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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. Excellent analysis dave. And Popgun you're forgetting aone important thing, this is when Ottawa chokes. Year after year. Their team is pretty incredible and has a great D, great O, Emery has been suprisingly great in the regular season and had a great first round. I don't know that I can say Brian Murray is the greatest coach of all time though. I think Hitchcock is a way better coach than him and look what happened. Lindy did a fantastic job the last two games on the road in Philly. I thibnk he thought he was Roger Neilson matching lines the way he did. Fantastic! However, two things, we have beat them, not that the regular season stats mean anything and NOW, is Ottawa's traditional time to fold. They will melt. Game five in their rink will be loosening the collar a little bit for them but back here game 6 it's over. We of course must win one of the first two there but I love the fact that we just came off a road win.
  2. Why? Where would be with him under center on our line the last couple of years? Volek = Holcomb > RJ < Drew You thinkk he would have made a difference?
  3. No. Not expected too although with that headcase you never know He is supposedly having more and more ugh, groin pain. Same old..
  4. Yes and luckily for me because I have Adelphia and a Canadian satelite (StarChoice) I got to see tonights game in HD with TSN announcers. Worth mentioning, Panger who now works for TSN picked Philly. He was very apologetic about afterwards talking about Philly's dinosaur defence
  5. This will be an exciting series Sabres in 6 Buffalo will win game 2 in Ottawa, 3 and 4 at home and then, speaking from experience, Ottawa chokes in the playoffs and game six will be their last! Go Sabres!
  6. Because our 6th will be a high value 1st rounder type?
  7. I have Sirius in the car. Can't get the NFL net or the two hours of NHL when I'm in the office for two reasons, one Sirius doesn't put the NFL channel online and two, work doesn't want us using streaming feeds. The time issue may be a problem though
  8. They never saw the tape. Therefore nothing to defend.
  9. Janet Gretzky might be better company for him John is a freak. Seems like a pretty cool guy, and I hope at the end of the day between battles with the bottle, the wife and her legal troubles, the course, and vegas, that he has something left for the future.
  10. How bout trying Dan Patrick's show?
  11. If you check your ratings, post draft in the 10 am -12 pm timeslot, I'm betting no one is listnening anymore. Lose Cowheard. He sucks, he blows and after the bashing he has laid on us relentlessly since Ol Ralphie hired Ol Marv and now with the draft I hope he is tuned out in this town.
  12. Hmm, Sabres game or hang with an 80 year old and a guy I don't like hearing when he speaks in DJ. Game On!!
  13. His big year will be his contract year which I believe is next yearI think. So if I'm right he will be good this year and balls to the walls next year. Will the stiff arm return this year? I do agree with the comment about him being utilized on third downs now.
  14. Alright show yourself Nancy Which one of you moderated it?
  15. I have learned to live with myself about it It's totally different than fins and bills.
  16. That my friend, should get you banned! There is no room on this earth for anyone whon cliams to be a fan of The Bills and Fins at the same time! If there are such people, they should be pummeled
  17. He did say though that HE would have taken Bunkley. He is very good to listen too though and he is fair.
  18. I do have to agree with you about Cammi. I could have done without her entirely. She kind of spooks me qanyway since with that beak of hers she reminds of her bro!
  19. Yes but sorry chump. Recorded it in HD as I wasn't home at the time of the game and dumped it after I watched it because I am going out of town and my dvr is full. Sorry man, it was a great game to watch, espescially in HD!!
  20. You crazy B word! I'm thinking 8-8 What are you thinking?
  21. Not at all! I'm merely testing the Carlin formula! Won't get me banned but may get me ridiculed. We'll see. Depends which mod makes the call I think! Think about the whole premise though. There are worse things said on tv in your home everyday. I am just trying to update society. By the way in case you missed it pornography is cool. Very cool! Side note: have you ever seen anyone banned here? I can't recall anyone getting that extreme treatment.
  22. What did you think of the crew outside of the angle? I haven't seen an hd game involving Buf/Phil yet so I appreciated today. Are you watching Comcast? I do love HDNet games though, you're right they manage to bring a different perspectiveto the game.
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