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Everything posted by Brianmoorman4jesus

  1. It’s not going to be popular but my dream offense all along for Josh, is Super Bowl panthers. I want Mike Shula to take this offense where that team was. Josh is better than Cam and I want to see that recreation with our talent. I think that’s how you unlock the most from Josh. Won’t happen…that’s what I want. Defense? I want anyone but Leslie
  2. We dress ST only guys over real players and then you watch punts go down field with no Bills on the screen. You’d think we are the greatest ST unit in NFL history for the assets we use. Every other team figured out STs is about dead years ago. We have some great players, organization of complete idiots other then that
  3. I have hated this guy for 3 years lol. Idc either way let’s just fire him. But knowing McDermott, he’ll just go down with the ship here. No way they get rid of Fraizer. We’re stuck with the perms inevitable playoff embarrassment looming
  4. Nobody here wants Fraizer fired more then I do. That’s my number 1 ask here
  5. Trade for D. Hopkins. The more I think about that, the more I want it.
  6. Edmunds can go learn how to play fast for another team. The guy has had 4 years. Enough. I don’t care how physically talented you are, you still don’t understand what you are seeing out there. It’s year 4. Go get an instinctive, physical stud LB in the draft and make him the face of the D for years to come.
  7. The problem with this team is the defense. The problem with the defense is coaching. Get rid of Fraizer Monday and let’s get serious about winning this thing
  8. It doesn’t necessarily take high draft picks to fix the trenches. You can find super physical players later in the draft. You just need to look for the proper traits. We aren’t that far off but we absolutely need to gain a physical element to this team. You probably need to upgrade at least 2 spots on the Oline. Go out and find the strongest, nastiest players available. That doesn’t have to mean 1st and 2nd round picks. There are several ways to skin a cat but go find some maulers.
  9. Such as? Guys from those teams don’t take lateral moves to come here and be an OC. You find a former HC that is essentially stepping back down into a reduced role to focus on their specialty. That often creates a successful situation.
  10. I’ll take the best tacking, instinctive LB available in the first 2 rounds. Get a tone setter on the OL with the other. Bring in some speed on the backend of the defense and if you can get a playmaker at WR, fine.
  11. I might want to see what Spencer Brown looks like as a Guard before I completely give up on him. Maybe getting him inside can play into his physicality and create less decisions for him. Maybe he can just line up and knock someone’s teeth out in there
  12. The Tre white we drafted is not coming back. The guy lost a step and a half and none of these guys are getting any younger. I’d be good with running it back with Hyde and Poyer for 2 more but it seems like Poyer is all but gone. We need an influx of youthful talent and an aggressive mindset change on defense.
  13. I’m not even sure why I’m thinking of this but when was the last time we hit a screen for a decent gain? One to the rb? Not sideways one to a WR. Or also where was that jet sweep? We used to kill them with McKenzie on them all the time. This entire season was such a waste of time
  14. There’s a former Bills backup QB out there with HC experience. Bring him home and let him take the offense to the next level
  15. I’d take Vic Fangio before we go to bed tonight. Unfortunately won’t happen and it will be more wasted time with Fraizer
  16. At this point it just kind of feels like it’s just not going to happen for us. Just like, I’ll believe it when I see it but probably just destined to never know what it feels like.
  17. Poyer is gone, white looks like a #2 now and this defense is going to look very different personnel wise next year
  18. Diggs is the best WR the Bills have ever had. I don’t need the silliness on the sidelines but I'm never going to be mad at a guy for wanting to win. No matter what we need this guy so fix it and figure out how to get these guys some help
  19. In order to really turn this defense around you’d need to find a former HC that is looking for a way back. A defensive specialist like we had with Schwartz. The problem is our HC is a former DC and this guy is going to want to keep the thing looking a certain way. I want an overhaul of the Defensive philosophy from top to bottom and I want Fraizer gone tomorrow
  20. I love what this team has been under McDermott and we owe him a great deal of gratitude for what he’s done…that being said, if we ended up with Peyton somehow I’d be happy. Also at the same time, 0 chance
  21. Got to fix it. The defense has been horrible all season. Needs to get fixed. Idgaf what we did in the 2020 draft…if you don’t have the thing right, you can’t just stop trying.
  22. I don’t want Edmunds and certainly not for the money a tag would cost. I’ll replace him with a 1st or 2nd round pick and the new physical face of my defense going forward
  23. The year KC won the Super Bowl their defense started clicking at a very high level. Down the stretch they were excellent and they shut us down in that AFC championship game. Stuck our WRs like glue and made our offense very uncomfortable.
  24. If we aren’t going to make stops in the playoffs we are going to keep not making it to the Super Bowl. That’s the reality. Fix the ***** defense or we are never going to beat the best teams. I get in the fantasy football era people want to ignore that. You still need to be able to play defense
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