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Posts posted by longtimebillsfan

  1. 5 hours ago, Fred Clause said:

    I didn’t get him, I pointed out the fact that his hot takes suck & he has 0 understanding of the situation we were & are in. There is a difference between not liking the situation we are in but understanding it and just mindlessly complaining like a 5 year old.

    Any fan with half a brain could see what we have done over the past 5 years , 20 for that matter wasn’t working. You would also realize the players we had when our new coach & Gm started weren’t good enough for the ultimate goal of winning a SB. But hey if you and BMFJ want to live perpetually at 7-8, 9-7, an the occasional 10-5 maybe get to the playoffs and lose in the first or second round then I guess B word away and have fun. But if you look at what they are trying to do then you begin to understand what is going on this year. There were two ways to address the problem. Completely stripping the cap space of players that weren’t going to be part of the process at once to get a clean slate for next year. Or you could have tried to evolve with what you had and add prices. Obvious to most what path they chose. Have they implemented it perfectly IMO? No, but there’s no turning back at this point. The fruits of there effort should begin to show next year. If not, I imagine they will be on the hot seat then and rightfully so. If they chose the other path, this year would have been easier to take, we may have been 8-8 9-7  may or may not have made the playoffs but not have been any closer to the goal of a SB. 

    Nobody knows if the plan will work out. But to complain and cry and make ignorant post after post just gets tiresome. Any two year old can cry to have them fired or tell everyone this is crap. How about an original take with some wisdom for once?

    Not sure you have read my posts.  I have not suggested anyone be fired.   I believe we should let this play out and give the current management a chance to work their plan.  I do like your passion. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, NFLBighits said:

    It took Joe Flacco 3 years plus!  Some have it some don't but some take much longer then what we have seen lately and a top 10 qb is what your hoping for! 

    It's sad to see how some put unrealistic expectations on young players. Some positions like quarterback offense of line, and linebacker take time to develop.  Some people were ready to call Edmunds a bust after his first or second game and he's only 20.

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  3. 6 hours ago, Bangarang said:


    This is true but this isn’t what we are getting. Allen isn’t showing improvement. We aren’t seeing him develop a chemistry with a young WR like Zay that we can look forward to for years to come. Things are looking real bleak.

    Allen has played in five games.  It may take a little more time to let him develop.  I would wait at least a full season before you declare Allen a bust.

  4. 3 minutes ago, BillsRdue said:

    I've been chilling for 40+ years waiting for next year then being slammed with unwatchable losing football. I was getting a bit tired of it, but since you think we should chill, why not. 

    I am in the same boat.  My first memories of the Bills go back to the 1963 season. Aside from the two AFL championships and the glory years of the 90's it has been bleak.  If we don't chill, what options do we have.  Quitting the team is not an option for me.  I am hooked in there's no way out.

    34 minutes ago, OldTimeAFLGuy said:


    ...reasonable assessment......bit comical that the TBD prognosticators were forecasting 3, 4 , 5 or 6 win season.....and despite being on that track, the yips are "we suck"......admittedly, there have been some questionable personnel decisions along the way as well as not even being close to competitive weekly (Vikes appears to have been an anomaly)......those items have fueled the ire......firing everyone now or at the end of the season means yet ANOTHER rebuild, waiting two more years, hiring brass who of course will want their guys....year 2019 will be significantly pivotal and probably one of the more important ones in the last decade with 10 picks and FA $$$.......it will definitely be "show me time" for this gang......and I'd venture to guess that if we are in the same position in 2019 as we are now, as far as limping along, could be some major changes at the end of 2019.....and good Lord, get rid of this damn, overused, meaningless, insignificant "process" crap.....how about if we just play the damn game of football with coaches who can and are willing to develop personnel and adjust their vaunted schemes to fit what they have to work with......

    I agree with you 100%! 

  5. 1 minute ago, Fadingpain said:

    You might give them through 2020 but I highly doubt our owner does.


    I think next year will be their last, commensurate with Allen being declared a failure as a draft pick.


    Don't think they can survive Allen busting, and I don't think they'll get another shot at a new QB.



    I hope you are wrong, but this could be our reality.  If this happens, our time table for experiencing success will move back another 3-4 years.  When will the pain stop???

  6. 2 minutes ago, Gugny said:


    I am Pro Chaz Bono, so don't worry about paying me.


    Perhaps it's because I'm not a Buffalonian, I don't know.  I will admit that the rare occasions during which the Mets field a contending team that I feel some stress during post-season.  But I don't live in NYC, either.


    I'll feel stress during Bills games when the games matter.  Until then, I enjoy the wins and shake my head at the losses.

    Not a bad way to go.

  7. Just now, RiotAct said:

    I’d tend to agree, however, we’re getting thoroughly embarrassed in our losses.  Like, they’re over by the middle of the 3rd quarter. 



    This team has regressed in all three areas of the game (most notably Offense and Special Teams).

    Try doing what I do.  I slept throught most of the game after the 1st quarter Sunday.  I would wake up occasionally to a terrible play and then fall back asleep.  I would highly recommend this technique in watching Bills games this year.

  8. 2 hours ago, Gugny said:

    How is a game ... a game that complete strangers are playing ... stressful?

    That is the disease of fandom .   The irrational emotional bond to a team with your city's name on their jersey.  I agree, it makes no rational sense, but I have been afflicted with you most of my life.  Read the posting during Bills games on this board.  That is real stress.


    Do you charge by the hour or by the visit.  Doctor, please help me...

    1 hour ago, Happy Gilmore said:

    It's not necessarily the losses that are disturbing as it is the one-sided drubbings where the defense was out schemed such as by the Colts, Ravens, and Chargers.  That wasn't supposed to happen and indicates that the defensive coaching staff is unprepared.  Allen is a rookie and the offense is devoid of talent, so while frustrating, isn't too surprising.  I was just hoping that the losses would be a little more competitive, aside from the Texan game where we were Petermaned.

    Agreed.  When we get dominated in all phases of the game...there is no excuse.  Nice, I like your  use of Nate's name as a verb.

  9. 21 minutes ago, TheElectricCompany said:

    Still trusting the process, eh? 

    My faith in the process has been shaken, but we can not keep bailing o the GM/head coach every 2 to 3 years.  I believe it is in our best interest to give McBeane every chance to  succeed.

    9 minutes ago, Real McCoy said:

    Bolded is what I thought coming into the season and still feel. 


    If next year after retooling and our O is not performing like this year and we are still getting blown out my feeling on the 2020 season with this coaching staff and FO will change though. The next 1.5 years will tell us a lot. I pray that we have this thing straight, I don't want another 3-4 years of "rebuild". 

    I feel your pain and agree with you.

    4 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    This looks more like a PRE-building year. I don’t see a whole ton building of ANYTHING going on right now. Do you?

    At least we will get out from under the dead money.  you have to take positives out of this mess anywhere you can.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, billykay said:

    I hear this so much about Allen - he has so much talent but it is raw. Besides a strong arm, what exactly is his talent. So, he can throw a football real far - so what. His inaccuracy is astounding & that has nothing to do with being raw. Imo, he will cost the Bills the better part of 2-3 seasons before they eventually give up on him. I'm hoping but.......................

    In addition to his physical skills, he has high character,( he does not blame others for his struggles), and he seems to be an effective leader.  If he is the answer to our search for the franchise qb, this 2-3 three years would be worth it (IMHO).

  11. We knew going into this season that this year was going to be a difficult year.  There were many weak positions on the team that did not get addressed, (ie backup qb, offensive line, wide receivers, etc.)  It is painful to watch the team that was a playoff team last year have at the very least an uneven performance level from week to week.  It is even more painful to witness the ineptitude of this team during the all too frequent ugly one sided drubbings.


    At this point, our expectations are low for the balance of the season.  But prior to the start of the season, many on this board were saying that if we won 4-5 games, and Allen showed improvement, it would be considered a successful season.  The expectation was that we would retool next year and start to be more competitive and move forward.  


    Nothing that has happened today conflicts with that logical view we had the beginning of the season.  I am as stressed as the majority of the Bills fans about what we have witnessed through 7 games this season.  But I am going to take a more relaxed view and just have faith that the process will work and hope for the best.


    My feeling is that I will give McBeane through 2020 to prove they know what they are doing.  After that, if the team is still a mess, then I believe we should move on and start over with a new management team.  thoughts...

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  12. 4 hours ago, Wayne Arnold said:


    B-but Allen was terrible at Wyoming! I even heard Mike Schopp say it on the radio so I know it’s true!


    Wyoming is currently 2-6 (0-4 in the Mountain West) and is ranked 120th in the FBS subdivision in total offense.


    Its a wonder why Allen didn’t effortlessly light up opposing defenses with video game numbers in such an offensive machine known as the Wyoming Cowboys football program. 


    To go from that to this situation in Buffalo - I’m beginning to think that Josh Allen may just be the unluckiest SOB alive.

    I agree with you about the poor quality of the Mountain West conference.  But that is the reason we need to give Allen more time to develop.   Hi has high character,  very good leadership skills and tons of physical talent.   I was one o. The multitude of Bills fans that screened "noooooooooo" when his name was called in the draft.  But I respect many things about Josh now.  He could be worth our patience. 

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  13. 4 hours ago, entropyrules said:

    That's the problem though..will the game ever slow down for him? In watching a lot of his progressions and throws it just seems he doesn't see the field and process what is going on. As a Bill's fan I hope I am utterly wrong; I just get these visions of Losman ver. 2.0. In three years it will be one of two outcomes 1) all us so called  arm chair GMs/Coaches will be shown we don't know crap or 2) everyone will question the efficacy of using all that draft capital on a risky project QB.


    It really doesn't matter what any of us think at this point as the Pegulas need to let this play out over the next 3-4 years and hope that McBeane knew what he (they) were doing.

    That is the exactly the issue.  The thing that gives me hope is that he only played 2 years in division 1 football, and just barely.  I live in Las Vegas now and I know the mountain west conference.  It is not a very good caliber.   It is all most like going from a junior college to the pros.   He will need at least a full year and maybe a little more.  He is a high character guy with an incredible work ethic.  He does not blame others for his failures.  He seems to have very good leadership  qualities.  The past qb failures did not possess this set of character traits.  I remain optimistic about the future of Allen. 


    I am losing my faith in the process though.  Yes we know this would be a rebuilding year.  But some of the  move that were not made are confusing .  Why did we not get a better back up qb than Peterman.  McDermott had a blind spot when it comes to the perceived lack of ability with Nate.   I believe Matt Moore is still unemployed.   He is not the greatest, but he would be an upgrade with our qb depth chart.


    We all know the many other confusing moves that McBeane had made.


    I want to trust the process, but that is getting more difficult to do.

  14. I still think people on this board are to ready to call Allen a bust.  He has so much talent. But is very raw in his experience.   Once the games slows down for him and he can be surrounded by better talent on offense,  he has a good chance to be the franchise quarterback we are hoping he will be.

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  15. On 10/19/2018 at 8:38 AM, BillsRdue said:

    And to think, McCoy was McD's #1 choice for OC last year, then comes Dennison, now DaBoll. This really makes me think that this FO and HC have no clue as to how to approach the offensive side of the ball. I hope I am wrong and DaBoll proves with Anderson that his scheme will work with marginal QB talent as long as it is executed. After seeing Rosen get obliterated last night, it's a good thing that Allen can take a few weeks to recover and get some insight.




    Edit:  I added case history from a later post for sake of discussion.


    Here's our case history:

    #1 - wants Mike McCoy as his OC - is turned down. (McCoy sh*ts the bed in Arizona and is fired)

    #2 - hires Rico Dennison

    #3 - passes on Patrick Mahomes

    #4 - lets Goodwin, Woods, Watkins walk- drafts Zay Jones.

    #5 - has a roster with 2 FB's ( DiMarco and Tolbert) and no dominant run game

    #6 - goes into the season with Tyrod and Peterman

    #7 - starts Peterman in playoff race- He throws 5 INT in ONE HALF- benched.

    #8 - brings in Kelvin Benjamin as the WR savior

    #9 - scores 3 points in a playoff game.

    #10 - fires Rico, hires Dab

    #11- loses 3 OL, brings in Newhouse, Bodine - starts Miller, Groy and Ducasse

    #12 - fills WR needs with Foster, McCloud, Proehl, cuts Streater, keeps Holmes

    #13 - brings in McCarron as his shiny new QB, passes on Bridgewater.

    #14- ships McCarron out for a 5th

    #15- starts Peterman a second time and gets his ass spanked 47-3

    #16- forced to start his rookie and does not prepare for a backup plan in case of emergency.

    #17-finds his QB in Derek Anderson who hasn't played in a meaningful game in 7 years.


    And I am sure other posters can add to this growing list. This topic is meant to discuss whether we believe McDermott is capable of making any decisions that will lead to improvement on the offensive side of the ball. So far the offense has regressed into a shell of an already weak unit. 

    With cap space and draft picks next year can we even trust that this FO can make the right moves.


    You have stated a strong case.  McDermott should stay as far away from the offense as possible.   Throw what ever money is needled to get a first class offensive coordinator that can develop a quarterback and then keep McDermott out of the way. 

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