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Everything posted by beerme1

  1. No they have other accomplisments. They have never ever needed an american to buy the team to remain in their city for one thing. Leaf fans will alsways kick your ass becasuse to date, you have never stood up to them.
  2. Yes very sweet goal. Now roll the highlights SABERS lose.
  3. Then from now on we shall refer to them as The Montreal Bills.
  4. Well on Tuesday in Brussels there will be a vote. Majority rules.
  5. Wherever they go the Sabres will follow and will be known as the bopsie twins.
  6. I will go around all the lots with a can begging for money from you.
  7. I would leave WNY. And then the Sabres will also. Last one here please turn the river off.
  8. Wasn't there a receiver who did exactly that last year?
  9. If you know the history, then you understand it is the only way to fight back. I apologize to you if have been put off by anything I've said here. But if you have read all the forums you 'd understand I think. And thanks for your support!!!Woop, I said Woop!!!!
  10. Yes yes, Hllary douchebag is supporting uncle Ralph. It will be as productive as her years in the NY Senate. Load the trucks then. yes? yes ? Confused? me Neither and I used to think Ieatcrayonz was some kind of schmuck!
  11. Apparently Nate as I previously mentioned would be pissed by having the franchise tag placed on him, is proving me out. He has not signed and I don't think he will sign. He is this teams biggest headache right now weather you care to admit it or not, your problem. Although I figured he would sign and play at a level less than he is capable of, it now appears that he he is also saying screw you clowns! Mostly Sabre fans! So forget about using Nate for one year at reasonable money, he will sit out. Count on WM leaving as quick as he can also, but again, I have previously stated that as well so you know thats coming too. But back to Nate, I am dissapointed in this tactic but can't begrudge the guy the motive. What the hell, all the big shot NFL owners treat the players like cattle and Nate will be an example of how to stick it back to the cheap small market teams that wont show him the money. Take a first rounder and say see ya Nate!! if Marv can, Get Er Done Hahahaha
  12. Yes, yes but, Ralph is already full of formaldyhyde and I wonder if the new still unwritten rules apply to his daughter or wife if they assume control of the team when the formaldyhyde wears off?
  13. Yes yes. And while your at it please pitch this line to lowly Sabres fans who refuse to buy enough tickets to prevent out of town teams like the Toronto Maple Leafs or even, ha, The Philadelphia Flyers from bringing so many of their fans to our arena. I for one am sick and tired of seeing so many Leaf and Flyer fans in our building. If not for Golisano, I would be saying this on the Quebec City website so it's a good thing Golisano kept the team here because I really really cant stand those frogs. And to the guy who says "here we go sabres here we go" shut up, be original and let me ask you why, why would you want to rip off the lousy Boston Bruins idiotic chant? Everytime I hear it I picture Barney Rubble behind a microphone, here we go bruins here we go...
  14. Well I'm interested but in light of so many attacks from so many of the ass clowns that frequent the sight, I need to know how many people are usually in the group so that I can buy half as many tickets because thats all that will be needed to trample the ignorant minority. Actually strike that. I look forward to meeting some of these a holes in person and doing it by myself. Too bad as we are all Bills fans. But count me in.
  15. I see a Toronto Maple Leafs analogy here except for the fact the Leafs won't make the playoffs this year. Shut up Ralph! Your peers voted for this, stop whining to anyone who will listen or who pays your bills! What it is is, what it is. p.s. Hey Riter, after Sept. 11 I spoke to you and made my first doantion that I can remember anyways, and that was made to The Red Cross. You said at that time that in the future if anyone ever wanted to discuss the tragedy on the air you would be willing to do so. Since then I have noticed a rather left slated view of things from you. Are you still willing to let a positive or should I say Republican voice be heard on air?
  16. You should stay out Dean, it's going to get nasty. Especially since some mod removed a thread I posted. I believe the skin was too thin because I made mention of Briere and how he like Tucker flops around on the ice.
  17. Gee last time I heard a guy call a player a girl it was Parcells. I guess that means you think she's something special then!
  18. I assure you he will be fighting back. He is a goon after all!
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