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Everything posted by Commsvet11

  1. I don’t watch cable political tv. I don’t have the time, you STILL haven’t answered my question of this “Amazing Job” Cuomo did. You can’t even rationalize his decision. Let’s say the cable news guy was in agreement with my logic that was just said, why don’t you give your idea what his logic was for his decision. Or does somebody have to tell you what to think?
  2. That doesn’t answer my question on how he did an amazing job. Those first two are great questions, maybe you should ask them for real instead of rhetorically. Maybe it was to make Trump look bad during this whole thing, and that would answer your last question because there is nothing more than a bad idea that brings democrats together like moths to a flame.
  3. So the idea to put immune compromised, the actual population that should of been isolated from the virus because again a majority of that population have a weakened immune system and can’t fight off infections due to age, the idea to send the already infected back into the nursing homes to infect others home was an amazing job? What kind of amazing job is that? The buck doesn’t stop with the President of the United States, it stops with the people who elect these leaders, it’s their responsibility to determine what kind of job their local leaders are doing.
  4. It’s the simple questions that confuse those without an original or independent thought. Case in point I asked a simple question, I get an answer of how I need to look up what he said a couple weeks ago, because apparently it’s too difficult to rattle their own thoughts or ideas off the top of their head, which kinda tells me they really don’t really comprehend why they think Trump is the worst president ever, probably doesn’t even remember the reasons two weeks ago and has someone else has to tell them why Orangemanbad.
  5. Why do you believe Trump is one of the worst presidents in history?
  6. Once I release the results, the physician instantly has those results.
  7. Fun fact, lab results are actually done fairly quickly, a serum alcohol and urine drug screen only takes 15 minutes.
  8. Well looks like you have your beef, take it up with Columbus then.
  9. In this case they couldn’t let him go home and arrest him later and his residence.
  10. When November comes and goes, we will hear from the leftists on this board about How Biden was a terrible choice for a candidate, even though they knew if before the primaries, forgot and became the biggest cheerleaders for a few months and then magically went back to the school of thought he is a terrible candidate. The most amazing thing is there will a written record of it and they still won’t believe it!
  11. Well at least you admitted you would pleasure yourself to videos of middle age to older men talking about race relations.
  12. Does your significant other know your trying to get videos of middle age men talking about racism so you can ***** to it? And you will pay for it?
  13. Let’s go 50 bucks right now, on this thread, show your commitment!
  14. Well isn’t that something, I guess your truly not committed to your cause when you have to wait for others to take action first.
  15. I will pay you 50 dollars for you to post a video of your face naming which screen names you believe to be racist. Come on now, here is your chance to get paid and show your commitment to your cause.
  16. Racism will always exist, but what you fail to understand is that The strength of it is and has been weakening over time, do you think a slave from the 1860’s were brought to this time they would call what they see racism? What about a civil rights leader, who had to live through segregation? We deal with the issues through time, but YOU, you CHEAPEN what those people had to go through, you disgust me.
  17. There is no longer law upholding segregation, nor are their any lynchings what you are describing sounds like “white privilege racism”
  18. You just can’t call a bunch of people you don’t know racist because you think they are. You have no idea of their personal interaction with others in their lives.
  19. This is a key point. This isn’t just going to go away. It is part of lives now. You can hope for a vaccine, but we have a population of people who don’t even bother taking a flu shot. It was a valiant effort, but sooner or later, just like the flu, we are all going to be infected.
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