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Posts posted by Commsvet11

  1. On 10/22/2022 at 12:25 PM, Tiberius said:

    Those people that couldn't do college really hate this 

    If someone isn’t able to research how much the average yearly income for a field of study, calculate how much their entire program will cost and how much they will need to pay their monthly loans in the first place before they start, are those folks really college material? 


    Anybody can “do” college but their are trade fields that pay much better that the person was smart enough to recognize.

  2. 28 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    It was him or the guy who just decided to let hundreds of thousands of Americans die because he couldn’t even be bothered to care about a pandemic. Easy choice. 

    Take a look at the number of deaths for Covid under Trumps Presidency……..okay did you do that? Now take a look of the number under Bidens presidency…..which number is greater? 

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  3. Since day one, I tested specimens for covid, I did it before there was a vaccine, what if I refused to do that task before there was a vaccine? Would I still been employed?

    Probably not. 

    So before the vaccine it was okay to work around so long as you had proper PPE but now it’s all of a sudden not? Flu shots are encouraged but not mandated at my group, you just have to wear proper PPE.


    This vaccine isn’t like the usually Hep B or Tetanus, a few years ago myself and others would have laughed at the very thought of having an vaccine that didn’t meet FDA approval. 


  4. 9 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

    The shut down for hospitals had odd times. But you can’t say it was a slow 18 months overall unless you’re in a strange community. 

    I can say it was slow for a good many months. During covid many surgeries were cancelled, people didn’t come in unless it was an absolutely emergency. 

    Do you work in healthcare and particularly the clinical side?



  5. 7 minutes ago, Sundancer said:

    Interestingly, we have a health care system set up to handle all those *****. Covid is new and crushing hospitals. Oh and preventable with a needle in the arm. 

    The diseases we stop with needles in the arm, like polio, smallpox, etc should be.

    Don’t be an ass: Take 10 minutes and get the shot. 

    If you want to start a thread about fat asses and smokers have at it. This is the Covid thread. 

    Jim can take 10 minutes out of his life and pretty much avoid the hospital. But he’s too selfish to do it. 

    You don’t actually work in healthcare do you? Particularly the clinical side.

    The hospitals have ALWAYS been overrun. Not just Covid.


    Other diseases just didn’t take a break, cancer doesn’t stop, hepatitis doesn’t stop.


    During the shutdown was the slowest I ever seen work because not every Tom, Dick or Jane came into the ER with just a stomach ache.




    • Agree 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    You negotiate first with the CCP.  You can’t negotiate with the Taliban because you cannot negotiate with irrational zealots that want to destroy you.  You destroy them.

    No I have faith in our military.  They are the finest fighting force the world has ever seen.  

    You have no idea what your talking about.


    You have never served nor have you ever been to the Middle East.


    To you this is just like the game risk, a bunch of colored pieces of plastic for conquest, when the reality is much much more complex.


    You think we were just jerking off in the sand and mountains for past twenty years? 

  7. 14 minutes ago, oldmanfan said:

    I already told you.  Get our allies together and go in with massive, overwhelming force.  Put hundreds of thousands of troops there and keep them there until the threat is eradicated.  

    That won’t work.

    They will just wait until the troops pull out. 

    There is no eradication. That’s the reality, but for some reason you think American soldiers are expendable for your fantasyland.

  8. 42 minutes ago, SDS said:


    Of the people who have tagged me, I decided to respond here. 🤷‍♂️ I apologize if this is long and rambling. I will try and address the issue, but it also contains bits and pieces of thoughts I have had over a decade. This is not directed at you personally. "Your" applies to many people.


    To state an obvious point, to some, but lost on others... I am a human being, over 50, with my own life filled with good stuff, bad stuff, health issues, family issues, career, etc... Prior to this virus getting hold in the US, my left arm was numb 24/7. I was convinced that the massive cervical herniations in my neck could best be solved by an artificial disc replacement oversees. I was working on my insurance in March, when everything came to a halt. Thankfully, weeks later, it appears my body reabsorbed my herniations and the numbness went away. Fast-forward to today. I live on the edge with my condition. I try to sleep on a rolled up towel under my head. Most positions when I lie down and relax or try to sleep cause both my arms to go numb. I get constantly woken up because of it. "Relaxing" is anything but. It's a daily reminder that I have a serious condition circling my waters. 


    I have a kid struggling to navigate college amid COVID-19. I have another with a laundry list of health issues we try to manage everyday. My wife is immune-compromised with her issues. The good news is we were distracted this summer by building a nice pool for my family, despite the kids being mostly grown. It was a foolish financial decision made only to provide a home escape for their health. 


    So here I am. Over 50 years old, navigating my own increasingly complicated existence taking time on a Sunday Morning summoned in a politics subforum in Buffalo Bills community to talk about some random, anonymous (to me anyway) individual on the internet. What better way to spend a beautiful fall morning right?


    I say this, not because I want sympathy or to suggest that my family and I are different. My point is that I am the same as everyone. I am not a TBD on-call robot with infinite bandwidth. And while many people automatically get this. Many do not. Being mindful that you are one of hundreds and hundreds of people demanding our minuscule gift of time is not an unreasonable expectation.


    This is a Buffalo Bills community. It's a simple statement. For decades, I have done my best (although sometimes not good enough), to provide a place for people to talk about the team and the NFL. It's amazing so many people have chosen to stick around all these years. I am also fully aware of the countless friendships that have been made and the small opportunities that have come along (like KtD writing for the Buffalo News, Lori writing for her home town paper, Moose making wallpapers for the Bills) that may have been aided by our community. 


    With that said, I don't run 4chan for Bills fans. I don't run The Donald for Bills fans. While this subforum may be extremely important to many members personally, please realize this is not what we do. PPP is not the dog. 


    I do not moderate this subforum. None of the moderators do. I have done my best for well over 10 years, for better or worse (probably worse), to be blissfully ignorant of what goes on here. I can tell you prior to this administration there were probably many years I didn't come in here. Years. If i didn't know about, then I happily ignored it. This is probably not the best thing I've done, but moderating politics on the internet is not something I care to do. I've kept his place open in an ever-changing internet landscape because a lot of people here have enjoyed it and have made friends.  I stayed away FOR the benefit of the people here. A politics board in a Buffalo Bills community has been kept open BECAUSE of you. 



    Censorship. PPP has 800k posts right now and an untouched 3-year topic on Qanon. 🤦‍♂️ Take your stellar analysis elsewhere. 


    The situation:

    Please take a moment and step back from your personal relationships and look at this situation from my point of view. I am not the "Buffalo Bills community administrator for my personal friends". I have to hear everyone. I have to weigh everyone's conduct. I have to consider fairness to everyone. I have to consider the legitimacy of dissenting points of view for everyone. I don't get to ignore my friends' behavior because - "hey, we are friends and I agree with them, so I don't care". I don't have that luxury. Please consider that my position extends far beyond my own personal preferences.


    With that said, I experience this place different from others. Everyone's personal experience differs from others here. We read vastly different subsets of posts. We participate more in one area or the other. We befriend some but not the others. Some skim, some read intently. Some read the message only, some take into account of who is saying what. We all peer into this place looking through different soda straws.


    Your experience may that DR is a great guy and a valuable member of this forum. This is what you see through your soda straw. My soda straw is different. 


    As I said earlier, I try my best to avoid this place. I never, ever, ever just look here to see "what's up". However, when stuff gets reported I am forced to at least look and acknowledge the report exists. I then decide, and make no mistake it is a decision, to give a further look. So, my point of view, my experience, my soda straw is that despite my attempts to avoid this place - my nose gets shoved in ***** on a regular basis. It's on these occasions when my nose gets shoved in *****, that I am forced to acknowledge awfulness that would never, ever exist in any other place in the community.


    For instance, in August, DR started a topic that basically said, "This topic is to be used by the community to ***** on another member". 


    This may not register with you, but as the admin here - it registers with me. It's a BIG deal. We have probably had 8-9 million posts in this community. This is the first time I have ever seen this done to this extreme. Raw and ugly. (This is waaaaay different than some call out post over a beef. In the message board world, this was psychotic.) It doesn't matter if you think the "other member" is annoying or that you dislike them. It doesn't matter how valuable you think DR is to a politics discussion in a Buffalo Bills community. I am the administrator for BOTH people here, as well everyone else in the community at large.


    I suspended him for 30 days. I was met with a childish barrage of additional accounts being registered. Completely wasting my time.


    When he came back I met with an instant PM pissing match between him and another member that included me. Again. Over 50 years, with a real life to attend to. DR ignores it.


    Then last night I get barraged with 5-6 reports from PPP. So I again stop what i am doing to look into a politics subforum in a Buffalo bills community. And there he is - calling a member an ####### 1, 2, 3, 4 times in a row. Oblivious to what happened a month ago. That member he bombed had all the appearances of just trying to talk. What am I, now having my nose shoved into another pile of his *****, supposed to do? Say others think DR is a very valuable member in a politics subforum in a Buffalo Bills community and therefore he has carte blanche to treat anyone, anywhere however he wants, whenever he wants? I can't unsee it. It was completely brazen and completely dismissive of an event we just had before. While DR was calling another member an #######, he was flipping me the middle finger.


    This is where I ask each of you to step back and see this through my soda straw. As an administrator, I don't care about his politics or his point of view. All that conspiracy stuff is sitting right there untouched. However, his grotesque treatment of others is actually behavior that I am forced to occasionally address. He unnecessarily takes time away from me and my life to deal with his extreme behavior. 


    Do not be angry at me. Be angry at DR. It is his conduct that has created this situation. His. It is his ability to just ignore people. It is his inability to put people on the ignore list. It is his inability to respond to others, not in a civil way, but something, anything, short of extreme. It is his inability to acknowledge what happened a month ago and make trivial adjustments to his interactions.


    That's my position from where I sit. I hope you at least consider what I wrote above, think about my position, and realize "being valuable" to some people isn't a golden ticket to do as you please.


    If you read this far. Thanks for reading. Go Bills.

    Hoax. Fake News.

  9. 49 minutes ago, BullBuchanan said:

    I've been successfully de-escalating situations for years professionally. Maybe if we forced all police to have a college degree, they would know how too. Instead what you get are a bunch of braindead animals who want to play GI JOE.

    I want to defund the police and I don't have any private security. The right always makes the mistake of confusing leftists with liberals. It's a pretty significant one.

    You are a great example of why forcing education on everyone  isn’t always the best solution.


    You are educated, but you are also too stupid to realize intelligence isn’t just a letter grade, It comes in many forms.

    If only there was an institution that  educated and trained officers that included practical training and bookwork.....


    Oh there is. It’s called a Police Academy!


    • Like (+1) 1
    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  10. 27 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:

    At the same time, if Uncle Joe loses, THE RESISTANCE will keep up and escalate the riots and violence in the streets,  the defending of police,, cancel culture and whatever else they come up with. We may not have a country left after 4 more years of that.

    Those things will happen regardless of whom is President.

    The local government LET the riots happen. Trump being President was just icing on the cake. 

    That is why the left is dangerous.

    They will let their own cities be destroyed because they aren’t interested in leading for the betterment in their communities, they just want the power and perks. 

    If Biden is elected President, it won’t stop the next riot the next time a cop shoots an unarmed man. 

    Now the important part is this, The Trump Presidency has shined a light on how easily Democrats bend to a literal mob. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  11. 23 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Why are Republicans losing the Suburban vote? And the women's vote? 

    We will see about that suburban group, somehow I don’t see what’s been going on lately in democrat run cities as a shining endorsement to the Democratic Party. As for the women’s vote, you have Trump VS Biden, flip a coin on that one.

  12. 33 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    So you do not live in the world of reality. That explains why you don't understand the real world. 

    I understand the real world perfectly.
    You seem confused, for example, you think voting is a service or a convenience, when in fact it is a right. 
    A person EXERCISES their right. 


  13. 22 minutes ago, Tiberius said:

    Because they know which way the wind blows. 


    Why do poor rural whites vote for the corporate GOP? 

    If I had to guess perhaps those rural white voters believe they themselves will be better and will bet on themselves. 

    See that’s the difference between the ideologies, self reliance vs government reliance, and there is a party that just wants you to rely on the government, they know what is best for you. 

    Let’s take an example, it seems like you have been voting democrat for sometime, if democrats policies are so great.....................why are you still washing my sheets?

    • Haha (+1) 1
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