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Everything posted by Bills4everNY

  1. Isn't Swarzak supposed to come back soon? Last I heard was late May. I haven't heard any updates recently.
  2. I wish the Mets had kept Reed and gotten rid of Familia.
  3. Hope so. Syndergaard tomorrow then deGrom Sunday... and they are skipping over a Vargas start! Let's Go Mets!
  4. Figure skater Johnny Weir has reported that someone had broken into his closet.
  5. I had a Seiko that lasted over 20 years. When it stopped running a year ago, I replaced it with another Seiko.
  6. When he makes a great play, fans can yell: HOORAY-RAY.
  7. Thanks! It would be hard for it to be as funny as the first. That was a laugh a minute.
  8. The Mets have 5 players who deserve to be starters in the outfield and no real catcher.
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