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Everything posted by drnykterstein

  1. Anyone see that Netzero comercial that is almost and exact immitation of the AOL commercials? They use the same actors and every thing. Is that even legal?
  2. suddenly I know how the pats fans feel when other teams come to their board saying the will win.
  3. in the same way the Bledsoe get all the hate when the Bills lose even if its not his fault, Big Ben is get all of the credit as Pitt wins, even if he's doing nothing special. The media is stupid, they can't see past the wins/loss column.
  4. simple enough Brady Dillon, Blaylock Bruce, Walker Gates Brown Seahawks (although you might want to find another defense, the Bills will own them) please do consider putting in griese over brady, but most would say that any trouble brady will have against the Ravens, Griese will have the same against carolina. i'm not sold on Lefty being able to play through his injury. blaylock is a no brainer when holmes is hurt.
  5. He'll need to win a super bowl or two to be considered the greatest ever. Untill then he'll just be a great plater who chokes when it counts the most.
  6. Philly, the Bills are jstu going to run over seattle. they might get one sack, if they are lucky.
  7. Its going to save Buffalo and reverse all of its problems.
  8. hey now we get to play against Jerry Rice twice this season. Bills have never done that. someone should write an article and title it "Twice the Rice"
  9. Grab their boobs, they'll shut up. I think its a womens on/off switch.
  10. That would be the funniest thing ever. Especially if he performs his usual injury routine on them.
  11. Yes. There are no garuntees Losman will be any good. If Drew can do something with this team next year, I say let him. but.... before the season starts, don't declare Drew the starter, make him earn it be competing with Losman in camp and preseason. The best QB will start.
  12. no gilbride and a lack of run support crushed the passing game. not to mention the less than stellar play of bledsoe.
  13. yeah, how many yards did our offense actually move the ball that game. it could not have been many.
  14. Yeah I'm tough on them, after a re-e v a l I decided I'd give Bledoe a B and the secondary a B+ - I forgot about lawyers 3 sacks. I was still disapointed by McGahee, he needs to try harder and stop running backwards.
  15. QB: C+, Bledsoe with a good running game is always solid. RB: C, Did I say good running game? Thats good I expect Willis to be great, he's not running as good as I know he can. Oline: Who knows, OL is so hard to watch, nobody ever actually knows what they are talking about when it comes to Oline. (except coaches who analyze film after the game, and know the intended blocking scheme) Dline: A, awesome work Secondary: B, good play overall, few dumb penalties Special Teams: A+ IMHO best ST in the league WR: C, Moulds did not put forth any effort today. Does he seriously not like this team any more?
  16. Lol, should we bring signs to the game that say "I Believe"?
  17. STFU. The Bills win I can't see how that works against us. I hope Bledsoe starts again next year just to piss you and the rest of the WGR clones off. JP is not the son of God, and there are no garuntees he will be any good, stop writing psalms in praise of him.
  18. to lessen the chance of injury. all good WR's do it.
  19. Don't bump this, dangit. They show that clip every Bills game and I hate seeing it. Who wants to see a guys knee bend backwards. I clicked on it thinking it would be a clip of Willis making some good runs, but no it was that creepy clip of McGahee bending his knee backwards. I close my eyes now when they even show hurricanes clips during Bills game. STOP SHOWING THE MCGAHEE CLIP, I"M SICK OF SEEING IT!!!!!!!!
  20. Are you making an asumption that we would win with Losman (or Mathews)? Don't assume such things.
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