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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. That one guy meaning Brady, uh yeah that kinda does, since he was in 6 superbowls. You can can preach your arachiac mantra of defense wins championships (which is quickly going away it’s not a fad)while I say offense gets you that championship and now wins them.
  2. Prolific Passers Rodgers, Brees, Rivers, Luck, Ryan and Stafford. You didnt include Brady. Your thinking of building a defense first is just wrong, there have been many times that the bills fielded an excellent defense but it didn’t do any good and there is a decent defense right now it means nothing because we can’t score. Same problem last year only it’s much worse. This FO has just one year to fix the offense and it’s not going to happen with the resources and time they have.
  3. And that’s another problem in itself. He is stuck with his OC. He can’t fire him and get a quality OC because he will be on the hot seat next year, any OC won’t take the risk of being dismissed after one year.
  4. Well, if someone has the time; there should be some polls on who the fans wanted to draft on each season. Lets assume a majority on those polls wins or frequency of a player in a round on mocks and compare those to see if that player fell to the draft spot the bills had. If that player was gone next popular choice.
  5. I remember you saying along those lines about Whaley like a day or two before Whaley was fired. How did that go?
  6. But how many more wins will next year yield with the limited resources? And how how many wins will it take for them to save their jobs? Do you think it would be enough?
  7. I don’t need to. It is very simple. There isn’t enough resources vs time. The Bills have ten picks, but how many of those will be actual NFL day one starters? How many will be offense You have FA but these players who actually do make it FA have to fit a model set by this FO and compete with other NFL teams finically and reputation-wise. We have to base improvement from a wins stand-point. How many of those resources will contribute to wins? Grumble all you want about how coaches don’t get enough time, but that is how it is in the present NFL.
  8. The standard is 3 years not 5. There is not enough time nor resources to fix what has been done. The F.O. has already committed their firing offenses, they just won’t be fired until next year, which is stupid when it can be done as a proactive measure right after this season.
  9. Damn those millennials! They want to kill off seeing the Bills bad. The old timers saw how bad the bills were in the olden days and PAID for the privilege!
  10. Tell me how is all that going to help? How many actual starters will be drafted? Who will you get in FA?
  11. Do you think any free agent is going to be compensated fairly for their pay or will buffalo have to overpay?
  12. Those folks know exactly how next years season will end, they just have delude themselves longer because they worry that no coach with a super awesome 5 year plan will come here. But deep down they know.
  13. It would be the smart move to move on after this season. This isn’t getting fixed in the off-season. There won’t be enough Carolina cast offs in FA, and any other FA has to be part of their precious process as well as their draft picks, speaking of the draft resources, the players drafted that give immediate impacts will be at the very best 3 players and the first draft pick will be defense player anyway.
  14. Everytime I read something like this I tend to agree which begs the question why aren’t the bills like those other teams where QBs are put in a position to succeed?
  15. It isn’t a playoff team now is it? The idea is to get better not worse. Your logic is they will burn it down and build it back up, but what you fail to realize is, this even if this coaching staff and FO are good enough to do that which is questionible, will they have the time see their vision play out? The last part is critical, see if the results this year were close to last year it would have been possible, that’s why you see other teams making do with the talent they have and build on that, it gives them more wins and more time to build their team to the final product as they see fit. Next year is what they have left, and because of the holes that have to be filled, it won’t be successful either. It isn’t predicting, this coaching staff and FO has already made their reasons for being fired.
  16. It isn’t difficult to recognize this FO and coach will fail because of their philosophies.
  17. Gronk will do what Gronk always does, and the Bills will let it slide.
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