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sweet baboo

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Everything posted by sweet baboo

  1. I use the Run and Shoot didn't like any of the other playbooks
  2. if Bush has a shot in NY, i'd vote Bush otherwise, Badnarik i suppose i could take a closer look at KRC's policies
  3. i mentioned in my post that an efficient and viable fuel cell has yet to be created...the ones currently available are too large and too heavy for mass production...not to mention way too expensive another problem is getting a significant quantity of hydrogen...it's not a problem to obtain a small but very expensive amount of hydrogen for a small race, but for mass transportation? it's still not feasible...current methods of processing hydrogen are actually more polluting to the environment than gasoline...so while hydrogen use results in a clean final product, the processing of it isn't i can't explain the process too well, but my friend at GM told me that size is a huge issue as they are currently unable to make a smaller fuel cell that is efficient due to thermodynamic constraints maybe this article can explain it better http://www.culturechange.org/hydrogen.htm
  4. wow...the webmaster of SA is a Bills fan! I'm upgrading to Platinum membership!
  5. no amount of prayer is going to save you if you don't study yourself
  6. for a true fan, you really should learn how to spell a player's name...like CLEMENTS
  7. i snagged 2 off of ebay just last week
  8. I'd want to know...but I don't think it would really change my lifestyle I just wouldn't go to work, treat the last few days like a lazy weekend and spend it with my fiance and dogs and call my parents...that's about it I agree with BiB and think there might be a general sense of calm on the planet. Maybe if you had loose ends to tie up, then there might be some hysteria, but I'm pretty happy with how my life is going now so if things were to end, I think I could approach it calmly.
  9. like what? I'm a chemical engineering PhD student that almost went in the direction of alternative energy source development (specifically hydrogen fuel cells for me)...I decided not to choose that path partially because I was more interested in biomedical engineering applications, but also because most of the work I'd be doing in alternative energy would be theoretical rather than developmental since the end is still far out of sight GM is in rochester with a big hydrogen fuel cell development facility...i have friend doing his PhD work jointly with them and the university of rochester...they currently have a 10 year plan to make a viable and efficient fuel cell...if they could finish it faster, you don't think they would? toyota is kicking GM's ass up and down with the hybrid technology (which really isn't that great)...since GM needs to pay toyota to use the hybrid tech, the conspiracy theory that big oil is holding down other solutions is pretty bunk another example of alternative energy not being used is wind energy...i'm not entirely sure of its efficiency, but I do remember reading that it has been shot down repeatedly in many communities because it was deemed too unsightly
  10. i'd really like to know how you think the president would be able to PUSH for more alternative research when the level of research for alternative sources of energy have been pushed to the max by the scientific community already...that's pretty much an insult to those involved in the field as you're basically saying they're not trying...throwing more money into this research won't make a difference either...in any case, what the general public doesn't seem to understand is, conceptually or ideally throwing more money or attention towards research won't make a difference as the field is already highly saturated with both brains and funding...unless someone can break the laws of physics and thermodynamics, it's going to take a VERY long time to find another viable source of energy think of it this way, with the ridiculous number of top scientists busting their asses to cure cancer and aids, would giving them a billion dollars a day make them find a cure any faster? would the president standing on his podium yelling at them to hurry it up make things go any faster? the answer is no...scientific research is slow and tedious and don't worry about the evil monopolistic oil industry...when a viable source of alternative energy becomes developed, companies will be scrambling all over each other to develop it as the potential to make big bucks will spread like wildfire
  11. that's never consolation though misery loves company i don't think rejoicing in the other crappy teams is healthy though...next thing you know, we're the 90's bengals
  12. *hint for mularkey* copy manning's playbook
  13. Flutie was benched for Rob Johnson because of his inability to move the ball...the offense was incredibly frustrating to watch...the defense would hold other teams down like our current defense and you'd usually have to wait until the last 2 minutes of the game to find out who won come to think of it, Flutie was good his first year as a Bill...after that, the offense has been mired in mediocrity...we've been watching crap for the last 5-6 years
  14. Vick *shakes head* is my starting QB in one of my fantasy leagues his style of play isn't going to put up alot of points in this style of offense and against real teams, he can't lead them to win
  15. wow close your eyes if you love defense
  16. the wheels are going to fall off of that train soon for the jags
  17. in Ice's autodraft league, Ricky Williams was my autodrafted first pick
  18. BS in Chemical Engineering from UB in 2002...joined this board in 1999 i think hence the collegeguy moniker MS in Chemical Engineering from UR in 2004 PhD in Chemical Engineering at UR est. finish in 2006...PhD research done in the biomedical engineering field...what I'm going to do with it after I graduate is currently beyond me...maybe I'll reconsider the medical school option and spend some more time in school since there doesn't appear to be any work in the biomedical/chemical engineering field in WNY...otherwise, I'll have to leave the area
  19. my "copy" of windows won't let me install SP2 note: i do own the legal full version of windows, but my custom configured copy is much easier to install and runs better without tweaking
  20. good lord...hitler gets brought up an awful lot when talking about Bush and Kerry
  21. what he means is, he prefers to get robbed and killed by Saddam's secret police and his wife and daughters raped by Saddam's sons...
  22. http://washingtontimes.com/world/20040924-120647-9243r.htm
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