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Everything posted by JaCrispy

  1. If Josh Allen has another solid performance, I MIGHT be convinced he’s “the one”... I said MIGHT! ?
  2. Especially when we are spoon fed the Patriots for 20 straight years...?
  3. Unfortunately, they won’t have a choice, as it will be Josh Allen, himself, who will force the subject....mooohoohahahahaha ??? That woman is flawless...God owes me, big time, in the next life...??
  4. Being underestimated will be the best way for the Bills to be successful imo...I hope articles like this keep coming. ?
  5. Not so obvious that we can beat the Bengals without Singletary...he was a spark in both wins this season...Gore doesn’t seem to have the same explosiveness...we shall see...
  6. Surprisingly, off the top of my head, I can’t think of one...it was 100 times cleaner than the Jets game...I would say maybe his best overall game, including last year finale against the Fins. But I thought decision making was spot on with 2 poor throw- everything else money.
  7. Nope...he’s insulted the QB, the team and the city, and he is a “me” guy....that is not the kind of “process “ I want on this team.
  8. Soon the Bills will draft a 1st round WR and Zay Jones will not likely be given a contract extension....Bills still need a guy opposite Smokey Brown...that person is not Zay Jones.
  9. Hmmmm...you use the words “triggered” and “platform”...I think we all know where you come from...?
  10. You know what I think is truly amazing about what we are witnessing with Josh Allen? The biggest knock on this organization has always been that they never developed a QB in their entire history...well, watching one of the rawest QB’s to ever come out of college develop the way he has, is a thing of beauty- and should be an inspiration to the rest of the league...Because all the odds were stacked against Allen, based on the numbers. I’m not saying he has arrived yet, because he still has a ways to go...but Allen has certainly surpassed where most analysts thought he could go...and that, in itself, is very gratifying, because he is only going to get better. Enjoy the ride, Bills fans! ?
  11. Allen was certainly money, today, when throwing on the run...very impressive.
  12. You just have to wait for local outlets like corner 1 and others to get your fill of analysis
  13. I called it all week...this game was not going to be easy
  14. He’s actually getting closer to middle of the pack...I predict, by seasons end, he will be there.
  15. I’ve been saying it for years, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Brady pulled a “Caitlyn Jenner” after he retires...imo the writings’ on the wall with this cat...?
  16. Not exactly the best title for a thread, in light of the breaking news about sex trafficking in the city....I know, I know- hindsight is 20/20...?
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