 10th I guess. Thought it was 11th. It just says a lot of sad things about your biased perception of Taylor when you say you'd take Tannehill over Taylor any day... and that you call Taylor a gimmick QB is even dumber. No... I'm sure the Bills want Taylor to show he can be the franchise QB this team has been looking for so we can use BOTH those 1st rounders next year to load up on talent. Even someone biased like you should realize that's the ideal outcome. But no, you're still blinded by your disgusting desire to be right (which you don't seem to be very often) to gloat about it and snidely point out everyone who was wrong. It's just sad...
  9. Taylor was 11th in terms of PFF QB grades. Steve Palazzolo does his own subjective rankings and ranks him 20th.
  10. Shaw, I'm with you here, but people seem incapable of actually understanding that hypothetical argument and lean toward being derisive when arguments like it are brought up. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if Taylor is able to get back to 2015 form in terms of his production and stay healthy on a consistent basis, he's simply not going anywhere.
  11. Yet you're the one bringing wins into the discussion. Maybe you shouldn't have drawn attention to the Vikings finishing 8-8 and 3rd in their division, then. That sure sounded like you trying to insinuate that Passer Rating doesn't correlate with winning (which I'd generally agree with) and yet you follow that up with what you present as more examples like him, even though not a single QB on your list, including Bradford, ended their seasons losing more than they won as starters. Plus 2 NFC champions. I'm not trying to do anything except piece together what you actually mean.
  12. In fact, there's not a single losing record among any of the QBs you selected. I don't agree with equating QBs and wins anyway, but it's odd and contradictory the way that you do and then there's not a single losing record in any of your examples...
  13. Before Bradford and Taylor in that list, all the QBs you listed made the playoffs. 3 made the NFC championship game. 2 were NFC champions.
  14. Fahey's highly regarded by a lot of NFL experts. And we've covered this... every single NFL expert whiffs badly on occasion.
  15. Well, Passer Rating is the most objective way there is to measure QB play. It accounts for Completion %, YPA, TDs, and INTs. If you're looking for something completely objective to QB play, go by that. Regarding sacks, many would argue (and not unreasonably) that isn't entirely or even mostly a QB stat.
  16. Then why not just use Passer Rating? It's the ultimate objective measure of a QB.
  17. "He puts forth good stuff because it's what I completely agree with." That's the standard... and round and round we go...
  18. You're doing a facepalm and posting a link to standard ESPN stats...? Okay dude... if you say so
  19. You should tell me more about what I think... you do such a great job with that
  20. Wow... swing and a miss. Crusher, every single sentence you just wrote is just plain wrong.
  21. So Rodgers must be terrible, dude's 0-35 when trailing teams by more than 1 point with winning records in the 4th quarter.http://www.foxsports.com/nfl/story/green-bay-packers-aaron-rodgers-clutch-nfc-championship-stat-012217 CUT THAT GUY!!!!
  22. Well, according to Fahey, Taylor's ADOT (Average Depth Of Throw) is 9.27 yards, or 7th in the league. Even disregarding that number, though, I don't think folks would say pushing the ball down the field is a problem for Taylor. I do agree. Neither do good QBs.
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