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Greg de'Ville

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Everything posted by Greg de'Ville

  1. My bad, you are 100% correctamundo. Substitute Gray for Clements (too much fb, not enough sleep).
  2. ...hate to say it, but Eddie's washed up.
  3. Clueless? Falcons lead the league in Bills washouts. Yeah, Clueless and Mohr really brought their "A" games to Philly today, eh? NOT!
  4. That's what I said about this guy for years. I'd say Moorman was a big step up in class from Mohr. Sure exhibit A today. Dirk Johnson (Iggle punter) had a big game into or with the wind. Mohr was less for the Dirty Birds today, that's for sure.
  5. ...like father, like son! Another Mora family meltdown. That was PRICELESS!
  6. ...since the Bills host the Falcons next season. That was a terrific game plan by Jim Johnson and the Iggles "D" executed it to near-perfection. On only one play the entire game in Philly did Vick break containment--and even then Trotter came up to make a nice open field stop. The Iggles didn't blitz--their LBs honed in on Vick and when he moved about they were there to disrupt. The key moment in the NFC title game was second quarter, Iggles up 7-0, Falcons had first and goal at the Iggle 3 and did not roll six. Hollis Thomas "hello'd" Vick on that third down play--crunched him good. From there, the Falcons were on their heels and the Iggles really wore them down in the second half. Any questions about McNabb's ability to be a championship-caliber QB should be erased after the steady, workmanlike effort he put forth today. No turnovers, some clutch throws especially on the run, got Westbrook involved. It was a long time coming for the Iggles and they finally got over the NFC title hump. With that said, the Iggles will need all the luck they can muster--and mebbe get TO back in the lineup--when they go to Jax to play the Patsies. Man, did NE put a tattoo on Big Ben & 7 Nation today. We sometimes chide Marcia, but "she" played a heckuva game tonight. Some bodacious DOWNFIELD throws to Branch (remember those, Bledsoe?) put the Steelers in a hole from which they never recovered. I can't believe that Scower Cowher and Whisenhunt "blinked" and went for the FG early 4th quarter, down 31-17. Go for it on 4th and goal from the 2--make it, it's a one-score game and then it's up for grabs. If you don't, you've got the Patsies pinned deep in their territory. Taking only the three gave NE the breathing room it needed to escape. It will be an intriguing matchup in Jax--Patsies will be favored (as they should be), but if the Iggles play as loose and as confident as they did today, who knows, mebbe they can send Weis/Crennel out on the wrong end of the board in two weeks.
  7. No Goal today, No Goal tomorrow, NO GOAL FOREVER! The Dallas Stars did not earn the 1999 Stanley Cup--it was Walt Colemaned! "Aw, just give it to 'em!" Pisses me off to this day.
  8. ...this is more an Alberta clipper than a true Nor'easter but the result will be pretty much the same. We're expecting 10 to 14" here in Lancaster County, Pennsyltucky starting Saturday morning and picking up steam during the afternoon. One to two inches an hour forecast. Got my provisions and my shovels.
  9. ...the AFC title game is a coin flip, just so bloody tough to call. They're the champs until dethroned, so I'll go Patsies 20, Team Lucky 14. Sorry, 7 Nation--it's time to accentuate the "L" in roethLisberger. Iggles 23, Falcons 10. It's time for McNabb & co. to get over the hump and earn that elusive SB berth. Home field, bitter cold conditions against a dome team--have to like Philly's chances.
  10. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/foot...ames/index.html
  11. You mean Brian Westbrook, of course. But yes, Westbrook is a key to Philly's hopes. Whichever team establishes the run in all likelihood will win. I give a big edge to the Iggles' STs in cold weather with Akers, one of the best kickers in the game, opposed to a dome kicker like the Falcons' Feely. However, Rossum would love nothing more than to stick it to his former team and he is a legit ST threat for the Dirty Birds. Look for Jeremiah Trotter to "mark" Vick and keep him contained. If he can't use his legs, the Falcons are in major trouble because he won't beat them solely with his arm. My 'umble predict: Iggles 23, Falcons 10.
  12. Philly: 6" or more to accumulate by Sunday morning. Then winds 10-20 mph will kick in by kickoff with a high of 21 degrees. Below zero wind chills. Pittsburgh: 3-6" to accumulate by Sunday. Winds 8-15 mph with a kickoff temp of 14 degrees. Wind chills near zero. Bills fans have 'em beat. Remember Faiders' ice bowl at Ralphie's during the SB run? That was unbelievably cold--got the chills watching it in the comfort of my living room. And that was on the old Ralphie rug. That old turf was like concrete. The folks who braved the bitter cold that day got a gold star. For years on end, Bills fans have withstood the toughest elements--and come back for more.
  13. ...Comcast SportsNet in Philly. They do a thorough job of covering the Philly pro teams (a little homerish sometimes, but it goes with the territory). If a college team gets hot (like St. Joe's last year), they ride that wagon for all it's worth. They were literally in Smarty's stall when SmartyMania ruled last spring. Their post-game stuff (esp. Iggles & Flyers) is watchable. Very astute commentary from Ray Didinger with the Iggles and from Keith Jones and Steve Coates with the Flypukes.
  14. ...Patsies will get their shot at Vick--next fall. I can't see Cold-lanta getting by the Iggles in what will assuredly be a hostile--and frosty--environment Sunday.
  15. ...you've got company. http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/entertain...ng/10680416.htm
  16. At this rate, he won't last that long. Now, the buck stops with Herm, period. No more excuses.
  17. ...one of my fave sports columnists is a guy whom few of you have heard of. David Jones of the Harrisburg Patriot-News has an ascerbic--and witty--writing style. He pulls no punches, especially when the Nits and JoePa screw up on fall Saturdays (and they've done a lot of that in recent years). I came across this column in Tuesday's P-N where he talks about two of the most renowned--and opposite ends of the scale--radio commentators in the state: Iggles' play-by-play voice Merrill Reese and the Steelers' wacky analyst Myron Cope. It contains Bills references--a funny one from Cope and a neat one from Reese. Enjoy. http://www.pennlive.com/columns/patriotnew...43831227070.xml
  18. ...there was a time early in Vinitieri's career when he couldn't kick at Ralphie's to save his skin. In time he figured it out.
  19. Philly: 60% chance of snow, high 26. Pittsburgh: 60% chance of snow, high 23 AND wind from NE up to 22 mph. THAT is playoff football weather!
  20. Correct JSP, probably not. If the Patsies conquer the Steelers, they'll be at least a 7-pt. favorite over the Iggles (double-digits if it's the Falcons). Iggle fans are deluding themselves if they think T.O. is going to ride in on a golden chariot to save the day if they advance to Jax. He would not be even near 100% healthy and frankly could do the Iggles more harm than good if he did try to play.
  21. Fassel expected to be named Ravens' new OC. http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nf...neuheisel_x.htm
  22. Suitable town name to stick Randy Moss in.
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