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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Ok then I’ll go back and change my response to @Kemp to: If my aunt had balls she’d be my uncle.
  2. My doctor has been working with me to get my D levels up. Last visit they were too high. LOL
  3. Me either. Unfortunately most people get refunds. It’s delaying getting much needed money to people by allowing them to procrastinate. What’s the delay? Well that’s my aspiration in life. To be more like South Korea.
  4. Couldn’t even make it through one post. Good lord you’re pathetic. And that last sentence? That is comedy gold right there. You are calling someone an ass because they might possibly could potentially do EXACTLY what you’re doing. Do you even think before you type? ?
  5. Seriously? You don’t know why? Two words. Trump bad. The real sad part is it takes the worst pandemic in over 100 years to give the Dems a shot and I still don’t think they do.
  6. Sorry my dear your kids don’t belong to me. I don’t want your kids. The wife and I chose not to have children for a reason.
  7. He doesn’t fear the pandemic. He worships it. He glorifies it. He prays to it every night that it destroys the economy even further and continues for at least 6 more months. The pandemic is his great savior!
  8. We can’t go for a jog?? In the days of pre-Covid I spent every evening after work in a stuffy gym. Now I spend them walking and hiking outdoors on all the great trails around my house and through our neighborhoods. If you’re not getting out of your house for a jog LeBron that’s on you.
  9. I post a challenge to @Tiberius @SectionC3 @Kemp. Let’s see if you can make 3 consecutive posts in a thread about a very serious virus that has affected the whole world very badly without mentioning Trump.
  10. It would never be rentable again in my mind. ? This “homeless” gig is starting to sound pretty damn good. https://ktla.com/news/california/san-francisco-delivers-alcohol-tobacco-and-weed-to-addicts-quarantined-in-hotels/amp/
  11. So his lie was that he said everyone coming in was going to be tested? Is that your claim?
  12. What is the lie in his statement? I kept my provider. Well I did change because my company did. I have a question. What the hell does this have to do with the conversation in this thread. Seriously man go for a walk.
  13. Yeah ok that’s true but...... ORANGE MAN BAD!!!
  14. Pigs love me. They know they will end up as tasty treats.
  15. From the guy who has a tub of pig intestines in his fridge.....links 100%
  16. Dude, it was Southwest and open seating. You chose to sit next to me. That was ***** creepy.
  17. And Tibs's response was classic. "Oh yeah.........well I'm going to say something absolutely stupid and irrelevant!!"
  18. Well that's because all Europeans go through Ellis Island. Everyone knows that. Gee and you call him an idiot.
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