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Everything posted by Bill_with_it

  1. Literally nothing u stated was fact nor do you have any substance to state such. FACT
  2. Hey look my name is jeffismagic proclaiming my opinion as truth when the truth is contrary to everything I post. You have zero clue as to what if. Noone does.
  3. So because you disagree with the bills statement that he was designated as the qb coach in addition to other duties means that he wasnt a qb coach. I suggest you read this since you struggle:Opinion- o·pin·ion əˈpinyən/ noun a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge. Lie- lie1 [lahy] noun a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. Either one pick whichever fits your agenda. The bills designated hackett as a qb coach. That is 100% undeniable whether you agree with it or not. Try again.
  4. You have problem with integrity you stated there wasnt a designated qb coach that is incorrect. Are you sure you understand the wird comprehension or are you just lying again because you were wrong. I suggest telling the truth, it never hirts to be honest. But hey if thats not your thing keep lying.
  5. You made an opinionated statement as if it were fact that was proven to be factually incorrect. Try posting and starting off by saying in your opinion in staead of proclaiming your opinion is fact.
  6. Nathaniel Hackett was designated qb coach rokie year. Todd Dowlings the same guy that mentored Carr was there and dedicated qb his second year whats your excuse now?
  7. Nope, I do not condone taking a qb just to take one. We had Fitz and could have waited. I didnt say it was EJ's fault our GM has an inability to scout and draft worthy qb prospects. There was nithing wrong with taking a shot on EJ just not where we did, and then failing tk realize he wasnylt worth sticking with for so long. You have to know when to hold them and know when to fold them. Clearly we didnt fold when we needed to.
  8. Not only did he not work out he inadvertently through Doug Whaley's stubbornly arrogant way set this franchise back at least a few years.
  9. In a year when our roster has more holes in it then a shotgun blasted birdshot target, you want to waste a pick on a borderline psychotic player that has Ryan Leaf bust/breakdown all over?
  10. No genius theory. Can you be honest for one second and answer the question, did it take any managerial skills to complete the trade for Mccoy? What GM wouldnt have done the same thing?What human wouldn't have done the same thing? Its clear that a few of you hold whaley in high regard, thats fine its your opinion, we have proof he is a dishonest person (listen to fred jackson), reckless with draft picks(sammy watkins/ragland), not good at draft offensive players(too many to list), overpays people(dareus, mccoy, aw, clay, etc) blows up our cap (see our cap last year and this year), quite stubborn(continued to push ej on marrone and rex when it was clear that ej was the worse in the competion), and has a crap record. Personally if he doesnt do something out of this world to patch these holes and attempt to work with the coach then I hope Mr. Pegula sends him on his merry way and gets a real GM here.
  11. So many wrong people. They have zero clue what they are looking at and rationalize it a) because hes on the team, b) hes a likesble guy, and c) it must be good because Whaley did it. Im not wrong everyone spoke about ditka and he had a job at espn for years.Everyone spoke about Oj and he had 15 tv shows. Everyone makes fun of Kanya and he is still doing his thing. You wont find many successful overly sensitive to criticism people.
  12. Maybe he had s little brother ghdt cdme with him that plsys wr and cb like a true #2.
  13. The fact that it took no General Manager type skills to a-answer the phone, b- say no to draft picks because I used them on watkins pick a player? That took literally no work at all sure he made the trade every gm in the league would have.
  14. You are giving him much more credit than he truly rates for that Mccoy trade. Does answering the phone to a GM/Coach in chip kelly that was clearly over his head and saying pick a player from my squad really rate any credit at all? Cmon it isnt like he had MCcoy in his thoughts and engineered a fantastic trade, oh yeah and then he went on to give Mccoy a contract that was both outrageous and not required. So my opinion is that any living human adult could have fleeced Philly, it wasnt do to Whaleys one of a kind GM abilities that some of you believe he has.
  15. More non sense. He showed to work that day. Wuite sad the lenghths people will go to hide Whaley. Your right Dareus has been an all pro for us, hasnt missed any games, and isnt one mess up from a 10 game suspension.
  16. Your right we have gotten zero value out of Watkins due to unhealthy seasons. I wouldnt even call it likE this was a great gm move even if he put up consecutive 1k years. You know why? Because the amount of picks used to aquire Sammy pretty much indicate that you are expecting alm pro potential out of him and anything short of that for any reason is just another excuse.
  17. You mean all the people not shortsided enough to a:Think Sammy will be healthy for anything near 16 games, B. Realize that hitsory has shown the very low probability of finding a 1st year starting caliber wr in the draft unless you pick them up with a very high pick, and C. Theres not much left and if we r resorting to Brown playing in the #2 role we are actually getting worse than what we were last year at wr if one could imagine that. No need for name calling just because the reality of the situation at wr has managed to escape you.
  18. Little late to the sign wr party arent we Doug? Day late and a dollar short.
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