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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. I’m not trying to be a dick but honestly, what do you think anyone is giving us for Jackson or Bedford? A 6th or 7th? Why bother
  2. I feel like our first step to becoming a better defense is going in a different direction at LB. Go get the next Spikes
  3. The Eagles defense had really good stats. They played 0 good QBs all season. That matters.
  4. Well the team that lost scored 35…so if they could actually make a few stops they win. You can look at it like, 35 should be enough. But you had no defense when it mattered. Hold them to 34 and you win…works both ways
  5. Stop drafting Dlineman. You don’t have it. FA fine…no more draft
  6. Well I’ll just start by figuring the team that Reed played on. How do you think Diggs would look on a team littered with hall of famers? Or in an offense that ran as smooth as that kgun with a hall of fame RB to keep defenses honest? Plus Diggs can play on the inside or outside. The guy is doing things that no other Bills WR has ever done before and just having watched the 2, I feel like Diggs is better. NONE of this is to say Reed wasn’t great. It’s possible you can be saying a guy is great without making another guy look bad. Reed was incredible. No disrespect. I just think Diggs is better
  7. Expectation became a hidden curse unfortunately. Take us back to the Covid season where every week/throw felt like “is this real?” How it felt so good to take that step. Now it’s like, Win the whole thing or fail. And then you are just meeting expectations. Not a lot to feel “good” about. It’s a sad reality that probably shouldn’t be.
  8. I don’t think the chiefs are better without Hill. I bet if you asked Mahomes he’s say the same thing.
  9. I’m fully aware of who else that slighted. Not taking anything away from Reed but Diggs is better.
  10. The guy is the best WR the Bills have ever had. Do not get rid of him. The goal is to be better, not worse
  11. This is just turning into an EJ Manuel situation. I’m if you are a bills fan you just want the best for the team. How are there still people arguing to want to keep Fraizer
  12. What am I seeing here? How is Metakevich even in the running? What did he play 7 snaps?
  13. What I don’t understand is why there is so much pushback still? After 13 seconds the guy should have been fired. Plain and simple, end of story. There’s no excuse for it and if we never win a Super Bowl then that is going to be even worse. The guy inexcusably got off the hook, got a whole other season to right the wrong and only was worse somehow. After week 2 this defense sucked. Fraizer was horrible In Minnesota and runs the plainest defense in the NFL. Every week the opponent says out loud, nothing we do is complicated. We never change anything. Poyer and Hyde covered up so much of how bad this scheme actually is. You don’t have them erasing the faults and you see what this really is. A remedial defense that gets shredded by any patient accurate QB or any physical run game.
  14. I think one thing that can work in our favor is the expectations will fall off nationally. We are going to start to be looked at as paper tigers and behind the Bengals and Chiefs. I think being able to fall back into an “underdog” role might be good for us. A little motivation to show that we still have that juice. Might bring back a little intensity
  15. No matter what anyone thinks of the regular game, watching 5 min of this…bring back the normal game please
  16. At this point there’s no reason to think he won’t be back. In the back of my mind I’ll just know the next season probably has an expiration date. That’s very upsetting. I can’t imagine a situation where anything gets better with Fraizer involved. The guy runs the same thing every week every drive regardless of down or distance. If the guys we have on the back end weren’t incredible, we’d be one of the worst defenses in football. It’s embarrassing that a top end team trots out a pre season defensive scheme. All you can hope is the guy somehow leaves on his own. At this point there’s no reason to think he won’t be back. In the back of my mind I’ll just know the next season probably has an expiration date. That’s very upsetting. I can’t imagine a situation where anything gets better with Fraizer involved. The guy runs the same thing every week every drive regardless of down or distance. If the guys we have on the back end weren’t incredible, we’d be one of the worst defenses in football. It’s embarrassing that a top end team trots out a pre season defensive scheme. All you can hope is the guy somehow leaves on his own. At this point there’s no reason to think he won’t be back. In the back of my mind I’ll just know the next season probably has an expiration date. That’s very upsetting. I can’t imagine a situation where anything gets better with Fraizer involved. The guy runs the same thing every week every drive regardless of down or distance. If the guys we have on the back end weren’t incredible, we’d be one of the worst defenses in football. It’s embarrassing that a top end team trots out a pre season defensive scheme. All you can hope is the guy somehow leaves on his own.
  17. It’s insane to me how many people keep ignoring the issues here. It’s actually been the same for 2.5 years. Obviously the Bills are also ignoring it which is incredibly frustrating. Go get WRs….that will fix it
  18. How about the rest of the season? The playoff game? And we had 34 points in that game.
  19. The bengals scored on every drive that mattered. Once it was clear the game was over and there was no threat, the foot was off the gas. There was zero resistance and the defense held them to nothing. When it was just a matter of running out time, that’s when they stopped pushing the issue. The bengals had anything they wanted from the start of the game. Either game honestly. We got lucky to get a no decision in the first.
  20. It feels like somehow from the minute the game ended all everyone wants to talk about is lack of weapons and the offense. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills here. This team casually scores 30 every week like it’s nothing but we get run over constantly. I know this was about something else I guess I just wanted to have people relax over the Josh stuff. He’s probably trying to do too much because he knew he needed 7 on every drive.
  21. The bengals could have scored every time they touched the ball. God forbid our offense has an off day and doesn’t bail them out. Literally every week the offense wins us games, 1 time they don’t have it and that’s a big deal. How about once in a while have the defense making stops. You might have to win a game 13-10. You just never can because our defense absolutely blows. Let’s spend the offseason complaining about WRs and Dorsey though….keep not fixing the actual problem and wonder why we are watching the Super Bowl with the fans.
  22. No. We are probably going to fall out of favor a little here with the flash games
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