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Everything posted by Ittakestime

  1. What's starting to come out? Gragg has been campaigning any team to sign him. Doesn't sound like he has any interest and needs a paycheck.
  2. Doug was very good at his job. Unfortunately, he was micro managed which hampered him from using all his potential. Doug will go to be very successful with another team. No doubt we will take a step back from letting him leave.
  3. You have to: https://twitter.com/AndrewBrandt/status/858465343836229632?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
  4. No ifs ands or buts, Pegula has no idea what the heck he is doing.
  5. LIKE I WAS SAYING!!!!! No one listens, and everyone thinks they know everything.
  6. It was dismissed by a judge, no civil settlement, well before he was even considered NFL material.
  7. Well you are wrong: http://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2017/04/buffalo_bills_pre-draft_luncheon_sean_mcdermott_talks_doug_whaley_5_takeaways.html
  8. What about cleveland being blocked by teams? http://www.dawgsbynature.com/2016/1/14/10768504/blocking-browns-from-interviewing-gm-candidates-martin-mayhewl
  9. http://www.dawgsbynature.com/2016/1/14/10768504/blocking-browns-from-interviewing-gm-candidates-martin-mayhewl It happens all the time
  10. Do you people realize we need to get permission to hire any guy currently under contract with another team even if it is as an assistant GM? No guarantee Carolina will even let anyone come over. That is why you hire GM before HC. Teams can block front office promotions, not coordinator to HC.
  11. You watch and see how many candidates won't even interview for position. They will reject right away.
  12. Yeap, it will hurt us with on the field production. I feel like we are back to the Dick Jauron days. You need to take chances and risks on some of these guys. Also relying on 4 years of production is terrible. Limiting yourself way too much.
  13. He said it in a interview before draft. It was about not having much salary cap space so they will need to get players in UDFA that can play.
  14. Pegula's are a joke that no one will want to work for. They are embarrassment to both teams. They are completely taking advantage of two extremely loyal fanbases.
  15. Came into the draft with a top 10 pick. Elite talent falls due to run on skill positions. We didn't get one player that is the best at his position. Nickel CB #2 WR Back up guard ST UDFA LB that may have to be a safety #3 QB ST UDFA LB Pick in the 25-32 range in 2018. Struck out on all top UDFA. How anyone can view this as a good draft is beyond me.
  16. I really hate how much power McD is getting. Why we are treating this guy like Belichick is beyond me. This was hands down the least impressed I have been with a draft and UDFA in a very long time. I think McD is going way too far with valuing players with "high character" and multiple years of production. You need to take chances in this league.
  17. Most of the top guys already signed elsewhere.
  18. Looks like Bills striking out on top UDFAs. Kind of figured that with McDermott. These guys like to go to coaches they know. McDermott was relying on these guys to fill out roster. Wonder what he is going to do now?
  19. Do people watch games in the NFL? Did anyone watch the superbowl? The NFL QB is all about your brain. Arm strength literally may be the most overrated trait in QB that I have ever seen. Brady and Ryan both have weaker arms when comparing it to other QBs around league. It is all a chess match. You need to be able to see the field and put it to the right spot. Kelly is absolutely terrible at that. Peterman excels in that area. In today's NFL, Peterman has the better shot to succeed.
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