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Everything posted by Governor

  1. I didn’t know that Liz is getting ready to announce a 2024 presidential run. Now we know why she’s being attacked and why she’s using those attacks to distance herself from the idiot.
  2. That’s some hard truths right there. They had 20 years to change course but the base is in a suicide mission. There isn’t anything Dems can do to help them along. Are we supposed to jump off the cliff with them? I think people are realizing that it can’t be saved. Something will take its place but it won’t be recognizable to many on this board.
  3. The lack of daily drama from Biden is driving these people absolutely nuts so they’re just creating their own and attacking each other. This might be what it looks like when a party collapses. They definitely aren’t reaching any voters under the age of 55.
  4. What’s strange about it all is that they still can’t seem to attack Biden or his policies. It’s just culture wars turned up to 10. It’s a party that isn’t interested in governing anymore. Hannity is a real mess.
  5. Tucker and Hsnnity were pretty lame tonight. They dedicated their time to a far-left woke boogeyman in the sky. That doesn’t win elections.
  6. Especially fetuses! Those are a delicacy in some circles. laughs in George Soros….
  7. Liz is pro-life. That doesn’t seem to matter because she won’t push THE BIG LIE.
  8. I’m not concerned with what they may say on any given day. All 3 of them have “voted” for Republican led life bills. Ben Sasse had one not that long ago. For most Americans, it’s no longer an important issue. If you’re still voting on abortion, you’re likely still wearing Cavaricci and parachute pants.
  9. Pro-life without exception is an unsustainable position to still have in 2021.
  10. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Doug Jones of Alabama, and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.
  11. There’s a bunch of pro-life, pro-police, and strong border democrats holding office right now.
  12. They were scared of direct democracy which they felt would lead to mob rule.
  13. Yep. You’re right. The only recent time someone tried to run someone out of town was Kennedy vs. Markey in that Senate race and that had more to do with Kennedy thinking that seat belongs to him and his family, not anything they really had against Markey. Markey survived.
  14. The party is getting dangerously close to having a few senators switch parties. initially, I thought it was a waste of time to have a commission on the Jan. 6th attack but there’s no doubt in my mind that Nancy goes through with that now. It’s ripping the party apart.
  15. I haven’t watched CNN since Clinton was in office. I don’t even know who’s on there anymore. Somebody’s camp ordered Tucker to blast McCarthy and threaten his leadership but it’s not clear who yet.
  16. Liz refuses to lie for the cult. https://www.businessinsider.com/mitt-romney-liz-cheney-republican-party-criticism-honesty-trump-election-2021-5
  17. If she was struggling with fundraising, she definitely isn’t now!
  18. This Infighting is so funny that Trumpers don’t know who’s side they’re supposed to be on.
  19. Did you see the hit-job Tucker put on McCarthy last night? Shots are being fired now. McCarthy stepped in poopy.
  20. Don’t be mistaken. We’re trying to keep Trump as the leader of the party for eternity. But we already know that’s a pipe-dream. The reason it’s Liz and Mitt doing the attacking is because they’re in safe seats and don’t need to worry about Donald. They’re speaking for the others and the party elders that are ready to move on.
  21. Should I drive to the school and take a picture of the banner? Why would there be a link for something like that? I don’t imagine it’s a national news story. Perhaps you could “research” it for me?
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