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Everything posted by MPT

  1. Zach Wilson didn't have to make any great plays to win this game. A couple handoffs to Hall, a lob to Garrett Wilson, and a punt return TD. That's the difference between good coaching and whatever we have.
  2. Depends what you consider "better." Allen is a better overall football player but Mahomes is a better QB. If you switched where the two got drafted, they'd probably have exactly the opposite number of Super Bowl wins. You need talent to win Super Bowls, but you will never win with inept coaching.
  3. Respectfully, wtf are you talking about? Every single time Dorsey called up a Cook run on 1st down it went for a loss. How does any QB succeed when they only have 2 downs to get over 10 yards? Especially against one of the league's best pass defenses? You beat good pass rushes with play action and screens. The Jets' only defensive personnel weakness are the linebackers. Zero play action. Zero screens. No mismatches in the middle of the field. Fire Dorsey now. Replace him with literally anybody who can present a coherent game plan.
  4. Yep it was pretty much a foregone conclusion when they started the second drive with two handoffs to Cook for losses. You call that bull *****, you tell everyone watching that you are scared and incompetent.
  5. He played the perfect game against NE with a different coordinator. This new one makes him play from 2nd & 12 every single drive.
  6. They didn't need to. They just had to grab some guys off the street for minimum wage to play special teams and beat the guys that we pay multiple millions of dollars.
  7. Yeah those 1st & 10 runs for -2 yards were brilliant. Every time. No really, every single time it happened I jumped up and shouted " thank goodness for this OC who really knows what he's doing!"
  8. The first two were just punts. The third was a desperate pass on a called low percentage out route. The fumble was just a result of what happens when you give your QB impossible tasks for 3 hours straight.
  9. Allen was better than everyone except Diggs and Milano. This coaching staff couldn't develop a game plan against toddlers.
  10. How long does it take for the powers-that-be to realize WTF is going on? Because this ***** is insane. Losing twice to Zach Wilson is a regime-changing offense.
  11. Spencer Brown was a failed experiment last year. The fact that he's starting this year is an indictment of the GM and coaching staff.
  12. Yeah the fumble was all on him. Have to see the tape about the INTs. All I know is the Jets have one of the best pass rushes in the league and drop 7 into coverage every snap and there are zero play action plays and minimal 12 personnel plays. It's not rocket science. Dorsey has no idea how to game plan against specific defenses.
  13. This is just Allen throwing to Diggs. The first 57 minutes was Dorsey's design.
  14. For *****'s sake guys. Mahomes looked like ass without Kelce. Burrow looked like ass with his entire offense intact. Allen is the best football player in the NFL. Yes, he makes mistakes. But he has arguably the worst OC in the league.
  15. Because his OC is someone who wouldn't find work in high school.
  16. They're over hyped. We gave them every single turnover unforced.
  17. This is actually worse. At least last year the refs ***** us out of a clear turnover. This time it's all on us.
  18. This team might need a loss on Week 1 to wake them the ***** up. Or to replace the OC before it's too late.
  19. Imagine if we had a bigger, better version of Beasley? That would just be great. If only we had drafted that exact player.
  20. Calling a low percentage out on 3rd & 2? Yeah that was brilliant. Doesn't excuse the piss poor throw, but he's not helping AT ALL.
  21. Yay Latavius Murray sighting. 4th quarter and Dorsey finally figured out he has 2 big backs to carry the ball on 1st down. What a revelation you ***** dunce
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