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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. I don't think I could live in Buffalo without the Bills
  2. what's a natalie portman type actress? one that looks like her? because she's one terrible actress...she's just hot
  3. Holy crap I could be her dildo is leaving some very unsavory thoughts in my mind I like it
  4. I'm still sitting on Michael Bennett...the most useless player ever as he's never NOT INJURED
  5. my inner child died...i'm still searching for it
  6. if someone will get me tickets to the game, i'll jump off with them if we lose
  7. i wouldn't make promises like that...cuz it's going to be hard to keep
  8. it's not a good thing to mention that you're a republican or a bush supporter in Rochester...my fiance just doesn't talk about politics when her coworkers start the bashing...so she'll just do her voting silently the general conception these days is republican/conservative = evil but satan worshipping transvestite = good yay for open minds!
  9. thanks it's amazing how much they charge though...i'm on my last gallon of a 4 gallon jug I bought at wegmans for 7 bucks...$7!!!! and they charge $48 online
  10. I didn't enjoy the movie as it is one huge piece of propaganda and emotional rape about how crappy our country is for not having national health care. I was all in favor of saving the boy and would do anything for my own family, but it disturbs me that the movie thought John was doing the right thing to get it done. He took an entire emergency room hostage, endangered a lot of lives, and even threatened to start killing people if his son wasn't put on the list. And what happens to him for having done all this? He receives a slap on the wrist and is cheered as a hero by the crowd, the police lieutenant, and even by his stupid hostages. Now, the movie may depicts certain shortcomings about our healthcare system, I don't agree with the inherent message which is being presented...it's almost Michael Moorish
  11. not when the car is under warranty and you don't have to pay for it the cars seriously have major issues i can't fathom why people continue to buy them the cars look good on the outside, interiors are amazing, but the reliability of the car has got to be the worst ever
  12. just go through the forum the CEL issues are endless http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001340.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001287.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001301.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001273.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001257.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001243.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001236.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001188.html (talk about class action suit) http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001200.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001205.html http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001197.html
  13. not really...though if it has a ridiculous amount of problems, the dealer might give you a really good trade in value for it and a good amount off of a new car (just hope they carry more than VWs) the 5 year 60k mile warranty is still valid right? or no trust me, on VWs, the problem is far worse than screwing on the gas cap tightly
  14. check http://www.myvwlemon.com this is a common problem for Jettas and once it starts up, it appears as though it cannot be fixed...my suggestion, trade it in for something else and save money and headaches in other news, my friend's 2003 jetta died last month...he said it had all the problems described on the website and couldn't be fixed under warranty...so he goes ahead does what any smart person would do...he buys another jetta with the problematic 1.8T engine guess what, check engine light is on again from the forum http://www.myvwlemon.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/001260.html VW is the proud owner of myvwlemon and vwsucks as far as I know, no other auto manafacturer has sites like this (not even ford )
  15. your camera sucks no your camera sucks oh yeah? your camera = RJ
  16. eh...anyone ever see backroomfacials? or swing4dollars? i didn't
  17. if Kerry were to say that, he'd be viewed as an opportunist and a grade A !@#$...not that he isn't already no one wants to hear an "I told you so" after a huge tragedy...those who capitalize on it will suffer
  18. trip to buffalo to see my brother, grab some mighty and duffs anyone know where i can get a big jug of aunt rosie's syrup? they used to sell it at wegmans...can't find it now
  19. if things are close in NYS, i'm voting for Bush if the dems are running away with NYS again, I'm voting Libertarian
  20. that's PC gone overboard but i'm allowed to call Trey Teague a gorilla?
  21. do not watch the armstrong video it is even worse, if you can believe it video is clearer, sound is clearer and the sick bastards take a whole minute sawing through his head...the screams and gurgles are haunting...the emotions rushing through my body and even now thinking about it are horrible no one should have to die like that
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