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Everything posted by xxxxxxxx

  1. Drop off from having a QB with an overall QBR rating at 18. Expect Mccarron to be in the bottom quarter of the league. If your looking at total passing, those stats get padded by garbage time numbers, when teams are down big, and forced to throw into prevent defenses.
  2. I don't think A.J will be an upgrade, especially if the Oline is worse. He's just a game manager, and he's getting paid like one.The QB play is going to drop off.
  3. Or this board will be calling for Sean and McBean's head before September is out
  4. With Ritchie retiring and Shady getting older, Cleveland might have a better year. I hate to say it, but its the reality.
  5. They traded a QB who took them to the playoffs, fired the OC, and lost two starters on the o-line. I think the defense will be good, but I expect the offense to suck. 8-8 is likely their ceiling. Hopefully they show improvement by the end of the year, but September and October are going to be rough. You can't expect so many new guys to gel right away, irregardless of who they draft. And even if they get a top QB prospect, they would be insane to play him right away, especially since they will have at least two rookies on the OL.
  6. Not EJ. Allen is closer to EJ. I'd say he's closer to Chad Pennington or Kirk Cousins. Maybe Fitzpaterick, Kelly Holcomb, or Trent Edwards, on the downside. His ball placement and yards after catch is miles above EJ. Just watch the kid.
  7. The more I watch Rudolph, the more I'm convinced that he will have a more immediate impact and better career than at least 1 of the top 4 (his ball placement is that good), that taking him at 22 would be the best case scenario, and that if we wait until 22 the pats are going to try take him at 21.
  8. Trying to drive the price up, no doubt. I couldn't see him dropping two #1s on a qb that is going to sit during what may be his last year with Brady. I could see him trying to get two divisional opponents to burn extra pIcks, though. And I would love to see a quarterback room with an outspoken anti-trump QB being mentored by one of Donalds good friends.
  9. I would love to have Rosen in my class. And on my team. Some think he's snarky and I get that. But the kid is sharp, and not afraid to ask questions. This kid can throw down on Brady and Kraft in a presser, and follow up by backing it up on the field. He will drive the patriots fans crazy.
  10. There are alot of nuances that you don't understand, and your Roll Tide enthusiasm is clouding your thinking. Alot of people in education have high opinions of UCLA, Alabama not so much. And no, engineering at Alabama is not easy. Its hard everywhere.Alabama has cupcake programs buit for athletes, and people look down on that. The football team wins, the athletes don't get paid, the school makes money, but if your a player who doesn't make the NFL your not necessarily getting rewarded with a solid education, irregardless of what Saban might say.
  11. It means that they can play football. Alabama football players are not enrolled in Flagship programs. That is Rosen' point, and its not Sabans point, so I hope that you agree with Rosen now.
  12. Absolutely. Engineering at any instituion is more demanding than most Alabama programs. Economics is not on that level, but its not easy and not offered at most schools (Marketing is way easier, btw) Most general ranking numbers are marketing BS aimed at stupid parents. The lowest performing student in Rosen's program is, more likely than not, a higher achiever than the majority of student athletes that make up Sabans squad.
  13. That means nothing. There are elite students at EVERY INSTITUTION. What matters is the floor, the cut off, the programs that are charging 30,000 tuition for crap. And those programs are common at sports oriented schools.
  14. Rosen goes to the most prestigious public post-secondary institution in the world. Alot of folk view the University of California's network _ UCLA, Berkely, San Diego, Santa Cruz, etc. as being better than the Ivy League, because the Ivy league lets in way too many connected rich kids whose parents buy there way in.
  15. Your cute, and clearly swallowing the promotional Kool aid. GPA's are weighted differently in different regions. Tougher schools will have lower average GPA's, and easier schools will inflate theirs. UCLA, where Rosen is attending, lists there average GPA at 4.31, so your average Alabama undergrad isn't even close. Rosen knows exactly what he is talking about. And for the record, Alabama has one of the poorest public education systems in the developed world.
  16. The same article quotes their players academic standing as 'reasonable', not good. Basically, Alabama is a C+ academic school, acceptable but not good or excellent. That goes for every post secondary school, the point Rosen is making is that you will find few Alabama football players in demanding programs. And his point is accurate.
  17. This is a fair debate. And no, I don't mind snark. Not alot of peolple interact with high end physiologists, because few exist. They are out there, absolutely. But not alot of them. Yes. This is exactly what I am talking about, actually. And you know that lots of Doctors are snarky !@#$s too, right, who think that sports science sucks, and that its not as important of other areas of research. And this is actually a problem, by the way, because its hard to find a doctor who has up to date, expertise in sports science. Its way sexier to be studying cancer treatments, and stuff like that.
  18. Yes. Lots of medical doctors think the field is a joke. And more psudo science than science
  19. Not really, kineseology is the appropriate term. And its basically just a fancy way of describing pysical education. So yeah, its not as hard as it sounds, unless you think gym teachers are geniuses.
  20. Rosen is right. Saban is wrong. Alabama is a cupcake academic school, while UCLA is not. And the amount of academic hours that a prestiguous UCLA major will require, won't even be close to the amount of hours that a run of the mill Alabama major will require.
  21. And opposed to those other QB's Tyrod will be starting, most likely, somewhere else next year. Which is why the argument isn't likely to stop anytime soon. Especially if he does better than whomever the Bills go with, which is a possibility.
  22. Here's my problem with your thinking, which is well intentioned, but also reads like it is coming from an older, white gentleman (which may or may not be the case).Wanting people to do more open minded, careful research is a great thing to aspire to, so I would ask you to do the same. The definitions of race, racism, and ethnicity have expanded greatly in the last 20 years thanks to alot of impolite conversations - and it should be noted that people who are not white don't always consider racism to be an impolite topic to discuss as they deal with racism regularly. And if you insist that a conversation about race needs to be courteous, your not going to learn much, at all, about the variety of things that you might do or say that makes people who aren't like you feel like crap. You got to be willing to admit mistakes, or at least apologise, and you got to be willing to be made just as uncomfortable as your behaviors can make others feel, whether you are aware of it or not. If your not willing to do that, your not going to learn anything, and you should probably stop telling people that they need to learn more.
  23. This is the correct definition. Race is the genetic sceintific term, think caucasion, and ethnicity is the social, cultural term, think Italian. The thing that confuses some people is that racism is not sceintific, its cultural. Observing physical differences between people has nothing to do with racism, but naively perscribing arbitrary values to those differences, even if differences are viewed as being positive, is what racism is all about.
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